On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Chapter 674 Zeng Fang's Birthday

Not far away, Shao Mo looked at this scene with calm eyes, but Zhong Xiaochen beside her was full of joy and wanted to applaud.

"It deserves it! I knew it must be her. You are so popular with us. Everyone secretly regards you as a goddess. She is Shi Xiaowen, who bites you like a mad dog. If you do unrighteous things, you will kill yourself." , I'm talking about a person like her!

Seeing Zhong Xiaochen angrily scolding Shi Xiaowen, Shao Mo couldn't help laughing, "I don't know, I thought you were the victim."

"I call it a distinction between love and hate. Don't say you are my friend, even if you are an ordinary classmate or even a stranger, I will help you when you see injustice!"

Shao Mo smiled, "Your character is exactly the same as Fang Fang."

When Zeng Fang was mentioned, Zhong Xiaochen suddenly said, "Zeng Fang's dog is quite beautiful. I really want to have a pet. I want to have a cat, but my aunt will never agree."

Shao Mo was taken aback for a moment, but before she could ask, Zhong Xiaochen brought the topic back to Shi Xiaowen.

"Shao Mo, how do you plan to deal with Shi Xiaowen this time?"

"Leave it to the school."

Using the way of the other, return it to the other body.

She has used Shi Xiaowen's means to fight back, letting the other party taste the power and bitterness of rumors, and let the school make a fair decision on the rest.

With Shao Lin backing her, I believe the school dare not deny her justice.

"...I shouldn't have speculated that Shao Mo had an improper relationship with other men based on my own subjective assumptions without knowing the truth, let alone spread the word...I feel sorry for the bad influence my inappropriate behavior has had on Shao Mo. Here, I solemnly apologize to Shao Mo, and hope that everyone will take me as a commandment, regulate their own words and deeds, be honest and trustworthy, abide by discipline and law, and be a college student with good morals..."

In the end, Shi Xiaowen was ordered by the department to conduct a self-criticism and apologize in front of all the teachers and students in the open class, and was punished with a serious demerit.

The matter of Shi Xiaowen caused a heated discussion in the school, but with the arrival of the annual student union election, everyone's attention was gradually diverted.

Shao Mo doesn't care about the student union election, anyway, she is not planning to join the student union, and she is busy preparing Zeng Fang's birthday gift recently.

After getting Shao Mo's consent, Zeng Fang decided to hold a birthday party in the courtyard.

In addition to Wen Qingsheng and Zuo Xiaotang, Zeng Fang also invited a few classmates who had a good relationship with her from outside Beijing.

There are almost two tables of guests in total. In order to reduce the burden on Sister Luo, and the weather is also cold, Shao Mo proposed to eat boiled mutton.

On Zeng Fang's birthday, Sister Luo went out to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy fresh mutton and various side dishes, while Shao Mo personally cooked a bowl of longevity noodles for Zeng Fang.

Whole noodles as thick as the head of chopsticks are cooked and served as a round cake in a bowl, poured with chicken broth and sprinkled with chopped green onion, which is nutritious and delicious.

After Zeng Fang finished eating the longevity noodles in one go, Shao Mo immediately handed over a beautifully packaged gift.

"Fangfang, happy birthday, I wish you happiness every day and good luck."

"Thank you, Momo!" Zeng Fang happily took it, "Did you prepare a gift?"

"Of course, how can I pass away your birthday with a bowl of longevity noodles."


Ling Chuan also handed over his gift at the right time, "Fang Fang, I wish you a happy birthday."

"Thank you, Brother Ling!"

Zeng Fang held the gifts from the two in each of her left and right hands, and was as happy as a fool, "Momo, can I open it now?"

"Okay, but you have to hurry up. If I guess well, you should have class this morning, right?"


Zeng Fang looked down at her watch, her expression was very struggling, obviously she was having a hard time choosing between going out to class and unwrapping presents.

Finally, Shao Mo helped her with an idea, "Birthday is only celebrated once a year, so don't think about exercising and losing weight today. You can take a taxi to school later, and you can open the presents in the car by the way."

"Then can I eat whatever I want today?"

"Of course, happiness is the most important thing."

"Yeah! Then I want to eat braised pork at noon, as well as braised pig's trotters, and pot-wrapped pork. No, I want to eat too many dishes..."

Seeing Zeng Fang's mouth watering, Shao Mo interrupted funny, "It's getting late, if you don't go out, you will be late."

Under Shao Mo's urging, Zeng Fang hurriedly put on her schoolbag and brought gifts and hurried out.

Shao Mo also took her backpack and was about to go out. Ling Chuan habitually sent her out.

"What gift did you give Fangfang?" Shao Mo asked Ling Chuan curiously before leaving the door.

"A pair of badminton rackets."

Seeing Shao Mo's puzzled face, Ling Chuan explained aloud: "In the future, when you have nothing to do, you can play badminton together. She loses weight, and you exercise."

a practical gift.

I hope Zeng Fang will like it.

In the taxi, Zeng Fang opened the gift from Ling Chuan first, because it was too bulky to carry.

It turned out that it was a pair of badminton rackets, and she was speechless.

It is better to give a pair of gloves than a badminton racket!

Zeng Fang slandered silently, and then began to unwrap the gift from Shao Mo with great anticipation.

Removed the wrapping paper on the outside, and found a boxy box inside, about the size of an adult's palm, with a photo of a silver-white pager the size of a business card printed on the box.

It can't be a pager, can it?

Zeng Fang was stunned for two seconds before she realized, and quickly opened the carton, and there was indeed a beautiful pager inside.

At noon, Shao Mo received a call from Zeng Fang just as she was going to the cafeteria.

"Momo, you gave me a pager as a birthday present?"

Shao Mo raised her hand to signal Zhong Xiaochen to go to the cafeteria first, and she went to the side to answer the phone with a smile on her face, "Yes, it was agreed before, do you like it?"

"I like it, but it's very expensive, more than a thousand dollars!"

"As long as you like it, money is not a problem, will you use it?"

"Well, Yao Liang also bought a pager not long ago, and he taught me some functions."

Hearing the name Yao Liang, Shao Mo frowned slightly, and then casually asked, "Did Yao Liang raise a dog?"

"I don't know, why are you asking this?"

"Oh, I saw a boy on the street a few days ago. His back looks like Yao Liang, holding a golden retriever. I thought it was him."

"Did Yao Liang also raise a golden retriever? I'll ask him another day."

Shao Mo didn't care whether Yao Liang raised a golden retriever, but she learned from Zhong Xiaochen that Zeng Fang would often walk around a golden retriever near Nanshan Park in the afternoon.

But obviously, this golden retriever has nothing to do with Yao Liang.

After talking on the phone with Shao Mo, Zeng Fang left the school, planning to go to Shen Zhen's apartment and take Fa Ke out for a walk.

Originally, she had asked Shen Zhen for leave today, and planned to have a good meal in the small cafeteria at noon, and then take her classmates back to the small courtyard to celebrate her birthday in the afternoon.

But the gift from Shao Mo made her overjoyed. Although the two had agreed before, as long as she succeeded in losing weight, Shao Mo would give her a pager as a reward.

But the price of the pager was too expensive, she never took it seriously, but she never expected to receive Shao Mo's promise to fulfill on her birthday.

She lost it with great difficulty, even for the sake of the pager, she couldn't indulge herself and go back up.

Therefore, at noon, she plans to eat only one roasted sweet potato and one cucumber.

(end of this chapter)