On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729 Wei Qiaolan was so angry that she was hospitalized

Although Ling Jiang is not as tall and handsome as Ling Chuan, he is still handsome, plus he has a honest personality and money.

Although Wei Qiaolan can trust Ling Jiang's character, family and marriage are too important to her, she dare not gamble and cannot afford to lose.

"Xiao Mo, you reminded me correctly, I will look for a house tomorrow, rent it first, and let her move there."

Shao Mo took a sip of coffee, "Sister Lan, actually, I think it's better to send her back. She lives outside alone, and if something happens, you won't be able to explain it to her natal family."

After thinking about it, Wei Qiaolan thought it made sense, so she called her elder brother after returning home, and wanted to discuss sending her niece back.

As a result, the call got through, and the natal sister-in-law scolded her head and face, saying that she turned her elbows out and didn't help her family.

Wei Qiaolan is also a straight-tempered person, and immediately had a heated argument with her natal sister-in-law on the phone.

After the quarrel, Wei Qiaolan was so angry that she went to find Wei Xinyi, but there was no one in the room, and the bag was not there. Presumably Wei Xinyi called her family to complain, and ran out to play as soon as she slapped her ass.

Wei Qiaolan was so angry that her eyes turned black and her stomach throbbed. She was so frightened that she hurriedly called Ling Jiang.

When Ling Jiang got home, Wei Qiaolan had fainted, and Ling Jiang rushed her to the hospital.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm. Wei Qiaolan was anemic, coupled with severe morning sickness, she fainted because her body did not take in enough nutrients.

Although it is not serious, it still needs to be hospitalized with nutrient solution to prevent miscarriage.

For the sake of the baby in her belly, Wei Qiaolan had to live in the hospital to raise her baby with peace of mind.

But how can I be at ease, apart from Ling Chunhua, there are only two nieces Wei Xinyi and Ling Jiang who are alone and widowed in the family, and she is pregnant again, Ling Jiang has been vegetarian for two or three months, if Wei Xinyi Don't be shameless and use any tricks, there is no guarantee that Ling Jiang will not make any mistakes when his head is hot, after all, she used this to take Ling Jiang down in the first place.

The more Wei Qiaolan thought about it, the more uneasy she became, so she had to call Shao Mo.

When she saw Shao Mo, Wei Qiaolan couldn't hold back her emotions anymore and shed tears.

On the one hand, I am anxious, and on the other hand, the mood swings caused by pregnancy are great.

"Xiaomo, I have no choice but to ask you for help..."

After learning about Wei Qiaolan's knot in her heart, Shao Mo immediately said that she would handle the matter well.

After coming out of the hospital, Shao Mo immediately asked Liang Kuan to book two air tickets back to Jiang City. After that, she went to Ling Jiang's house in person.

When Shao Mo arrived, Wei Xinyi was carrying her bag and was about to go out.

"You, what are you doing here?!"

Shao Mo looked at Wei Xinyi's flamboyant attire, and smiled lightly, "You're pretty dressed up, are you going on a date?"

Hearing Shao Mo's praise, Wei Xinyi not only did not show happiness, but instead choked with eyes dodging, "You don't care."

Shao Mo narrowed her eyes slightly.

With such a guilty conscience, could it be that he wanted to find Ling Chuan?

Not to mention, Shao Mo really guessed right, the conditions of the Wei family are not too bad, Wei Xinyi came to the capital to give her a lot of living expenses, she went out shopping yesterday and bought a beautiful new dress, and today she wants to show her presence in front of Ling Chuan by wearing it .

So, a woman's sixth sense is terrifying.

"You don't care what I do."

"As long as you don't provoke me, I won't meddle in my own business."

Shao Mo said as she walked in, closed and locked the door behind her.

Wei Xinyi looked at her movements with a flustered expression, "What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, let's talk to you."

Shao Mo dragged him to the living room involuntarily, pushed him onto the sofa, and stared at him condescendingly.

"What did you tell your family?"

Wei Xinyi stiffened her neck and remained silent.

"Your mother had a big fight with your aunt yesterday, and your aunt was so angry that she almost had a miscarriage. Your aunt is 35 years old, and this child is her first child, and it may be her last. I can't afford it."

Hearing this, Wei Xinyi panicked.

"How is my aunt doing now?"

"Safety in hospital."

Wei Xinyi was relieved to hear that she was trying to protect her baby.

"The doctor said that your aunt can't get angry, but you have angered her several times in the first few days. If you continue like this, sooner or later you will lose your stomach."

"You, what do you mean?"

"It means where you go back and forth."

Wei Xinyi jumped up when she heard it, "I won't go back, I can be where I want, you have no right to control me."

Shao Mo sneered and then slapped her on the face, "Little cutie, you misunderstood, I didn't come to discuss with you, but to inform you. You have to go if you go, or you have to go if you don't go. If you go obediently, Jiang I will arrange a good job for you in the city, otherwise, I will have to let you tie you back, and that will be a bad feeling."

"You, you dare!"

"I dare you, you will soon find out."

After finishing speaking, Shao Mo took out her mobile phone and called Wei Tianxiang.

Wei Tianxiang is Wei Qiaolan's elder brother and Wei Xinyi's father.

On the phone, Shao Mo told about Wei Qiaolan's almost miscarriage, and promised that as long as Wei Xinyi returned to Jiangshi, she would arrange jobs for the father and daughter with a monthly income of no less than 30.

Wei Tianxiang's factory has not been profitable in the past two years, and people have been laid off every year. Although Wei Tianxiang was lucky enough not to be laid off, his income has also been greatly reduced. He is so worried about this matter that he doesn't want to eat and drink. Shao Mo's proposal is a timely help. Wei Tianxiang said nothing He agreed, and scolded Wei Xinyi on the phone, ordering her to go back to Jiangshi immediately.

Without the support of her family, her aunt was so angry that she was hospitalized. Wei Xinyi had no one to support her, so she obediently went back to Jiang City under Shao Mo's arrangement.

In order to prevent Wei Xinyi from doing anything wrong on the way, Shao Mo specially asked Tian Yuan to accompany (escort).

A few days later, Wei Qiaolan was also discharged from the hospital, and the baby in her womb was saved.

However, after this incident, Wei Qiaolan was also completely chilled by her natal elder brother and sister-in-law. In the future, not only is she not so enthusiastic about her natal family, this is a later story.

As winter turns to spring, Wei Qiaolan's stomach bulges like a balloon, and Lingchuan and Lingjiang's careers are booming.

The wireless electronics franchise store has opened its sixth branch, with a monthly net profit of nearly 200,000. Ling Chuan has also jumped from a poor businessman to a small entrepreneur with an annual income of one million.

With the success of his career, Ling Chuan, the son-in-law of the Shao family, has steadily increased his status and reputation in the capital.

In the past, everyone treated Mr. Jia Taling politely on the surface, but secretly called him the son-in-law of the Shao family. The contempt was self-evident.

Now, everyone has changed his name to Mr. Ling, and some older people will call him Xiao Ling affectionately. Even when he returns to the Shao family, the servants of the Shao family treat him with a lot of respect.

(end of this chapter)