On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 727

Chapter 727

Chapter 727 Fire the green tea whore

"You should have studied the employee handbook on the first day you entered the store. It clearly stipulates that employees are not allowed to store and eat any food in the store, and they must go to the tea room at the back to drink water."

Listening to Shao Mo's reprimand, Wei Xinyi didn't dare to say a word.

When she came yesterday, Ling Chuan did give her an employee handbook and told her to read it carefully, but she didn't take it to heart, and threw it aside without even turning it over.

At that time, her mind was full of Ling Chuan's handsome face, tall and strong physique, and the unique charm of a successful man that fascinated her.

She was dizzy all day long, and she didn't remember any of the product knowledge taught to her by the old employees. She only focused on following Ling Chuan, and even dreamed of Ling Chuan's face at night.

"Wei Xinyi, you are not suitable to work in our store, please pack your things and leave."

Hearing Shao Mo's unceremonious dismissal order, Wei Xinyi's eyes widened instantly.

"You, you want to fire me? Just because I made such a small mistake?"

"You still don't realize how serious your mistakes are. Based on this alone, it is impossible for you to stay."

Wei Xinyi played tricks, "Why do you fire me, Brother Chuan is the boss."

Ling Chuan immediately expressed his loyalty, "I listen to my wife, Wei Xinyi, you should leave quickly."

"I'm not leaving! I just came here and I'm still studying, so it's understandable not to know these things. You can't fire me just because of this!"

"You understand, I'm just informing you, not discussing with you." Shao Mo pointed to the other old employees in the store, "Each of them has undergone training and a two-month probationary period. Become a regular employee. And you, you are not even a trial, because you have not even passed the most basic training, you have been eliminated, please pack your things and leave here immediately!"

Finally, Wei Xinyi cried and left the shop in shame and anger.

This is the first time Shao Mo got angry in the store. All the employees in the store looked at her tremblingly, not daring to show their anger, for fear that they would be the next one to suffer.

Only Ling Chuan relied on his status and wanted to hug her, "Honey, don't be angry."

In front of the employees, Shao Mo didn't save Ling Chuan's face, but held back her anger and blocked him.

"I'm hungry, let's find a place to eat first, and talk about something by the way."

As soon as the two left, the people in the shop breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was scared to death. I didn't expect the proprietress to look so beautiful and gentle, but she was so scary when she got angry."

"I don't blame the proprietress for being angry. That Wei Xinyi looked restless. When I came here yesterday, I wanted to get my eyes glued to the boss."

"Yesterday I taught her product knowledge, and today I asked her, but I didn't remember any of them, and since I'm a related customer, I can't say anything."

"Will Wei Xinyi come back? I still want to introduce my classmates."

"The proprietress drove her away in person, so she probably won't come back."

As soon as they came out of the store, Shao Mo and the two met Boss Liu.

Usually, Shao Mo usually eats at Boss Liu's restaurant opposite, but today she wanted to find a quiet environment to talk, so she exchanged pleasantries with Boss Liu and left.

Ling Chuan followed her, and kept calling his wife to tell her not to be angry.

I knew this sentence over and over again, and Shao Mo didn't want to hear it.

Shao Mo found a restaurant and asked for the largest private room. The large private room is comfortable to sit in and the air is better.

"Honey, drink some tea and calm down. If you don't like Wei Xinyi, we just don't need her. Don't get mad at yourself."

Ling Chuan's original intention was to coax her, but he didn't want to but stabbed her on fire.

"I don't like her, what about you? They specially made dumplings for you to eat. I think you enjoy it very much."

"I didn't! I also annoyed her very much. If it wasn't for Sister Lan's face, I would have driven her away."

Shao Mo stared at him.

Ling Chuanfu continued to explain: "Really, she is too stupid. Even though Xiao Zhou and Xiaohai have taught her product knowledge, she still doesn't know anything and always affects my work. In fact, if you don't come today, I will I also want to talk to my elder brother about this and find another job for her."

"Hmph, she made dumplings for you, why don't you eat them?"

Ling Chuan shook his head like a rattle, "I want to eat the dumplings I know how to make. Except for the dumplings made by my wife, I don't eat dumplings made by other women."

Shao Mo glared at him angrily, "Ling Chuan, don't pretend to be ignorant for me, you are such a smart person, you can't fail to see what Wei Xinyi is thinking. I don't care if there is anything in the past, and I don't want to care about it." , but next time, you see how I deal with you."

Ling Chuan immediately came to her side, patted her on the back and coaxed her: "There won't be a next time, wife, I will add a rule when I get back, the company will not recruit unmarried female employees under the age of 30, okay?" it is good?"

Shao Mo looked at him silently.

"This one is mainly for the sister-in-law, otherwise, I will directly change it to not recruit female employees."

"Do not recruit female employees, you are blatantly discriminating against women!"

Ling Chuan seemed aggrieved, "I don't, wife, I don't discriminate against women, I just don't want you to be angry, and I don't like dealing with other women."

Feeling angry, but Shao Mo is still clear about business matters.

Now that the company is still small, it is okay to set a rule not to recruit young female employees, but when the company grows bigger, this rule will definitely attract criticism, and even feminists will resist it.

"Forget it, female employees still have to be recruited, and we can't beat others to death just because Wei Xinyi is alone."

Ling Chuan tentatively took her hand, seeing that she did not resist, he immediately interlocked his fingers boldly.

"Honey, are you jealous?"

Shao Mo looked at him coldly, "Ling Chuan, don't make me angry, do you think there are no boys in school chasing me?"

Ling Chuan's face turned dark when he heard it, "Who is it, who is chasing you?"

The man is very jealous, Shao Mo usually dare not mention it, but today he just said it casually when he was out of breath.

There were indeed boys in the school who showed affection to her, but because of her married status and the fact that educated people value face, no one dared to go too far, and would not post it shamelessly like Wei Xinyi.

Just then the waiter came in to serve the food, Shao Mo quickly changed the subject, "It's time to eat."

But Ling Chuan was not so foolish. After the waiter left, he asked who her suitor was.

Shao Mo was annoyed by the question, so she had to say: "I lied to you, there is no suitor."

But Ling Chuan didn't believe it at all, his wife is so beautiful and lovable, there must be many suitors.

"Honey, as you said before, husband and wife should be honest."

"Why am I not being honest?"

"You didn't even tell me that someone in school pursued you."

Shao Mo rubbed her forehead, does she have to invent a suitor?

(end of this chapter)