On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 664

Chapter 664

Chapter 664 There are only two people who know my secret, one is myself and the other is a dead person

It just so happened that she was going to go to military training too, and since Ling Chuan was not at home, it was indeed not safe for Zeng Fang to live alone. Even if Ling Chuan came back in a few days, it would not be appropriate to have **** with Zeng Fang.

Although she trusts the two of them, if gossip spreads, Pingbai will add to her embarrassment.

With a cook, they can not only take care of their daily life, but also prevent outsiders from gossiping.

That night, Shao Mo took the cook back to the courtyard.

In the car, Shao Mo briefly learned about the personal situation of the cook, and then asked about the other party's current salary, and then gave the other party a 20% increase on the original basis.

"The small courtyard is not richer and more spacious than the Shao family courtyard, and things are more complicated, but don't worry, I will not treat anyone who works by my side badly. The benefits you enjoyed in the Shao family courtyard before, go to mine as usual, I will give extra red envelopes during the holidays.

Originally, the cook was quite unhappy about being transferred to work in the small courtyard.

Working in the Shao family compound is not to mention easy, and the wages are high, but I went to the small courtyard. It sounds nice to be a housekeeper, but in fact it is a nanny. I have to do everything inside and out.

But without further ado, Shao Mo raised her wages first, and there were red envelopes during the holidays, and the little dissatisfaction in the cook's heart immediately dissipated.

"Miss, don't worry, I will do my best."


Back to the small courtyard, Zeng Fang has already returned, skipping rope in the yard.

"Fangfang, this is Sister Luo. From now on, she will be the housekeeper of the family, responsible for our daily life. Sister Luo, this is my good friend, Zeng Fang, who is currently studying outside Beijing. She will live here until she graduates from university. "

Hearing Shao Mo's introduction, Sister Luo bowed to Zeng Fang a little cautiously, "Ms. Zeng, hello."

"Hello, Sister Luo, I will trouble you in the future."

Seeing Zeng Fang's smile, Sister Luo's mood relaxed a lot.

Shao Mo first briefly showed Sister Luo about the situation in the small courtyard, and then pointed to the flower room and the study room, "You usually don't go in these two rooms casually, I will tell you to clean them if necessary, I live in the main room, and Fangfang lives in the main room." In the east wing, you can live in the west wing, you can choose any of the three rooms."

"Okay, Missy."

After making arrangements for Sister Luo, it was almost 9 o'clock. Shao Mo was hesitating whether to take a bath first or call Ling Chuan first, when the phone in the living room rang.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, have you had dinner yet?"

"I ate, what about you?"

"I just finished eating. I observed the pager store here for a long time, and found that the pager here is selling very well. From 3 pm to now, there are 34 batches of customers who entered the store, and a total of 15 sold out. pager."

From the perspective of quantity, 15 pagers do not seem to be many, but you must know that the pagers of this era belong to high-end consumption, and the cheapest one costs 1,230 yuan. After calculating 15 units, the sales volume is nearly 20,000 yuan. , and this is only half a day.

The most important thing is that it is only the initial stage of the development of the wireless paging industry. After next year, the number of pager users will explode like a blowout.

By then, it will be easy to sell hundreds of units a day. As long as you catch this trend, getting rich overnight is not a dream.

"Good, what are your thoughts and plans next?"

"I want to go to another place tomorrow to take a look and understand the market, and then find a way to contact the person in charge of Motorola to try to get a dealership."

"Okay, just do as you want, if you encounter trouble that can't be solved, you can call me or Dad."


After Ling Chuan on the other end of the phone answered, his tone suddenly became warmer, "Daughter-in-law, I'm not at home, you have to be careful, and remember to lock the doors and windows at night."

"Don't worry, I brought Sister Luo from Moyuan here, and she will be the housekeeper here from now on."

Ling Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

I have to say that it is convenient to have a nanny at home.

When you get up in the morning, you can eat a variety of hot breakfasts, and the hygiene is also cleaned up. When you come home from school, there are delicious meals on the table.

Sister Luo can enter Shao's house as a cook, so there is nothing to say about her cooking skills. The only disadvantage is that only Shao Mo eats dinner alone, so it is inevitable that she will be a little deserted.

Shao Mo also had the idea of letting Sister Luo eat with her, but reason told her that this precedent cannot be set.

Once the sense of proportion is lost between the master and the servant, the servant tends to get carried away easily, and finally develops a heart of deceiving the master.

"Fangfang, I'm going to military training tomorrow, and Ling Chuan won't be back until a few days later. Remember to lock the doors and windows at night."

"Don't worry, Sister Luo is still here."

Shao Mo glanced outside the door, and made sure that Sister Luo couldn't hear her, so she reminded with two voices: "The mountain will fall, and everyone will run. Never put your safety in the hands of others."

Zeng Fang nodded quickly, "Can't Sister Luo be trusted?"

"It's not that you can't trust it, but that you can't just trust your life safety on others. It's human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When it comes to danger, she may not necessarily take care of you."

"Oh, got it!"

Shao Mo took out an electric baton that looked like a flashlight, "You take this for self-defense, and you can put it under your pillow when you sleep."

"what is this?"

"Non-military electric batons have two gears. The first gear will make people lose their ability to move, and the second gear will directly make people faint for more than ten minutes. The power is limited. Don't use it indiscriminately unless it is critical."


Zeng Fang looked over and over with the electric baton, her expression full of curiosity, "Momo, where did you get so many weird self-defense weapons?"


"Can't even tell me?"

Shao Mo suddenly became serious, "Fangfang, there are only two people who know my secret, one is myself, and the other is a dead person. Do you still want to know?"

Zeng Fang trembled, shaking her head like a rattle, "No, I'm not interested in secrets at all."

Shao Mo couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help pinching the other person's round face, "Fool, I've already drawn up your recipe for the next half month. As long as you eat according to it, you will definitely lose weight."

"Yeah, I will. When you come back, I will let you see a different me."

"Okay, I'll wait and see. If you lose more than five catties successfully, I'll give you a pager."

"It's a deal!"

"Young man, you are also interested in the business of this pager, and you came here for the dealer qualification?"

Ling Chuan had just found a seat to sit down when a middle-aged man in his forties approached him with a smile on his face.

Ling Chuan looked at the other party, nodded slightly, "Yes."

The middle-aged man took out the cigarette case, took a cigarette and handed it to him.

Ling Chuan waved his hand, "Thank you, I don't smoke."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then he put the cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile: "It's good not to smoke, save money, and you don't have to be scolded by your wife. You should be married, right?"

"Well, it's over, my daughter-in-law is studying in university in Beijing."

Speaking of Shao Mo, Ling Chuan couldn't hide his pride and smile on his face.

Third watch~

Today is the 22nd, rounding up is the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass

(end of this chapter)