On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Ling Chuan is not good enough for you! you deserve better

When the two arrived at Yun's house, the sun had already set, and the golden sunset covered the entire sky, coating the entire city with a layer of light golden brilliance.

There were too many guests. To avoid congestion, the roads into Yun's house were all closed, and cars could only be parked in the alley 500 meters away from Yun's house.

After getting out of the car, before Yunmo had walked a few steps, Zeng Fang suddenly shook her arm.

"Momo, look over there."

Following Zeng Fang's reminder, Yunmo found a military jeep parked on the opposite side of the road.

The door of the jeep was open, and a young man with a good temperament could be seen sitting in the back seat of the car.

Yunmo quickly looked away, "What's wrong? You know him?"

Zeng Fang looked at her with strange eyes, "Although you are married to someone else now, you don't have to make it so clear, right? He is also your fianc after all, ah bah, he is the ex-fianc."

Hearing Zeng Fang say that the man in the car was Yuanshen's ex-fianc, Yunmo subconsciously took another look.

Although I can only see the side face, I feel that I should be pretty good looking. Looking at the long legs that have nowhere to rest, I guess I am not short, and I am lazily leaning on the seat, showing the ruffian of a big yard boy. Gas and rambunctious.

As if aware of her gaze, the people in the car looked towards her, and after recognizing her, they immediately turned their faces away.

It seems that she is some kind of plague virus, and she will be disgusted even if she looks at it for half a second.

Yunmo: "..."

But the moment the man turned his face, Yun Mo could see the other person's face clearly, and some vague impressions about Su Ming'an also appeared in his mind.

It seems that the other party really dislikes her all the time.

The rich men in front of Su Mingan's car also saw Yunmo, and all laughed and teased Su Mingan.

"Ming'an, this Yunmo probably hasn't given up on you yet, look, she won't roll her eyes when she sees you."

"That's a must. That bumpkin surnamed Ling is not worthy of carrying the shoes of our Young Master Su. Even a woman should know who to choose."

"This can't be blamed on Yunmo. With Ming'an's condition and appearance, the peach blossoms are everywhere in Jiangshi. We can't envy you."

Although everyone praised him inside and out, Su Mingan was not happy, but very upset.

Although he never cared about Yun Mo, his fiance, and even hated her coquettish and domineering, but he never thought that after losing his rich husband, Yun Mo would marry such a muddy leg It's like lowering his style and grade.

The more Su Mingan thought about it, the more furious he became, and he kicked the car door, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, can you say something pleasant?"

Seeing that he lost his temper, the young masters immediately changed the subject wisely.

Jiang City has always had the saying that the south is rich and the west is noble, which means that those who live in the south of the city are rich, while those who live in the west are rich and powerful.

The Su family is one of the best in the west of the city, where the rich and powerful are everywhere. These rich sons and gentlemen who call the wind and rain in the south of the city are all younger brothers in front of Su Mingan.

Here, Yun Mo and Zeng Fang are also talking about Su Mingan.

But basically it was Zeng Fang who was talking, and Yunmo listened, occasionally responding with a sentence or two.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, Su Ming'an seems to be handsome again, more and more masculine."


Zeng Fang mistook Yun Mo's lack of interest for depression, and couldn't help but comforted her: "Momo, I can actually understand your feelings, after all, Su Ming'an and Ling Chuan are incomparable.

Su Ming'an has a good family background, is handsome, and is a top student at the National Defense University. He will be an officer after graduation. To be honest, in front of Su Ming'an, Ling Chuan really has no advantage at all. "

"Who said that!" Yun Mo couldn't help but speak up to justify her cheap husband, "I think Ling Chuan is much more handsome than Su Ming An. If I have to choose, I still like Ling Chuan."

Zeng Fang hesitated to speak, but in the end she couldn't hold back, "Looks can't be eaten. If you marry Ling Chuan, you will have to suffer in the future."

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Yunmo would be unhappy, so he quickly added: "But it doesn't matter, since I am here, you can tell me about any difficulties you have in the future, and I will definitely help you."

Yun Mo squeezed the other person's face with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you."

Seeing that Yun Mo didn't show signs of being angry, Zeng Fang felt relieved, and couldn't help talking about Su Ming'an again.

"I'm afraid you don't know that in Jiang City, there are a large number of Su Mingan's fans in our No. 6 Middle School. In fact, people didn't like you in the past, not only because of your unlovable personality, but also because you are Su Mingan. Your fiance, this alone will make most girls envy and hate you, wishing to replace you."

Hearing this, Yun Mo couldn't help teasing Zeng Fang curiously, "What about you? Don't you like Su Ming'an too?"

Zeng Fang quickly denied it, "Of course not, although everyone thinks that Su Ming'an is fine, but I always feel that he is acting like a fool, his eyes are growing to the top of his head, as if no one can catch his eyes, he is so arrogant, I like gentle gentlemen type of boy, like my big brother."

Yunmo let out a meaningful "Oh", "So you are Brother Kong."

"Brother control?" Zeng Fang heard this term for the first time, and thought it was very fresh.

"I just like boys who are older than me, mature and stable, and will take care of others like a big brother."

Zeng Fang nodded happily, "You are right, I am brother control!"

"Yunmo, what about you, what kind of boy do you like?"

Yunmo couldn't think of her ideal type for a while, so she answered casually, "Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, I'm already a married woman, wouldn't it be wrong if I started thinking about other men?" Shou Fu Dao?"

Hearing this, Zeng Fang couldn't help showing surprise, "Momo, do you really plan to live with Ling Chuan forever?"

Yun Mo was funny, "Isn't it good to have a marriage that lasts forever?"

"not good!"


"Ling Chuan is not good enough for you! Family background, educational background, personality, etc., anyway, he is not good enough for you in all aspects. Although I don't know Ling Chuan well, he seems to have that kind of indifferent personality, doesn't care about people, and even A man who is not considerate and has a bit of machismo will not be happy if he lives with such a man for the rest of his life. Momo, you deserve better."

It may be because she knew the plot well in advance, and knew that Ling Chuan would prosper in the future and become a bigwig in the business world, so Yunmo never felt that Ling Chuan was not good enough for her.

As for character, what Zeng Fang said is correct. Ling Chuan's temper is indeed a little cold, and he doesn't know how to be considerate, but it is not hopeless.

At least, these few times Ling Chuan has taken good care of her, like a man.

The sun is setting and the sky is full of afterglow.

The entire Yun family was decorated with lights and festoons, and the guests were like a cloud, drinking and drinking. It was originally a lively and joyous scene, but Zeng Fang was only moved by nervousness, shortness of breath, and even her body became stiff.

From a medical point of view, this is a traumatic stress response.

Yun Mo took the initiative to hold Zeng Fang's hand, and comforted in a low voice: "It's okay, don't look at these people who are dressed brightly, smiling, and there are so many unspeakable dirt and unspeakable things on their backs."

Under Yunmo's comfort and encouragement, Zeng Fang gradually calmed down.

Good night~

(end of this chapter)