On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 731

Chapter 731

Chapter 731 Huang Qinghe Divorce

After Huang Qinghe calmed down, Shao Mo said, "Sister Qinghe, it's best if you can figure it out yourself. I'm afraid you won't be able to think about it yourself, and you're still thinking about a scumbag like Yang Jiayong!"

Knowing Huang Qinghe's idea of divorce, Shao Mo didn't even bother to shout to her cousin-in-law.

Seeing Huang Qinghe's sad and lonely face, Shao Mo comforted her: "Sister Qinghe, you are good-looking, diligent, virtuous and capable, and you will definitely be able to marry a husband who is a hundred times ten thousand times stronger than Yang Jiayong in the future! "

Huang Qinghe shook her head, "Forget it, I don't think about it anymore. In fact, it's not bad to be like my aunt. I live alone, earn money and spend it myself."

When it comes to money, Shao Mo thinks of something.

"Cousin, is the money you earned from working all these years still in Yang Jiayong's hands?"

Huang Qinghe nodded quickly.

"Do you know about how many there are?"

"There should be about a thousand."

Shao Mo hurriedly asked again, "Then do you have any evidence to prove that the money is in his hands?"

Huang Qinghe shook his head.

"Did you give the money to him after you received it, or how did you give it?"

"He got it for me. I had been working with him in a factory before, and everyone in the factory knew that I was his wife, so every time I got paid, he helped me get a piece of it, and then he got it in the bank passbook. "

Shao Mo learned more about the garment factory where the two had worked for these years, and soon became concerned.

"Sister Qinghe, there are two ways now. One is to get divorced directly. You don't need any money or anything. You can start all over again after divorce. If you directly sue him for bigamy, Yang Jiayong will not only go to jail, but also spit out a lot of the money you have saved from working all these years, and you can even ask him for mental damages."

Upon hearing that Yang Jiayong was about to go to jail, Huang Qinghe quickly shook his head, "No, no, let's forget it, although I don't want to live with him, but I don't hate him enough to ruin the rest of his life. In the end, I blame myself for not living up to it. No children."

The Huang family all have a common problem, that is soft-hearted.

Shao Mo sighed secretly, and persuaded: "Actually, we don't have to go to the second point, we can talk to Yang Jiayong first, it's best to get a peaceful divorce.

Since he chose to cheat, he must bear the consequences. There is no such good thing in the world that he does not want to take responsibility for making a mistake. "

This proposal was approved by Huang Qinghe. The one thousand yuan was saved by her hard work, reluctant to eat and wear, it makes no sense to make it cheaper for outsiders!

Yang Jiayong's part-time job is in Zhejiang Province, nearly a thousand kilometers away from Anshi.

Immediately, Shao Mo arranged the fastest air ticket to Zhejiang Province.

Huang Qinghe, who was flying for the first time, was both excited and terrified, "Momo, this air ticket is not cheap, in fact, you can just take the train."

"Sister Qinghe, you don't have to worry about the airfare, just treat it as my sponsorship. Although the train ride is cheap, it's too slow. I can earn several round-trip airfare for the time spent on the road."

Hearing this, Huang Qinghe couldn't help showing envy and admiration.

"Momo, you are amazing, and your life is good. You have found a solid, reliable cousin who loves you."

Anyway, she was bored on the plane, so Shao Mo chatted with the other party about her man, "He was not like this before, he has a very dull personality, if you don't take the initiative to speak, he can not talk to you for a day, just keep a straight face all day long, Like a brick."

"Then what happened next?"

"At first I didn't want to talk to him, I thought I could get through it and leave, but after getting along with him, I found that he still has merit, so I slowly adjusted it.

He doesn't like to talk, so I took the initiative to talk to him, and I told him to smile more when he was always stern, but he refused to speak out, so I pretended to be angry and made trouble with him.

People's habits will change with the passage of time. He didn't like to talk before because the family was too deserted and no one talked to him. After a long time, he developed a taciturn temperament.

But after we got married, I chatted with him every day and asked him how his business was doing recently. Gradually, he was willing to take the initiative to tell me these things, and he would ask for my opinion as soon as possible, instead of just being bored. heart. "

During the nearly two-hour flight, Shao Mo shared all her experience of getting along with Ling Chuan, which benefited Huang Qinghe a lot.

"...But it can't be generalized. Some men have bad roots in their bones. Instead of expecting him to get better, you should put your hope in your own hands. The mountains will fall, and everyone will run away. In the end, people have to rely on themselves , must be independent, especially the economic power, only when you have the economic power can you have the right to speak."

Huang Qinghe nodded remorsefully, "Momo, you are right, but unfortunately I understand it too late."

"It's not too late, Sister Qinghe, you are only in your 20s and have no children. In the future, you will definitely find someone who is compatible with you and build a happy family. My sister-in-law has been married twice, and she will only marry the third time when she is 35 years old." Marry my eldest brother, don't you still live happily now?"

Huang Qinghe also heard about Wei Qiaolan, and immediately asked her how her infertility was cured.

Shao Mo played tricks, "Don't worry, when you get divorced, I will take you to the capital hospital for an examination, and I will definitely cure your illness."

Huang Qinghe nodded again and again, and her face became radiant, obviously she had hope and longing for life.

Arriving at the place where Yang Jiayong worked, Shao Mo did not immediately bring Huang Qinghe to the door, but instead found a local lawyer to collect evidence at the garment factory where Yang Jiayong and Huang Qinghe worked.

This year, hair wages are paid in cash, and everyone who receives wages has to sign and press their fingerprints as a proof.

Shao Mo first obtained the proof that Yang Jiayong had received wages on behalf of Huang Qinghe for these years, and then went to the local bank to transfer Yang Jiayong's account flow.

These are enough to prove that Huang Qinghe's part-time income over the years is in the hands of Yang Jiayong.

After completing the preparatory work, Shao Mo took Huang Qinghe to find Yang Jiayong for a showdown.

Yang Jiayong was playing tricks at first, saying that all the money was spent on Huang Qinghe's medical treatment, until Shao Mo threw out his account records, which clearly showed that the money was still sealed and stored in Yang Jiayong's account.

Seeing this, Yang Jiayong wanted to play the emotional card again, expressing that he still had feelings for Huang Qinghe, he didn't want a divorce, he just wanted a son, and he didn't want to be laughed at by the villagers for not having a queen. I hope Huang Qinghe understands him, Barabara.

If it was the past, Huang Qinghe might have softened her heart, but in the past two years, she has been bullied and ridiculed by Yang's mother in the Yang family, and she has also had enough of Yang Jiayong's neglect and betrayal, and she has completely chilled her heart for this family and this man.

(end of this chapter)