On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 680

Chapter 680

Chapter 680 Don't eat for nothing, only when you're full can you lose weight

Turning her head mechanically, Zeng Fang saw Falk squatting on the ground, blinking at her, as if aggrieved and accusing her of taking his seat.

Zeng Fang's face suddenly turned red, and she reflexively wanted to stand up, but her head was held by Shen Zhen's big hand.

"Forget it, I've already sat down, eat something before leaving, waiter, bring a pair of clean bowls and chopsticks!"

Zhou Ye was a little confused as to what his brother Zhen was singing, but he spoke up with a sharp tongue, "Yeah, I'm here, let's go after eating, anyway, Brother Zhen treats guests tonight."

Zeng Fang really didn't want to leave or stay, she blushed and didn't want to lift her embarrassed head.

Meanwhile, Shen Zhen was in a good mood. After the waiter brought the clean bowls and chopsticks, he added several more dishes.

The restaurant is Sichuan-Cantonese style, and the dishes are quickly brought to the table, each dish is full of color, fragrance, and all the cravings that Zeng Fang had suppressed for a long time were drawn out at once.

Never mind him, he won't be able to come, and if you don't eat for nothing, you will have the strength to lose weight when you are full.

Thinking of this, Zeng Fang immediately picked up chopsticks and ate without any scruples.

Zeng Fang, who was immersed in the food, didn't notice that every time a new dish was served, Shen Zhen would subconsciously pass the dish in front of her, and wait for her to pick it up before passing it on to others.

But Zhou Ye observed this. While eating and drinking, he kept looking at the two of them.

After eating until she burped, Zeng Fang reluctantly put down her chopsticks.

She wiped her mouth with a napkin, and seeing that no one was paying attention, she immediately turned her head and whispered to Shen Zhen, "Give me the fare."

Shen Zhen stared at her, "Are you full?"

Zeng Fangqiao blushed, and took out the receipt of the taxi in a vague manner, "I took a taxi and paid 15 yuan. This is the receipt. You can just give me 10 yuan when you go back."

"Tsk, this is how much money you can make by driving a taxi these days."

Shen Zhen took the invoice and crumpled it into a ball, then got up and picked up the coat that was draped over the back of the chair, and gestured to her while putting it on.

"Let's go."

Zeng Fang stood up in a daze, "Where are you going?"

Shen Zhen sneered, "Are you afraid that I sold you for the meal money?"

After being glared at by Zeng Fang, he said again: "I will drive a taxi part-time tonight to take you back and save some money."

He saves money, so she can't make money.

This thought flashed in Zeng Fang's mind, and she subconsciously said, "You don't need to send it, just give me the fare, and I will go back by myself."

Shen Zhen stopped what he was doing, "If you want the money, follow along, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing what he said, Zeng Fang had no choice but to take her bag and prepare to leave, but then she pointed at Fa Ke who had stood up, "Then what about it?"

"Take it, if you lose it, you will be sold to pay off the debt, believe it or not."

I believe you big head ghost.

Zeng Fang slandered while holding Farke.

"You guys go straight to the bar after eating, I'll be there later."

Throwing this sentence at everyone, Shen Zhen took the car keys and left.

"Aye, what's going on with Brother Zhen, why did you get involved with that Zeng?"

After Shen Zhen and Zeng Fang left, Dai Heshun couldn't help but ask Zhou Ye.

You ask me who I ask!

Zhou Ye thought so in his heart, but said: "Don't talk nonsense, the fat girl is now working for Brother Zhen to pay off the debt..."

As he spoke, Zhou Ye briefly talked about how Shen Zhen bribed the doctor to write out a list of exorbitant medical bills.

Knowing that Shen Zhen was only playing tricks on Zeng Fang, Dai Heshun and the others suddenly realized.

"Let me tell you, how could brother Zhen fall in love with that fat girl!"

"Me too, when I was eating, I kept muttering in my heart, wondering if it's because Brother Zhen couldn't take Miss Shao down, so he used the people around her to make up for it?"

The girl brought by Dai Heshun smiled coquettishly and said, "I don't think she's fat, why are you calling her fat girls one by one."

After hearing this, Dai Heshun and the others also realized that Zeng Fang seemed to be much thinner than before.

"It seems that brother Zhen's method is really good. The fat girl was round before, but now she has lost a lot of weight. She must be very tired."

"That's right, I didn't recognize it at first glance, I thought Brother Zhen found us a new sister-in-law!"

Zeng Fang didn't know about the discussion in the restaurant. She was sitting in Shen Zhen's car, thinking about the fare.

Shen Zhen, a scumbag, probably wants to renege on his debts, right?

Staring at the back of Shen Zhen's head for a while, her eyes were a little sore, she subconsciously turned her head to look out the car window, only to find out that the route was not right at all.

"Did you go wrong?"

"Going back to my apartment, which way should I go?"

"Aren't you sending me back first?"

"You don't want the fare anymore?"

"What's the relationship between the two?"

Shen Zhen glanced at her through the rearview mirror, with a playful expression, "You don't want the car money anymore? I left my wallet in the apartment. When I wanted you to bring Falk over here, I brought the wallet here for me, but it turned out You're already out."

Zeng Fang choked up, she lied that she had gone out in order to cheat him of the phone bill, she should have told the truth if she knew it earlier.

"I didn't bring the wallet, didn't Zhou Ye and the others bring it? You can ask them to borrow it first."

"I have to find someone to borrow that dime, and I can't afford to lose that person."

All right, you are the uncle and you have the final say.

When we arrived at the apartment, Zeng Fang wanted to wait in the car, but Shen Zhen didn't know which muscle was wrong, so she insisted on leading Fa Ke upstairs together.

Seeing the little chubby girl's reluctant face but having to follow him upstairs, Shen Zhen was in an inexplicably good mood.

He asked her to go upstairs with her, not to torment her, but because he was afraid that it would be unsafe for her to stay in the car alone.

As the new year approaches, thieves and thieves are rampant. A little girl who stays alone in the car at night is simply a living target.

Going back to the apartment and getting the wallet, Shen Zhen counted 15 yuan to Zeng Fang.

"Why is it only 15 yuan? Should I go back?"

"I'm going to the bar just now, so I'll see you off along the way."

"You often eat and drink outside, and you don't have a serious job. Where did you get the money?"

As if she didn't expect her to ask such a question, Shen Zhen gave her a surprised look, and then smiled carelessly.

"If you want to know, why not join us."

Zeng Fang took two steps back as if she was evasive, "I'm just messing around with you."

Shen Zhen glanced at her and didn't speak, but his face became obviously colder. Apart from the necessary reminders, he didn't say any other nonsense to her along the way.

Zeng Fang thought silently at the beginning, whether she had spoken too seriously, but after careful consideration, she was right, they were just fooling around all day long, and simply closed their eyes and rested their minds, not caring about Shen Zhen's mood Bad.

Maybe because she was too full from dinner, Zeng Fang fell asleep immediately after closing her eyes. When she woke up, the car had already stopped at the entrance of the alley, but she was the only one in the car, and Shen Zhen didn't know where to go.

Picking up her bag, Zeng Fang pushed open the car door, and was startled by the black shadow leaning against the back door of the car.

"Are you awake?"

The choking smell of smoke came along with Shen Zhen's somewhat hoarse voice. I don't know if it is the darkness that brings people fear, but Zeng Fang actually felt peace of mind from Shen Zhen for the first time.

No no no, wake up, this is a scumbag! It must be an illusion that a scumbag can feel at ease with a fart!

(end of this chapter)