On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 714

Chapter 714

Chapter 714 Ling Jiang Wei Qiaolan Receives the Certificate

Wei Qiaolan didn't open the door to go out immediately, but went back to the room to wash her face, took out a powder puff and carefully touched up her makeup, and then went to open the door.

Ling Jiang, who was about to smoke a second cigarette, heard the sound of the door opening, looked back, and hurriedly put the cigarette back into his pocket while getting up.

"Sister Lan, don't be angry, just listen to me." Afraid that Wei Qiaolan would ignore him, Ling Jiang hurriedly said.

Wei Qiaolan snorted, turned around and walked home, walked two steps and heard no movement, turned around and saw Ling Jiang still standing outside the door, couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"Don't dare to come in, afraid that I will eat you up?"

Ling Jiang quickly raised his foot and stepped over the threshold.

"Close the door."


"Speak, what do you want to say?"

After Ling Jiang closed the door, Wei Qiaolan turned around and asked him.

Ling Jiang licked his parched lips, hesitatingly was about to speak, but Wei Qiaolan suddenly interrupted: "Wait for a while."

"Okay, there's no rush."

Wei Qiaolan turned around and went to the kitchen.

Ling Jiang stood in the palm-sized living room scratching his ears and cheeks, seeming a little nervous.

When Wei Qiaolan came out again, she had an extra cup of steaming tea in her hand.

Smokers tend to have dry lips, so drink more tea.

"Here, here you are."

Ling Jiang took the tea from Wei Qiaolan, turned around and sat down on a stool, and drank the tea slowly with his head down.

Wei Qiaolan picked up a chair and sat across from him with her legs crossed, her hands folded around her chest, and her red eyes stared at him for a moment.

After drinking half a cup of tea, Ling Jiang finally opened his mouth.

"Sister Lan, Chuanzi is going to open a new store next month. The store needs manpower. Do you think you would like to go there and work together? If you don't want to, then follow what we agreed before, and you continue to get 20% of the small accessories. shares."

Finally, when she got what she wanted to hear, Wei Qiaolan heaved a sigh of relief, but still held it on her face.

"You went to the capital to join Chuanzi, what am I?"

Ling Jiang was speechless.

Wei Qiaolan put down her legs, got up and walked in front of him, her tall chest was facing Ling Jiang's face.

"Lao Ling, today I will open the skylight to tell you the truth. I've taken a fancy to you. If you think I'm okay, let's go and get the certificate tomorrow. If I get the certificate, I'll pack up and go with you immediately. Don't Speaking of going to the capital, even if I go to hell, I won't bat an eyelid!

If you think I'm not good enough, and you don't want to have anything to do with me, then you can just leave and don't come to me again. "

The unique fragrance of women penetrated into Ling Jiang's nose all the way, and he didn't dare to lift his red-faced head, "I, that, uh..."

Wei Qiaolan didn't want to listen to nonsense anymore, so she sat on him directly and covered his mouth with her mouth.

No matter how dull Ling Jiang is, he is still a normal man, and he has been plain for so long, so it is strange that he can bear it.

Everything is logical, and the raw rice is cooked into cooked rice.

The next day, the two went to get a marriage certificate.

Although neither of them paid much attention to formality, they still bought wedding candy, cigarettes and alcohol, and went to relatives and friends' houses for a walk, which was regarded as an announcement of marriage.

The news of Ling Jiang's remarriage quickly reached Li Li's ears.

Before she came to the door, Wei Qiaolan and Ling Jiang came to the door first. First, they gave her cigarettes, wine, wedding candy, and second, they gave her this year's living expenses and rice.

The two of them went to the capital this trip, and they will come back at least at the end of the year.

Knowing that Ling Jiang was going to the capital to join Ling Chuan and bring Wei Qiaolan there to enjoy the blessings, Li Li felt extremely sour.

You can laugh now, and you will cry when you are restrained.

Thinking of this, Li Li regained her balance.

It may be that life is going well, Li Li has gained a lot of weight, and she doesn't like to tidy up. Standing with the beautiful Wei Qiaolan, it's like heaven and earth.

Ling Jiang came here mainly to inform Li Li about her remarriage, and to send money and rice. The two sat for a while and then left.

After going out, I ran into Tian Kai who came to see his son after get off work.

Ling Jiang doesn't know Tian Kai, but Tian Kai knows Ling Jiang.

Seeing the beautiful and coquettish Wei Qiaolan beside Ling Jiang, Tian Kai stared straight at him, and reluctantly retracted his gaze until he hit an electric pole.

When he came to Li Li's rental room, Tian Kai saw the tobacco, wine, wedding candy and rice in the room, and asked where they came from.

Li Li told about Ling Jiang's remarriage.

Knowing that Ling Jiang married such a beautiful daughter-in-law in his second marriage, Tian Kai was extremely envious, and couldn't help but sigh that Ling Jiang was so blessed.

Li Li spat out the skin while eating melon seeds, "Fart Yanfu, with his useless thing, marrying a fairy is useless."

Hearing Li Li's dislike of Ling Jiang's words, Tian Kai immediately felt a lot more balanced.

"I heard people say that your ex-husband made a lot of money last year. The leather jacket he wears costs one or two hundred yuan, and the leather shoes on his feet are not good. I said, Li Li, your ex-husband is well-off now. , don't you regret divorcing him?"

Li Li spat out a piece of melon seeds, "What's the use of being rich, he's just a wife, and I can't even save my life by following him, let alone live a good life."

Tian Kai also heard about Ling Jiang's feudal wives from Li Li, but he didn't take it seriously. He only thought it was Li Li's feudal superstition.

Tian Kai picked up the cigarettes and wine on the table, "This cigarette is good, I'll smoke it. And this wine..."

"You put it down!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Li snatched everything back, "What about the living expenses? You have owed it for two months!"

Hearing that Li Li asked him for money, Tian Kai smiled disdainfully, "I have no money, so I can ask your ex-husband to take it, anyway, he gives money and rice every month to support you. Yo, this time I am generous Ah, I actually gave you four big bags, you guys are going to eat them until the Chinese New Year."

Since he knew that Tian Jiale was his seed, Tian Kai took care of Li Li's mother and son's life, plus his own daily expenses, and had to deal with his girlfriend and prospective father-in-law's house, which made his life very stretched.

Until two months ago, Tian Kai accidentally learned that Li Li could get 20 living allowances and 10 meters of rice from her ex-husband every month, so he refused to pay Li Li and her mother any more.

Even Li Li threatened Tian Kai several times to make trouble with his girlfriend, but Tian Kai didn't care.

What Li Li doesn't know is that his girlfriend thinks that he has no money, no ability, and no progress.

It has been a long time, and Tian Kai knows in his heart that the marriage with his girlfriend is a mess. After all, he can't get any of the bride price, house, and car from his father-in-law's family. How can it be settled?

In the end, not only did Li Li not get half a penny from Tian Kai, but she was also confiscated with tobacco, wine and two bags of rice. She was so angry that she greeted the eighteen generations of the Tian family ancestors several times before giving up.

While the business in the store was not busy, Shao Mo took Ling Chuan to see a commercial house.

The house covers an area of 120 square meters, with three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. It also has a large terrace and a small study.

(end of this chapter)