On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Chapter 653 There is an extra woman in the courtyard

After leaving Shen's house, Shen Zhen didn't go back to the apartment, but drove to the nursing home.

"Brother, here I come again."

Shen Zhen sat on the edge of the bed, opened the moon cake box he brought, and put it on the bedside table.

"I said I wouldn't come here tonight, but this box of mooncakes is really delicious. I can't help but bring them here for you to try."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes if I say it. I snatched this mooncake from a little fat girl. With her delicious personality, if she knows that the mooncake was taken by me, she will probably be **** to death."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhen couldn't help laughing.

"Originally, I wanted to send her home as a reward, but she actually suspected that I had bad intentions, and if I didn't sit down, I would not be used to her."

Shen Zhen only said half of what he said, the other half was that he did not go far after driving away, but parked nearby, saw the little chubby girl get a taxi, and saw her return to the place where he lived. Then I drove back to Shen's house.

This is the truth of his lateness.

Early the next morning, Shao Mo and Ling Chuan went back to the courtyard, packed their luggage and prepared to go back to Jiang City with Zeng Fang.

Because there are only a few days of vacation, everyone doesn't have much stuff. Shao Mo has a suitcase, some specialties and moon cakes, and Zeng Fang has even fewer things. There is only a backpack and no clothes, anyway. Back home, there are plenty of clothes.

"Fangfang, don't forget to take your mooncakes."

Seeing that Zeng Fang was about to go out with a backpack on her back, Shao Mo couldn't help reminding her.

"Ah, I went to play with my classmates yesterday, and I gave them the two boxes of mooncakes."

This explanation is full of loopholes. There are two boxes of mooncakes, each with ten pieces. Even if you invite your classmates to eat one box, it is enough. After all, it is a sweet food, and you will get tired of eating two at most. How can you eat two boxes at once.

But Shao Mo didn't ask too much, "I still have three boxes here, and I'll get you another box when I go back."

Zeng Fang suddenly smiled, "Okay, thank you Momo."

Shao Mo rubbed her head, "Let's go, let's go."


The plane landed at 1:30 pm.

After getting the luggage, Shao Mo not only brought a box of mooncakes to Zeng Fang, but also brought some specialties from the capital, which Zeng Fang didn't want at first, until she heard that Mrs. Shao specially prepared them.

"Momo, I went to your house once, and I ate and took it. I'm too embarrassed to go to your house again in the future."

Shao Mo looked at her amusedly, "Where did your thick skin go?"

"No matter how thick it is, it can't be thicker than the city wall."

"My grandma likes the aloe vera you gave me very much. If you feel embarrassed, just bring her another interesting gift next time."

"That's fine."

As soon as the three of them walked out of the airport, Yao Suhua, Zeng Xingguo, and Ling Jiang, who had been waiting for a long time, came up to welcome them.

After exchanging greetings, Zeng Fang followed Yao Suhua and Zeng Xingguo away, while Shao Mo took Ling Chunhua into a taxi.

After putting everything into the trunk, Ling Jiang and Ling Chuan also got into the car successively. Ling Jiang sat in the passenger seat, Ling Chuan sat in the back row, and Ling Chunhua sat between them.

"Aunt, Uncle, I miss you so much!"

Ling Chunhua held Shao Mo in her left arm and Ling Chuan in her right hand, with her little face upturned and happy as if celebrating the New Year.

Ling Chuan rubbed Ling Chunhua's head with a gentle expression, "Good boy."

Shao Mo said: "You can call us often if you miss us."

Ling Chunhua shook her head, "No, the phone bill is too expensive, you can only call once a month."

Shao Mo stretched out her hand and tapped the other person's little nose, "Call me next time you miss Auntie, and Auntie will pay for the call."

Ling Chunhua still shook her head, "That's not okay, Auntie's money is also hard earned."

"Then what do you do when you miss us?"

"When I miss you, I look at the photos of you and your uncle. Dad has a photo album with many photos of you and your uncle."

Ling Jiang turned around from the front row, and said cheerfully: "The photo album belongs to Chuanzi, and there are several copies. When you went to the capital, you couldn't take so many, so you put two copies in my place."

Shao Mo subconsciously glanced at Ling Chuan beside her.

She knew that Ling Chuan had a very thick photo album, which contained photos of her alone and some photos of the two together, but she didn't know that there were several copies, and she didn't know what he took.

"Brother, show me the photo album when you get back. I want to pick some good photos and take them back."


When she returned to the courtyard and saw that the gate was unlocked, Shao Mo thought it was because Ling Jiang was in a hurry to go out and forgot, but the door opened in the next second, and a graceful and beautiful woman came out from inside.

"Sister Lan."

Shao Mo only reacted after being stunned for a moment, and greeted with a smile.

"Oh, you guys are back. I heat all the food in the pot, and you can eat it when you sit down. Go in first."

Although it is autumn, Wei Qiaolan is still wearing a wrap-around skirt, three-inch high heels on her feet, her snow-white ankles exposed, her hair permed into big waves, and light makeup on her face, as delicate and charming as before.

Although she knew that Wei Qiaolan might have appeared in Ling's house for the reason of helping them or welcoming them, Shao Mo still felt weird and uncomfortable with the hostess attitude of the other party, but she didn't show it on her face.

The food is very rich, with all kinds of chicken, duck, fish and shrimp, and the taste is not bad, but Shao Mo ate some food on the plane. Could it be that he is very hungry, so he stopped chopsticks after just a few mouthfuls.

On the contrary, Ling Chuan ate a lot. For him, these meals are not only a meal to satisfy his hunger, but also the taste of his hometown.

What Shao Mo paid special attention to was that Wei Qiaolan added vegetables to Ling Chunhua while eating, and even picked fish bones and peeled shrimp shells, and Ling Chunhua seemed to be used to it, eating happily.

As for Ling Jiang, he didn't eat much by himself, he just talked about this and that with Ling Chuan, and he was very busy picking up vegetables, adding rice and scooping soup.

After dinner, Ling Jiang cleaned up the dishes, while Shao Mo and Ling Chuan went back to tidy up the room.

The room Ling Jiang should have cleaned up in advance, the floor and table tops were clean, only the bed was left unmade.

Ling Chuan took out the quilt and sheets from the closet and began to make the bed, while Shao Mo sat in front of the vanity mirror and thought about something.

"Daughter-in-law, the bed is made, do you want to sleep for a while?"

Looking at her in a daze, Ling Chuan thought she was tired, and came to look for her as soon as the bed was made.

Shao Mo was not sleepy, but a little tired. Seeing that the bed was made, she took off her shoes and leaned on the bed.

Ling Chuan opened the suitcase, took out her belongings one by one, and put them where they should be.

Shao Mo leaned on the bed to see him busy, and fell asleep accidentally.

When she woke up, the sky outside the window was almost dark, the small night-vision lamp on the bedside table gave off a dim light, and she was covered with a warm quilt.

Shao Mo stretched her waist, got up, got dressed and went out, only to see Wei Qiaolan cleaning up dog **** in front of the dog cage with a broom and shovel.

A woman like Wei Qiaolan doesn't seem to be capable of housework, but the other party insists on stepping on high heels and bending over to clean up the smelly shit.

"Hey, you said what do you usually eat, the **** is so stinky, and there are so many, and you only swept it at noon, and you will **** so many more."

Hearing Wei Qiaolan's scolding, Shao Mo couldn't help laughing.

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)