On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Li Zhijie Was Arrested

The two villagers were still counting on Boss Xu to take them to Su City to earn a lot of money. When they heard that Li Zhijie had robbed Boss Xu, they chased after Li Zhijie without saying a word.

Li Zhijie raised a whole body of lazy meat, and the villagers who couldn't run around doing farm work were chased after a while, and were even sent to the Public Security Bureau.

The stolen goods were obtained together, with the testimony of the villagers and the **** wrench, the fact that Li Zhijie wounded and robbed is a certainty!

Although he has been complaining about being wronged, who would believe him as a bastard?

That night, Li Zhijie was criminally detained.

In the private room of the teahouse, Xu Shoucheng smiled and said to Yun Mo and Zeng Fang: "Miss Zeng, Miss Yun, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life."

Yunmo looked at Xu Shoucheng's gauze-wrapped forehead with concern, "Boss Xu, is your injury serious?"

Xu Shoucheng waved his hand, "It's okay, it's just that the skin is torn, and there is no stitch."

Yunmo breathed a sigh of relief, then took out an envelope containing 1,000 yuan from her bag and handed it to the other party, "Boss Xu, thank you very much for your help, you are doing big business, so I don't think this little money will be taken seriously." , but please be sure to accept it as medical expenses and nutrition expenses. In the future, if there is something I can help with, you can ask, but if I can do it, I will never refuse."

Zeng Fang followed suit, "Yes, Boss Xu, you must accept it. Thank you very much this time."

Xu Shoucheng smiled, "You are too polite. Compared with Zeng Ju's help to me, this is nothing."

Xu Shoucheng's identity is true, and the recruitment is also true, because only in this way can Li Zhijie be hooked.

It was not difficult to do this. Li Li would go out to chat with neighbors every day. Yun Mo took this opportunity to spread the news that Xu Shoucheng came to Jiang City to recruit workers to Li Li's ears.

Li Li has always been worried that Li Zhijie will not be doing his job properly, and that one day it will implicate her. Hearing this news, he will definitely encourage Zhu Hongping to send Li Zhijie to Jiang City. He can earn money and send people away, so why not do it?

Everything went according to Yunmo and Zeng Fang's plan. As soon as Zhu Hongping heard that going to Suzhou leather factory could make a lot of money, he immediately signed up his son.

After Xu Shoucheng left, Zeng Fang couldn't help crying with joy.

"Yunmo, I did it, I avenged myself."

Yun Mo patted her on the shoulder with a smile, "This time Li Zhijie can't run away, he intentionally wounded and robbed, and the amount was huge, the crime will not be lightened.

Zeng Fang, I asked Li Zhijie about it. Yunyao didn't participate in that day's incident. Now that Li Zhijie, the chief culprit, has been brought to justice, let the past be the past, and everything must look forward. "

"En!" Zeng Fang nodded heavily.

Zeng's family.

Knowing that her daughter, with Yunmo's help, personally sent Li Zhijie to prison, Yao Suhua was both relieved and relieved.

"I really didn't expect that the adopted daughter of the Yun family would have such a delicate and transparent mind. This strategy is closely linked and seamless. It not only punished the villains, but also preserved Fangfang's reputation. It is really admirable. I just can't figure it out." , such a smart girl, how could she have such a bad reputation in the past?"

Zeng Xingguo sighed, "There is no natural strong man in the world. The real strong man is honed out of suffering. The wisdom we see now may be bought at a price beyond imagination behind the scenes. "

"When you say that, I feel sorry for the child Yunmo. She is the same age as our Fangfang, but she has experienced so many setbacks at such a young age. No matter what, she helped Fangfang so much this time. I'm so busy, I'll make a note of this favor.

"Well, we will help her wherever we can help in the future."

Lijia Village.

Although the information network is not well developed in this era, for rural areas, wounding and robbery can be regarded as a blockbuster.

After the spread of two villagers, it spread throughout the four miles and eight townships, including Lijia Village, in just two days.

The ridiculous thing is that almost the whole Lijia Village knew about it, but Li Dajun and Zhu Hongping were kept in the dark.

Zhu Hongping is also not very popular in the village. She always scolds and fights with others. She is such a shrew that no one dares or wants to talk about Li Zhijie in front of her.

At this time, Zhu Hongping was still dreaming of her son's dream of earning a lot of money in Suzhou, and she even went to find the most famous matchmaker in ten miles and eight towns. , you can directly marry someone back home.

The matchmaker is also particular about people. When she learned of Zhu Hongping's intentions, she directly said that there was no suitable match to introduce.

Zhu Hongping was not happy when she heard that, "Why is there no suitable one? The unmarried girl in your hand has eighty if not one hundred, and you can't find one who is worthy of my Zhijie? I don't care, you have to You have to help me choose a few good ones, and when the time comes, I will definitely not lose your red envelope."

Hearing this, she became the most eloquent, and the matchmaker, who was able to talk nonsense even when she saw people, didn't know how to answer it.

What kind of virtue does your son have in his heart? An older bachelor in his twenties, it's fine if his family is so poor, he's still a **** who idles around and sneaks around, and with a wicked mother-in-law like you, if introducing a girl into your house as a daughter-in-law, isn't that pushing people into the fire pit?

She is a matchmaker and not a sinner, so she doesn't do such immoral things.

The matchmaker simply opened the skylight and said bluntly, "I said Aunt Li, your son has become like this, and you still expect to find a daughter-in-law. You should go back and burn incense, and ask your ancestors to bless and bless him, so that he will spend a few years in prison less. really."

The matchmaker said this out of kindness, but Zhu Hongping didn't know that his son had been arrested, and thought that the other party was cursing his son, so he pointed at the other party's nose and cursed loudly before leaving cursing.

After returning home, Zhu Hongping became more and more angry. She went to the hut to fill half a bucket of dung, and wanted to pour it on the door of Mrs. Mei's house to calm her anger. As soon as she walked out of the house, she saw the village head leading two policemen towards the house. towards her home.

The village chief brought two police officers in front of her, covered his nose and looked at the dung bucket in her hand, "Zhu Hongping, what are you doing with this stinky thing?"

Zhu Hongping dared not say that he was going to find trouble with the matchmaker, "Why not, go to the field to water the vegetables."

The village chief didn't ask any more questions, and pointed to the two police officers beside him and introduced: "This is the police from the city. I need you if I need anything."

Zhu Hongping is a typical coward. Seeing the serious and dignified public security, his panting became much quieter.

"Look, what do you want me for? I'm a woman, I don't steal anything, I don't steal, I live my life, I don't know anything."

Zhu Hongping thought that the Public Security Bureau came to the door because his son had committed the crime of rape, so he left himself clean in a few words.

Good night~

(end of this chapter)