On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 723

Chapter 723

Chapter 723 Another year of college entrance examination

After eating almost, Shen Zhen got up and went to the side of the road to smoke, Zeng Fang got up to pay the bill, but the boss said it was already settled.

Zeng Fang put away her wallet, and walked towards Shen Zhen who was smoking not far away, "How much is the total?"

Shen Zhen put out the cigarette butt, and asked without answering, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Didn't you agree that I will treat you?"

"Let's go when you're full, I'll take you back."

The two talked like a chicken and a duck, and finally walked towards the jeep together strangely.

After getting in the car, Shen Zhen didn't start the car immediately, but turned his head to look at her.

Zeng Fang was seen inexplicably, and the atmosphere was silent and awkward.

Just when Zeng Fang wanted to speak to break the silence, Shen Zhen suddenly leaned towards her.

Zeng Fang's heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively raised her hands to cover her mouth.

However, Shen Zhen's face stopped about 10 centimeters away from her face, and at the same time, he pulled the safety belt above her shoulders and "clicked" it on.

"It's just helping you buckle your seat belt, what are you expecting?"

Facing Shen Zhen's playful eyes, Zeng Fang blushed, "Next time you just remind me, you don't need to do anything."

"Tonight's supper is just finished, are you thinking about the next time?"

Seeing the little chubby girl angrily looking away from the car window, as if she didn't want to talk to him, Shen Zhen couldn't help laughing.

So cute.

In the small courtyard, Shao Mo was sitting in the courtyard with Sister Luo eating watermelon to enjoy the coolness. When she saw Zeng Fang coming back, she immediately called her over to eat together.

"How about the sorority at night, did you meet a suitable boy?"

Zeng Fang sat down, took a bite of a piece of crunchy, sweet and juicy watermelon, shook her head while eating, and said, "No, the seniors of Peking University are too good, I don't deserve it."

Shao Mo couldn't help laughing, "So you went to eat barbecue?"

Zeng Fang was taken aback, "How do you know?"

Sister Luo answered with a smile, "You smell of oily smoke all over your body, we smelled it as soon as you came back."

Zeng Fang was also embarrassed to say that she went to eat with Shen Zhen, so she had to explain, "I thought it was boring and wanted to come back early, but I saw a barbecue seller on the road, so I went to eat some."

If Zeng Fang didn't explain, Shao Mo wouldn't think too much, but once Zeng Fang explained, she would hear something wrong.

The bar is at most ten minutes' walk from the small courtyard, and there are no barbecue stalls along the road.

Moreover, as a professional gourmet, Shao Mo has a good nose, and immediately smelled the barbecue smell on Zeng Fang's body. It was from Lao Li's barbecue stall in the opposite direction from Beijing University. It was impossible for Zeng Fang to stop by and eat some on the way back.

But Shao Mo didn't expose it, just by seeing Zeng Fang's happy face, she could guess who she went to eat with without asking.

It's not in vain for her to save such a game, at least her goal has been achieved.

Time flies, and with the sound of cicadas, another year of college entrance examination is coming.

One day before the college entrance examination, Huang Wen took the initiative to call Shao Mo to thank him for the first time.

Several repeat students from poor families who repeated studies with him fell down two because of long-term vegetarianism, and the remaining few were not in good condition. Only him, because he ate enough nutrition, now the whole person's spirit Very full.

"Cousin, I feel that I will be able to score 520 this time, and I want to go to a normal university in the provincial capital."

Shao Mo encouraged: "I still say the same thing, as long as you pass the exam, I will fund your college expenses."

The three-day college entrance examination ended in the blink of an eye, and half a month later, the college entrance examination results were released.

Huang Wen lived up to the high expectations. This time, he scored 526 points in the test and entered the provincial liberal arts key line. Shao Mo also kept her promise and told Huang's family that she would subsidize all the expenses of Huang Wen University for four years.

Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo were so happy that their son was not only admitted to a key university, but also exempted from high tuition fees, and they didn't even have to bear the living expenses.

Peng Fang, who has always been stingy and stingy, held ten tables of banquets for the first time, invited relatives, friends and villagers to eat and celebrate, and invited a country band to play Chuida Da for a lively day.

Peng Fang and his wife are proud, but the third son, Huang Jianye and his wife are quite complaining.

Shao Mo not only used money for Peng Fang and his wife to do business, but also for Huang Wen to study in college, but they didn't get any benefits, and there was no balance in their hearts.

So, the couple approached Huang Kailin to reason.

The palms and backs of the hands were covered with flesh, Huang Kailin was so entangled by the young couple that he had no choice but to call Shao Mo for help.

"Your third uncle has been working in the winery for so many years, and his income has never been raised. He just wanted to do some small business in the city like your second uncle. Momo, you have a lot of ideas. Can you give me three Uncle has an idea, and I will pay for it."

The bamboo weaving factory has been doing well in the past two years, and Huang Kailin has also received a lot of money. He has some money on hand, but this money is his and Yang Xinghua's pension money, so Shao Mo naturally won't let Huang Kailin use this money.

"Grandpa, don't worry, the third uncle's business is on my shoulders. You should keep your money for the elderly. Don't borrow it from anyone. If you really can't avoid it, let them find me."

"Momo, will I cause you trouble? Sigh, Yingying and Jin Yuanbao are growing old, and it will definitely cost a lot of money for the two of them to study in the future. I'm getting old, so I can help as much as I can now." Come on, if your grandma and I are gone in the future, we won't be able to control them anymore."

"Grandpa, don't say anything unlucky, you and grandma will live to be a hundred years old, and in the future, a few cousins and cousins will have a bunch of great-grandchildren who will surround you and call you great-grandpa."

Huang Kailin was amused by Shao Mo's imaginary scene, and his face was wrinkled with a smile.

Huang Jianye has a craft of brewing wine, and Song Peirong is eloquent and eloquent, Shao Mo lends money to the two to open a small wine shop in the city, Huang Jianye is in charge of brewing, and Song Peirong is in charge of sales.

Shao Mo is still very accurate in judging people. The couple quickly managed the winery in a decent manner. A few years later, they established their own liquor brand and became the owner of the winery. This is another story.

Here in Beijing, Shao Ya, Shao Yiqian, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Ke also achieved good results in the college entrance examination.

However, Shao Ya did not apply for a domestic university, but went abroad to study in M country. Shao Yiqian narrowly crossed the score line of Beijing University and became Shao Mo's junior, while Xiao Yu and Xiaoke's two siblings had both scores. Almost, Xiao Yu entered the University of Finance and Economics, Xiao Ke entered Beijing Foreign Language School, and became alumni with Zeng Fang.

Summer goes to autumn, and it's another school year, and Shao Mo has also been promoted from a freshman to a sophomore.

As the elder sister and senior sister, Shao Mo took Shao Yiqian through the admission procedures and visited the campus as it should.

And Huang Wen entered the Provincial Normal University to study education as he wished.

Lingchuan's third branch officially opened in September, and Wei Qiaolan just found out that she is pregnant, and it has been almost two months.

Everything around her is developing in a good direction, and Shao Mo can finally study with peace of mind and take care of the projects of the Liqun Club.

(end of this chapter)