On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Chapter 709 Ling Chunhua becomes a contract writer

It was almost 6 o'clock when Ling Chuan followed Shao Lin back home.

"daughter in law!"

As soon as he entered Moyuan, Ling Chuan rushed straight to Shao Mo excitedly. When he saw Ling Jiang, his daughter and Wei Qiaolan sitting in the living room, he subconsciously froze for a moment.

When he learned from Shao Mo that it was Mrs. Shao who invited the father and daughter to their house for a New Year's Eve dinner, Ling Chuan also seemed very happy.

After being happy, Ling Chuan immediately handed over all the money he won today to Shao Mo.

In addition to the two wads of cash, there are also several cash checks with denominations ranging from 500 to 5,000, adding up to more than 10,000 yuan in total.

"Don't you know how to play cards? How did you win so much?"

Ling Chuan nodded happily, "Dad is lucky. I will buy horses with him. These are all won today. You can use them to buy clothes and bags."

In front of Ling Jiang and the others, Shao Mo couldn't say much, so she collected the money first.

Around 6 o'clock, the servant came over to send a message to the east courtyard for New Year's Eve dinner.

Every year, the Shao family's New Year's Eve dinner is eaten together. The main courtyard, the east courtyard, and the west courtyard take turns to cook, and this year it's the east courtyard's turn.

Three big round tables, together with Ling Jiang, were just full.

After the New Year's Eve dinner is another highlightdistributing lucky money.

All the juniors of the Shao family, plus Ling Chunhua, Shao Mo, and Ling Chuan, kowtowed to Mrs. Shao and received a big red envelope one by one, even Ling Jiang had one.

After Mrs. Shao's red envelopes are finished, it will be the turn of the elders of Shao Lin's generation to distribute red envelopes.

In one night, Ling Chunhua alone received more than a dozen big red envelopes. Each red envelope was at least fifty and at most one hundred. This night, the red envelopes alone received more than a thousand yuan, not counting the meeting gifts from the Eastern and Western Academy.

All in all, during this trip to the capital, Ling Chunhua made a lot of money, which was equivalent to Ling Jiangqian's three years of small jewelry business income.

But Shao Mo didn't suffer. In addition to the lucky money red envelopes sent by Shao's parents, Mrs. Shao and Shao Lin both gave her a big red envelope in private.

Mrs. Shao gave 5,000, Shao Lin gave 10,000, plus the money won by Ling Chuan playing cards, and the lucky money red envelopes given by the elders, this Spring Festival Shao Mo's income is less than 40,000.

After watching the fireworks at night, everyone went back to their yards to observe the New Year's Eve.

When the clock struck 12 o'clock, Shao Mo slipped a black jade buddhist bracelet onto Ling Chuan's hand.

Looking at the oily and transparent jade string in his hand, Ling Chuan was pleasantly surprised.

"I bought a New Year gift for my dad and grandma some time ago. When I saw this, I bought it when I thought it was suitable for you to wear. I have already asked the master to open it. Wearing it can keep you safe. Don't take it off if you have nothing to do."


After accepting her gift, Ling Chuan also took out a heavy gold bracelet from his pocket and put it on her hand.

"Daughter-in-law, this New Year's gift for you, I wish you peace every year."

"Thanks husband."

Under the joyful eyes of the man, she even leaned over and kissed him on the face.

Ling Jiang on the opposite side saw it, and couldn't close his mouth with joy.

After the new year is the first day of the new year.

Early in the morning, before Shao Mo went back, Wen Qingsheng, Zuo Xiaotang and others came to pay New Year's greetings one after another.

After the New Year's greetings, everyone didn't leave, but gathered in the small courtyard to eat, drink, have fun and play cards. Shao Mo had no choice but to ask Ling Jiang, father and daughter, and Wei Qiaolan to greet them. She and Ling Chuan had to follow Mrs. Shao to visit relatives. Walk around with family friends.

After walking for three full days, this year is considered the end of worship, and Shao Mo's legs have become thinner.

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, Shao Mo planned to take a good rest at home, but Wen Qingsheng approached her again.

Wen Qingsheng came to her because of Ling Chunhua, "Xiaomo, I showed your Chunhua's composition book to a friend of the publishing house, he thinks your Chunhua is very talented, and wants to sign your Chunhua to the publishing house, What do you think about this?"

"Good thing! What publishing house?"


Xinhua Publishing House is an old brand in China, and Shao Mo agreed immediately.

"No problem, when will we talk about signing?"

"The eighth day, they don't go to work until the eighth day. I know that your family Chunhua will go back to Jiang City to study, so I specially made an appointment on the earliest day."

Shao Mo was a little happy, "Brother Wen, if this happens, I will give you a big red envelope."

"How old are you talking about this between friends?"

Shao Mo smiled, "How appropriate do you think?"

"There is no need for a thousand and eight hundred, it doesn't fit your style of a rich woman, two thousand is almost enough."

"Go to bed early tonight, I have everything in my dream."

Ling Jiang was originally scheduled to return to Jiangshi on the sixth day of the new year. The jewelry store opened on the eighth day of the new year, went back on the sixth day, cleaned up and prepared for the seventh day, and opened just right on the eighth day.

But the signing of Ling Chunhua's side is equally important. After a discussion, Wei Qiaolan had to go back to take care of the shop first, and return to Jiang City after the father and daughter finished talking about the signing.

In the blink of an eye, it is the eighth day of the lunar new year.

Early in the morning, the father and daughter were sitting in the living room all dressed up, and Shao Mo couldn't laugh or cry after getting up.

"Brother, it's still early to leave the appointment, relax, don't be so nervous."

Ling Jiang clutched his chest, "My heart has been beating non-stop since yesterday. I really didn't expect that our Chunhua has such good luck. The ancestors of the Ling family bless you, and the contract must go smoothly."

Shao Mo laughed, "Yes, don't worry, the other party's initiative to interview is enough to represent Chunhua's excellence."

With Shao Mo's encouragement, Ling Jiang's nervous mood relaxed a little.

Ling Chunhua, who was sitting next to him, looked confused, obviously not understanding what signing a contract with a publishing house represented.

It wasn't until Shao Mo took out a book and told her that after signing the contract, her future essays would be printed in the book for children all over the country to read and learn from, Ling Chunhua realized the importance of signing the contract.

The signing of the contract went smoothly, especially when the other party knew that Ling Chunhua was not yet 8 years old, and her writing was all based on imagination and talent. Without the guidance of any famous teacher, she immediately decided to pick five small essays by Ling Chunhua, and publish them in this year's edition. "Selected Works of Children's Prose".

In the author industry, Ling Chunhua is a newcomer, and the manuscript fee is relatively low. It only costs 5 yuan to publish one composition, and 25 yuan for five articles.

However, this is only temporary. In the future, the more famous Ling Chunhua becomes, the higher the manuscript fee will be.

After signing the contract, the editor-in-chief in charge of signing the contract saw that Ling Chunhua was in Jiang City, and said casually, "The child is so talented, why didn't he stay in the capital to study, find a famous teacher to guide him, and he will definitely be able to do it in the future." Become a great writer."

The speaker has no intention of listening, and the listener has the intention. Looking at Ling Chun's lovely face carved with jade, Shao Mo's thoughts moved slightly.

Back home, Shao Mo asked Ling Chunhua to play by herself, while she talked to Ling Jiang about staying in the capital.

"Brother, the editor-in-chief is right. Chunhua is a gifted child. It's fine if she didn't have the conditions before, but now she has the conditions. We can't bury her talent and talent."

Ling Jiang took out the cigarette case and subconsciously wanted to smoke a cigarette, but looked at Shao Mo and put the cigarette case back.

Times are changing, and Ling Jiang no longer smokes leaf tobacco, but smokes cigarettes instead.

(end of this chapter)