On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 707 Momo, she must have it, right?

Ling Chunhua was thoughtful, "Is it the same as the little train in the playground?"

"Yes, but the small train goes back and forth in parallel, and the elevator goes up and down."

"So that's it, I understand!"

Looking at her niece's excited face, Shao Mo smiled and said, "I'll take you to the sightseeing elevator some other day."


Looking at the street lined with high-rise buildings outside the car window, Wei Qiaolan couldn't help sighing, "The capital city is really prosperous."

"Get settled today, and I'll take you around the capital tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Wei Qiaolan hesitated for a while, and said, "Xiao Mo, take the father and daughter for a stroll, I want to go to the hospital first."

"Alright, I'll contact a friend and ask when I get back."

"I'm sorry, Xiaomo."

"a piece of cake."

Ling Chunhua raised her small face and looked at Wei Qiaolan with concern, "Aunt Lan, why are you going to the hospital? Are you sick?"

Wei Qiaolan hugged Ling Chunhua, "Yeah, Aunt Lan has a little problem, she will be fine after seeing the doctor and taking the medicine."

Hearing this, Ling Chunhua exhorted solemnly: "Aunt Lan, you have to listen to the doctor's advice and take the medicine well, so that you can get better soon."

Wei Qiaolan giggled and hugged Ling Chunhua more and more intimately, "Chunhua, you are really Aunt Lan's caring little padded jacket."

Ling Chunhua smiled and hugged Wei Qiaolan back, rubbing her small face against Wei Qiaolan's chest.

Shao Mo watched the interaction between the two, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Ling's parents left early, and Ling Jiang, the elder brother, can be regarded as half of the parents. When he came to the capital, Shao Lin, as the host, naturally wanted to treat him well.

That night, Shao Lin greeted Ling Jiang and his daughter at the most luxurious hotel in the capital, and Mrs. Shao also attended together.

This is the first official meeting between the two families, so it goes without saying that the dishes are rich.

During the dinner, Shao Lin and Mrs. Shao were extremely polite and considerate to Ling Jiang, and did not neglect Ling Jiang because of his low background.

After the meal, Mrs. Shao gave Ling Chunhua another meeting gift according to the rules, which was a pair of gold bracelets and a red envelope.

The red envelope was only opened after returning to the small courtyard. When he found a cash check of 1,000 denominations inside, Ling Jiang was frightened, and immediately put the check back into the red envelope bag, asking Shao Mo to take it back and return it to him. Mrs. Shaw.

"The gold bracelet is precious enough, but Chunhua can't accept this money."

The pair of gold bracelets worn by the child are worth about four to five hundred yuan, plus a check of one thousand, this meeting gift is considered light for Mrs. Shao.

But for Ling Jiang, who was born in the bottom class, this meeting ceremony is equal to the family's income for a whole year, which is not trivial.

"Brother, you can take it with confidence. This is my grandma's love for Chunhua. If she didn't like Chunhua, she wouldn't give these. You save it and use it for Chunhua to study in the future."

After hearing what Shao Fu said, Ling Jiang accepted the red envelope with trepidation.

With Shao Mo's current connections in the capital, it is easy to get the authoritative expert number on infertility treatment.

The next day, Shao Mo asked Ling Chuan to take Ling Jiang and his daughter to the store under the pretext of going out to do some errands, and she accompanied Wei Qiaolan to see a doctor herself.

On the way, Wei Qiaolan was very embarrassed, "Xiaomo, I can go by myself, the new year is coming soon, you must have a lot of things, it is too much trouble for you."

Shao Mo held the other party's hand, "Sister Lan, I treat you like a half-sister-in-law, and your business is naturally my business."

Wei Qiaolan didn't expect her to say that, she was a little stunned for a while, and then said with determination: "If I can be cured this time, I will have a showdown with Lao Ling when I go back."

Shao Mo thought for a while and said: "With the personality of the eldest brother, it may not be so easy to accept."

"If he doesn't agree, my mother will force her to bow, and the raw rice will be cooked, and he will have to do it if he doesn't."

Shao Mo was so teased that she couldn't stop laughing.

Not to mention, with Ling Jiang's dull and honest character, he really needs a strong and pungent woman like Wei Qiaolan in order to live a prosperous life.

In the gynecology office, the doctor picked up the test reports one by one and checked them in detail.

Wei Qiaolan sat at the side holding her breath, not daring to breathe.

Finally, after the doctor finished reading the last report, Wei Qiaolan couldn't help asking, "Doctor Zhong, can my body still be cured?"

Doctor Zhong raised his eyelids and glanced at her, with a lukewarm tone, "What can be cured, what can be cured!"

Wei Qiaolan's mood suddenly sank, her voice trembled a little, "I, I can't cure it?"

Doctor Zhong threw the report back on the table angrily, "You are so young, you can't think about it, what disease are you treating if you are not sick?"

"I'm not sick?"

Wei Qiaolan's mood went up and down like a roller coaster, "Doctor Zhong, you mean I'm fine?"

"Your uterus is very healthy, you can have two babies in three years!"

"Yes, but I have never been able to get pregnant."

"If you can't get pregnant, it's not necessarily your fault, it may also be the man's problem."

"But they all gave birth to sons one after another."

"That only means that you have no fate with them."

After finishing speaking, Dr. Zhong's expression suddenly became meaningful, "Even if a son is born, it doesn't mean that their health is fine."

Wei Qiaolan opened her mouth, and suddenly thought of Ling Jiale.

If she is in good health, wouldn't the two ex-husbands have a high chance of being green?

Thinking of this, Wei Qiaolan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although Wei Qiaolan is in good health, considering her age, the doctor prescribed some vitamin E and folic acid for her, and asked her to take it for two or three months before intercourse.

"Is it possible to conceive like this?"

"It's probably close to ten, if the man is okay."

"Thank you, thank you Doctor Zhong!"

After taking the medicine list, Wei Qiaolan thanked Dr. Zhong a lot before leaving.

After walking out of the consultation room, Wei Qiaolan immediately ran to Shao Mo not far away, wanting to tell her the good news.

"Xiaomo, Doctor Zhong said I'm not sick!"

After listening to the doctor's diagnosis, Shao Mo was also very happy for Wei Qiaolan, and the two immediately happily went to get the medicine arm in arm.

By coincidence, Mrs. Shao Er, who came to the doctor for a re-examination, happened to see it.

On the same day, Mrs. Shao learned that her granddaughter was going to have a gynecological examination, and immediately felt very upset.

Shao Lin, who was having a meeting at the company, was called back to Shao's home urgently.

After all, Shao Lin was anxious when he heard that his daughter had gone for a gynecological examination, "Is Momo sick? This child never tells the family about things, no, I have to call her and ask her!" "

Ms. Shao saw her son yelling anxiously, and immediately became angry.

"What's the call? I didn't call you back, but to make you think of a countermeasure!"

"What else is there to think about, you must be cured if you are sick!"

"What's wrong with you, don't curse Momo!"

"It's not a disease, so she went to the hospital to see a gynecologist..."



Shao Lin's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief, "Mom, Momo, she must be, is there?"

(end of this chapter)