On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 697

Chapter 697

Chapter 697 Shao Yi'an's biological father

Shao Mo's promise can be regarded as lighting up the hearts of the three shop assistants.

"Miss Boss, is it real or not? Let's take it seriously!"

Shao Mo smiled, "Don't worry, there is no reason to take back the water that was spilled out. During this period of time, you should work hard. I will sign a supplementary agreement with you at the end of the year. As long as you work for three years, you can get 2% dividends for dry stock, don't dry stock, the company directly sponsors you to buy a house.

"Okay! The proprietress is awesome!"

The three shop assistants applauded happily.

After being happy, everyone saw Ling Chuan standing aside and not speaking, and all of them couldn't help beating their hearts for a while.

After all, Ling Chuan is the serious boss. If the boss didn't say anything, can the words of the boss lady count?


Seeing the concerns of the three, Ling Chuan said directly: "You listen to me about the store, but I listen to my wife, so everything she says counts."

"Oh yeah!" The three cheered up again.

After eating, Shao Mo and Ling Chuan stood at the door of the store basking in the sun to digest their food and chatting.

"I promised my employees to buy a house, what do you think?"

"Daughter-in-law, I will obey you."

Shao Mo kicked the floor tiles under her feet, "I can't say that in business affairs, I am also an ordinary person, and there are times when I make mistakes in judgment or act emotionally. At this time, you should stand up and stop me."

Ling Chuan thought for a while and expressed his opinion, "Daughter-in-law, I think your decision is okay. If I can successfully complete the company's target, the annual profit will be 1.5 million. After deducting various expenses and operating costs, a year There is absolutely no problem with a net profit of 1 million, and it will be 3 million in three years.

As senior employees, they have earned so much money for me, so I should give some of them a dividend. "

Shao Mo is very satisfied with the man's awareness.

"If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse. Employees who can do things are easy to find, but capable and reliable employees are hard to find. We can only promise a bright future, treat them favorably, and let them see Hopefully, they will do things for us without reservation."


Money can make ghosts turn the clock, Shao Lin did not spend much effort to investigate Yuan Yi'an's biological father.

Looking at the thick documents in his hand, Shao Lin was in a great mood.

The other party's surname is Zhao, 43 years old this year, from Anshi.

The reason why Yuan Jia took him for a scam was because her boyfriend Zhao Yongquan was sentenced to 25 years in prison for robbing and wounding someone to death 20 years ago, and he is still in prison now.

It really echoed the proverb "The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, the son of a mouse can make holes".

The father is a jerk, and the son is not a good thing.

However, Zhao Yongquan's parents are still alive, and the other brothers are also developing well, some are in business, and some are in politics.

Overall, the whole Zhao family is in a good situation, except for Zhao Yongquan who is such a crooked seedling.

Shao Lin thought for a while, and finally decided to contact the Zhao family.

Yuan Jia died, Yuan Wei thought and knew that he would not care about Yuan Yi'an's life and death, father and son, he also hoped that Yuan Yi'an could be disciplined and be a new man.

To Shao Lin's surprise, the Zhao family was overjoyed to learn that the youngest son had another son.

After inquiring, I found out that Zhao Yongquan was terminally ill and had few days left to live. The old lady of the Zhao family had always blamed herself for not raising her youngest son well, and regretted that her youngest son had no descendants. The body is getting worse day by day.

I didn't expect God to open his eyes and send them such a big grandson (nephew).

Within two days, the Zhao family happily moved Yuan Yi'an's household registration back to the Zhao family, and changed his name to Zhao Zhengxin, implying a new life.

After that, the Zhao family relied on their contacts and connections to transfer Zhao Zhengxin from the Beijing Prison to the Anshi Prison.

By the time Shao Mo knew about this, Zhao Zhengxin had already returned to Anshi and met the Zhao family.

When Shao Mo heard that the other party's surname was Zhao, and he had a powerful background in Anshi, the first thing Shao Mo thought of was Zhao Xuehai.

Call and ask, hey, it's true.

Zhao Yongquan is Zhao Xuehai's younger brother! Zhao Zhengxin is Zhao Xuehai's nephew and Zhao Yazhi's cousin!

Just say that this world is not small!

Shao Mo didn't expect that, after going around for a while, she and Zhao Zhengxin became god-siblings!

However, Yuan Jia didn't seem to know Zhao Yongquan's real background, otherwise, after Zhao Zhengxin's life was exposed, the Yuan family should have approached the Zhao family.

In order to prevent the Yuan family from using Zhao Zhengxin to catch up with the Zhao family, Shao Mo hinted to the Zhao family that Yuan Jia's death was suspicious. As for how the Zhao family should deal with the Yuan family, that is beyond her control.

Zhao Zhengxin's affairs came to an end, and the winter solstice came in a blink of an eye.

The winter solstice custom in Jiang City is to eat dumplings and mutton. The custom in Beijing is similar. Eating wontons and stewing a pot of mutton is delicious and warms up.

On the day of the winter solstice, Shao Mo went to the small villa early in the morning, and sent some fresh shepherd's purse and mutton there, so that Mrs. Zheng could have a good winter solstice.

As soon as she saw Shao Mo, Mrs. Zheng happily dragged her to the bedroom.

"Xiao Mo, I can't wear these clothes and pants anymore, look."

Mrs. Zheng showed her the clothes on the bed one by one while talking.

Mrs. Zheng used to be 145 catties, and her clothes were XL or even XXL. Now that she has a diet and exercises, although her weight is still above 120 catties, her body circumference has shrunk greatly, and she can wear L or even M. , These XL and XXL clothes naturally can't be worn anymore.

"Xiao Mo, I really didn't expect that I could really lose weight successfully. It's been less than a month, and I've lost so much weight, woo woo woo..."

Maybe because she was too happy and emotional, Mrs. Zheng burst into tears as she spoke.

Shao Mo hugged her to comfort her, and then encouraged her to persevere.

"There's only one last phase left, where you probably won't lose a lot of weight, but your size will continue to change.

Fat is like cotton, it doesn't sound like much, but it's as big as a fist when cut off.

You lost weight quickly because your body had a lot of fat and water. After this period of adjustment, your body fat and water have been greatly reduced, so the weight loss has also slowed down, but even if you only lose one or two pounds a day Even if you don't lose one or two, that is also a result, and you must persist. "

"it is good."

Mrs. Zheng's trust in Shao Mo is 200% now, and she will believe whatever Shao Mo says.

After watching Mrs. Zheng, Shao Mo went back to the Shao family compound.

"Hey, where did Missy buy the shepherd's purse, it's quite fresh and juicy."

Mrs. Hua looked at the shepherd's purse in the vegetable basket and kept boasting, Shao Mo explained with a smile, "I didn't dig it outside, I planted it in the greenhouse myself."

"No wonder, it's not easy to dig wild shepherd's purse in such a cold day."

Of course it is impossible for Shao Mo to go to the wild to dig shepherd's purse. She planted these shepherd's purse in the second space. The time flow in the second layer of space is fast. If you planted it yesterday, you can eat it today, which is very convenient.

(end of this chapter)