On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 When will your Dabai and Erbai lay eggs?

Ling Jiang picked up the pipe at the side and was about to finish smoking the remaining half of the pipe when his daughter Ling Chunhua came back with a big iron box.

"Dad, this is for you!"

Ling Jiang could only put the pipe back on the stone, took the tin box cheerfully and shook it, "What's in it?"

"It's the pocket money I saved."

Ling Jiang opened it curiously, and found that there were quite a few, but they were all change of one cent and two cents.

Ling Jiang smiled and praised, "Hey, our Chunhua is capable, and we have saved so much pocket money."

Ling Chunhua happily counted the ways she saved money, "I picked up garbage and sold some, and I helped Niuniu and Yaya to work, and they gave me wages. Dad, I used to save this money for school. Yes, you can use it to pay my tuition."

Daughter's sensibility made Ling Jiang very pleased, "No need, Dad has money, keep your money well, and use it to buy stationery in the future."

Ling Chunhua felt that her father was right. Just as she reached out to take the tin box back, a hand suddenly stretched out beside her and snatched the tin box away.

Li Li opened the tin box, saw the change inside and immediately asked, "Where did you get it?"

Ling Jiang hurriedly explained for his daughter, "Chunhua saved it by picking up trash by herself."

Li Li snorted softly, "It's just right, I'll take it to the grocery store tomorrow."

Ling Jiang couldn't help nagging his wife, "This money is saved by Chunhua to buy stationery in the future. What do you use it for? There is no shortage of two or three yuan at home."

"Your daughter is so capable, let her continue picking up trash."

After Li Li returned to the house with the iron box, Ling Jiang was worried that her daughter would be unhappy, so she comforted her in a low voice: "Chunhua, it's okay, I'll make it up for you when Dad pays you."

Contrary to Ling Jiang's worries, Ling Chunhua was not angry, but proud of being recognized for her labor.

"No need, Dad, I will continue to pick up garbage and sell it tomorrow."


The next day, Ling Jiang went to the Public Security Bureau early in the morning to inquire about Li Zhijie's case.

I learned from the public security officers in charge of the case that Li Zhijie wounded and robbed, the circumstances were so serious that he could not escape the five-year prison sentence. A reduced sentence can be granted.

After coming out of the Public Security Bureau, Ling Jiang went to the detention center non-stop, and met Li Zhijie.

"Zhijie, I have already inquired about your case. The people in the Public Security Bureau said that as long as you confess your crime honestly, you will be given a lighter sentence in court."

"Brother-in-law, I was wronged, I didn't hit that Xu!"

Ling Jiang: "Zhijie, the Public Security Bureau has shown me the injury report. Boss Xu has scars from being hit by a wrench on his head, and your fingerprints are still on the wrench."

"Wrench? What kind of wrench, I don't know, Boss Xu's head injury was hit by a car, it has nothing to do with me..."

Li Zhijie is a careless person, he has long forgotten the details of touching the wrench when getting on the car.

"Zhijie, stop being stubborn, you will be the one who suffers then."

"How many times do I have to say, I didn't hit the guy surnamed Xu! I didn't hit his head injury, it was him who crashed the car himself..."

Li Zhijie was full of grievances and depression.

Why didn't everyone believe him, he really didn't hurt anyone, and he didn't rob, he just stole his watch and money while Xu was in a coma.

The nature of the two is completely different.

Theft is a misdemeanor, and the maximum sentence is one or two years. Robbery is a felony, and the minimum sentence is three years.

At this time, Li Zhijie didn't know that he had fallen into the trap set up for him from the very beginning, no matter how much he complained, it was useless, and he was bound to pay the price for the crimes he had committed.

Ling Jiang's mouth was worn out, and he didn't persuade Li Zhijie to admit his crime, so he had no choice but to leave in the end.

Li Zhijie's imprisonment is a certainty, and Yun Mo also gained her first good friend after passing through the bookZeng Fang.

What Yunmo didn't expect was that Zeng Fang's preference for her and this friendship was beyond her imagination.

Knowing that she was going to study in Nanming, Zeng Fang actually transferred her student status from No. 6 Middle School to Nanming.

Although the sixth middle school is not as famous as the third middle school, it is also one of the best schools. It is more than one level better than Nanming in all aspects.

"Fangfang, there is no need for you to transfer to Nanming. I have no choice but to go to Nanming. You have studied well in the sixth middle school. You may not be able to adapt to transfer. If your grades drop, I will be guilty."

"If you can adapt, I can adapt. If my grades really drop, it is because I am not strong enough, and it has nothing to do with you."

Seeing that Zeng Fang has made up her mind, Yun Mo can't persuade her anymore.

In fact, she was still happy to have someone to keep her company.

Zeng Fang likes the courtyard house that Yunmo rents very much. She runs to Yunmo's place almost every day, and brings over the extra flowers and plants and old furniture that are not used in the house to Yunmo.

Within a few days, the empty courtyard was decorated with something more poetic and picturesque by the things Zeng Fang brought.

Zeng Fang also likes the two big geese raised by Yunmo very much, and brings them fresh vegetable leaves every day.

"Momo, when will your Dabai Erbai lay eggs?"

This question caught Yun Mo, if Zeng Fang hadn't asked her, she wouldn't even have thought of the fact that geese lay eggs.

"Let me ask my mother."

"Let's talk about it first. When Dabai and Erbai lay eggs, you must keep them for me. Then I will dig a small pond in the backyard of my house to raise geese."

Yunmo smiled, "OK."

After locking the door, Yunmo and Zeng Fang went to the largest seed company in Jiang City and bought a lot of high-quality vegetable and grain seeds.

After buying the seeds, Yunmo went to the mall to buy supplements and tea candies, and finally packed them and sent them to Anshi together.

After posting the good things, Yunmo went to the telephone office to call her own mother.

Before she came back, she and Huang Zhiqiu made an agreement. Every time at 2 pm on the 5th, 15th, and 25th, she would call Lu'an Town on time, and Huang Zhiqiu would wait on the phone in advance.


Hearing her own mother's gentle and pleasant voice, Yunmo was extremely excited, "Mom, is everything going well at home?"

"Everything is fine, how about you, you haven't been bullied by yourself in Jiang City, have you?"

"Don't worry, the person who can bully me has not yet been born. I have already found a good school, and I will sign up at the end of the month. By the way, Mom, I bought the seeds and sent them to you. It should not be a week It will be delivered. Remember to go to the post office in the town to pick it up when the time comes. There are a lot of things and you can't move them by yourself. You can call uncle to help you..."

After chatting for about 5 minutes, Yunmo hung up the phone reluctantly amidst Huang Zhiqiu's constant urging.

In this day and age, making a phone call is also a high cost. A local call is 50 cents for three minutes, and 20 cents for more than three minutes.

Good night~

(end of this chapter)