On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725 The Heaven-Defying Effects of Lingquan Water

When Shao Mo arrived at the restaurant, Jian Xun had already arrived and ordered the dishes.

"You have been in class all morning, and you should be hungry too. I ordered a few dishes briefly. If you don't like it, you can order more."

Shao Mo looked at the dishes on the table. Although there were not many dishes, they all had a very delicate mix of meat and vegetables, which was obviously done with care.

"No, that's about it."

"Okay, shall we talk while eating?"

"it is good."

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Jian Xun explained his intentions.

It turned out that Jian Xun had run out of the spiritual spring water she had given before.

Part of it was given to Pei Min's laboratory for research, and the rest was given to his elder brother Jianyan in small amounts and many times.

Speaking of this, Jian Xun's always gentle face showed obvious excitement, "Yunmo, the water you gave me can not only quickly restore the energy of the human body, but also has a magical repair effect on necrotic cells.

Over the past year, I have given my elder brother a small amount of water to drink several times. His necrotic spinal nerves have been repaired to a certain extent, and he is now trying to do rehabilitation.

The doctor said that if the rehabilitation is successful, my eldest brother will be able to walk again, Yunmo, I came here to thank you specially. "

Shao Mo was also shocked to learn that Lingquan water can even repair necrotic cells.

The function of repairing necrotic cells is really against the sky. Just imagine, those terminally ill patients with disabled limbs or necrotic five organs, wouldn't they be able to be saved with a bottle of spiritual spring water?

Thinking about it this way, she suddenly felt that it was a waste of money for her to use a lot of spiritual spring water to grow flowers, vegetables and fruits.

"Yunmo, apart from thanking you, I have a heartfelt request."

Jian Xun's voice brought Shao Mo back to his senses.

"Doctor Jane, tell me."

Jian Xun took a deep breath, "Pei Min and the others have been studying the composition of water for a year, and have made some breakthroughs, but they have run out of water, so can you bring me some more water? ? You don't need a lot this time, as long as you have about 20 milliliters, you can basically support Pei Min's research.

Shao Mo thought for a while and replied: "That's right. I got this water by accident. I drank some when I was very thirsty. I felt that it seemed to contain huge energy, so I always used it as a nutrient solution. Come and drink.

In fact, I just learned that it has the function of repairing necrotic cells. I want to know more about it. Dr. Jane, can you tell us about your elder brother's situation in detail? "

Jian Xun nodded quickly, and then described his elder brother's original physical condition and the changes in his body after drinking the Lingquan water.

At the beginning, Shao Mo gave Jian Xun 100ml of spiritual spring water. Jian Xun gave 20ml of this spiritual spring water to Pei Min for research, and gave all the rest to his elder brother Jianyan.

In the beginning, Jian Xun just hoped that the water would make his elder brother feel better, so he mixed two or three drops into his elder brother's water glass every now and then.

Unexpectedly, half a year later, Jian Yan went to the hospital for a re-examination, and unexpectedly discovered that he felt sensation in his leg muscles.

Both the hospital and Jian Yan thought it was a medical miracle, but only Jian Xun guessed it was the effect of Lingquan water.

Since then, Jian Xun has secretly increased the dosage, changing from every other day to every day, and the dosage has also increased a lot.

A month later, Jian Yan's toes were able to move.

After that, the instep, ankle, and calf all recovered their nerve perception one by one.

So far, Jianyan's legs can do simple bending movements.

The Lingquan water in Jian Xun's hands has long been used up, so he can only pin his hopes on Pei Min's research, hoping that Pei Min can research the formula of Lingquan water and mass-produce it, so he came to the capital to find Shao Mo.

"Yunmo, don't worry, I haven't told anyone about the water. When Pei Min asked me, I just said that I bought it on the black market with money. Even my elder brother didn't know about it."

Knowing that Jian Xun has always kept his promise and didn't even tell his elder brother Jian Yan, Shao Mo still feels a little comforted.

"Brother Jane, I still have some water on hand, I can give you some, but I still have that request, you can't tell anyone about it without my permission. You must have seen how effective this water is." Go against the sky, once the news leaks out, you and I will be in danger."

Jian Xun nodded solemnly, "Yunmo, I understand, don't worry, I won't say anything even if the gun is on my head."

"Okay, I believe you."

At this time, Shao Mo never imagined that this sentence would eventually become a prophecy.

This time, Shao Mo gave Jian Xun two bottles of spiritual spring water, one of 20ml for Pei Min's research, and the other of 50ml for Jianyan's treatment.

According to her estimate, Jianyan's spinal nerves have been rejuvenated, and only need to be maintained and strengthened later, 50ml is enough.

After Jian Xun left with the spiritual spring water, Shao Mo went to buy a lot of vacuum glass bottles, intending to store the spiritual spring water.

At the same time, she also destroyed some unnecessary fruit and vegetable seedlings in the space, leaving only a very small part, which is enough for daily consumption.

It's a waste to use the life-saving spirit spring water to grow these belly-wrapping things!

At night, when Shao Mo was busy storing the spiritual spring water in the space in a vacuum glass bottle, she unexpectedly discovered that the space seemed to have been upgraded again.

After the Huang'an Road Passing Ceremony last time, the space was upgraded by one level, and it has been upgraded again in only half a year?

Could it be because Jianyan was saved?

Jian Yan was injured on duty, so she was considered a meritorious official, and she carried a lot of merit points on her body. She saved Jian Yan, so these merit points were transferred to her?

In the past, the space on the first floor was only the size of a room, and she only dared to put some necessary items in it, but now the space on the first floor has been upgraded to a large warehouse of nearly 100 square meters, and she can put whatever she wants.

The space area of the second floor is several times larger than that of the first floor. Unfortunately, the second floor cannot store items and can only grow crops.

"Honey, why are you so happy?"

Ling Chuan returned to the bedroom after washing, and heard Shao Mo humming, he couldn't help but approached her tenderly and hugged her into his arms, bowing his head and whispering in her ear.

Shao Mo turned around from the man's arms.

With the success of his career, Ling Chuan's brows are a little more sharp and vigorous than before, and he looks mature and attractive. When looking at her with dark eyes, he is focused and gentle, which always makes her heart beat faster.

"Ling Chuan, I have a gift for you?"

The man pursed his lips, his black eyes just staring at her.

Shao Mo's face turned hot, so she had to change her voice softly, "Husband, I have a gift for you."

With the start of his career, Shao Lin would take Ling Chuan, his son-in-law, out to socialize with friends from time to time. The upper class generally called their wives Madam or Madam to outsiders, and called their wives inside.

Ling Chuan didn't learn anything else, but he learned this very quickly. Not only did he change his name to his wife, but he also insisted on calling her his husband, and he would be unhappy if he didn't.

(end of this chapter)