On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 639

Chapter 639

Chapter 639 Knowing the Enemy and the Self, Winning a Hundred Battles

There are a few buttons on the pager. Shao Ying randomly pressed them twice, and the pager immediately beeped.

Shao Ying frantically tried to turn off the sound, but it didn't work after pressing it for a long time, instead she recruited Shao Ya from the bathroom.

"Didn't I tell you not to rummage through my things?"

Shao Ya snatched the pager from her hand, and complained while turning off the sound.

Shao Ying was not angry, but just looked at her enviously, "Second Sister, who bought you the pager?"

"A gift from a friend."

Shao Ya put the pager in the drawer of the dresser, and took an unopened lipstick from the drawer and handed it to her.

"This is for you. I bought it at the store today. Don't you mean that your lips tend to get chapped? Use this for two days and it will be fine."

Shao Ying squeezed the lipstick, but her mind was still on the pager.

"Second Sister, which friend of yours is willing to give you such an expensive gift."

"You do not know."

"I don't know you anymore after you tell me."

Shao Ya ignored it, and only reminded me not to touch my things before going to the bathroom again.

Shao Ying pursed her mouth, took off the lipstick in her hand, picked up the mirror on the dressing table to try it on, and then began to think about the friend Shao Ya was talking about.

"Second sister, are you in a relationship?"

When Shao Ya came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Shao Ying immediately ran up and expressed her guess excitedly.


Shao Ying naturally didn't believe it, "Then you dare to tell me which friend gave you the pager?"

Shao Ya was a little displeased, "I told you that you don't know, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Hmph, it must have been given by your boyfriend! You are afraid that the third aunt will find out, so you dare not say it. Don't worry, I won't tell the third aunt."

Shao Ya was annoyed by Shao Ying, so she changed the subject and said, "Why are you in a bad mood today?"

Sure enough, Shao Ying was distracted, "It's not that Shao Mo, she just roasted a suckling pig, what's there to show off, and she's so eager to get people to send it around, thinking that everyone like her has never eaten pork Hillbilly!"

"Then have you eaten?" Shao Ya asked her while wiping her hair with a towel.

Shao Ying frowned, "Of course I didn't eat, I'd rather starve to death than eat her food!"

At this moment, a servant asked for instructions from outside the door, "Second Miss, the roast suckling pork is ready, should I send it to your study, or should you go to the restaurant to eat?"

"Just put it in the restaurant."

As soon as the servant left, Shao Ying immediately called out, "Second Sister, you actually want to eat the roast suckling pork she sent?"

Shao Ya gave her a strange look, "Why don't I eat it? I have no conflict with my elder sister. Don't worry, I won't force you if you don't eat it."

Come to the restaurant, looking at the golden roast suckling pork cut into small pieces on the table, Shao Ying gritted her teeth bitterly.

"It looks greasy, I really don't know what's delicious!"

"I eat it because I don't know if it's good or not. You'll know if it's good after you've eaten it."

Shao Ying raised her nostrils and snorted coldly.

Shao Ya picked up a piece of roast suckling pig skin with her chopsticks.

The reheated pork skin is still very crispy. Although it is not comparable to that just out of the oven, it is not bad.

After eating the pig skin, Shao Ya took a sip of porridge to suppress the greasy, and then sandwiched a piece of fat and thin roast pork, dipped in spiced pepper and salt, and ate it with shredded green onion and lettuce leaves.

Shao Ying didn't have enough for dinner, and she was young and strong in digestion, so she was already hungry. Seeing Shao Ya eating roast suckling pork slowly, her saliva was drooling.

But her mouth was still very firm, "It must be terrible!"

Shao Ya couldn't see that she was greedy, so she turned her head and asked the servants to bring another set of bowls and chopsticks.

"I won't eat!" Shao Ying refused without thinking.

Shao Ya looked at her, "If you don't eat roast suckling pork, you can eat something else."

In addition to roast suckling pork, there are white porridge and two home-cooked side dishes on the dinner table.

Hearing this, Shao Ying didn't hold her tongue anymore, she just muttered strangely, "Second Sister, haven't you had dinner yet?"

"I ate, but I'm not full. I have to study later, and I can't concentrate when I'm hungry."

"It's still early before the college entrance examination, you don't need to work so hard now, right?"

Shao Ya said to her while eating: "The college entrance examination is different from your usual tests. There are many knowledge points and a wide range of knowledge in the college entrance examination. If you do one more question now, you may get two more points in the college entrance examination. The points are enough for you to squeeze out thousands of troops."

"Is that an exaggeration?"

"What I said is not an exaggeration at all, but a fact."

Shao Ying was a little unconvinced, "Even if you don't pass the exam, at worst, you can give me some money at that time, or ask your uncle to help you clear it up, and I'm afraid you won't be able to go to the school you want to go to."

Shao Ya disapproved, "If everyone thought like you, the Shao family would have been finished."

Shao Ying is still very unconvinced, "We are girls, and it's not our turn to inherit the family property. What's the use of studying well?"

"Good knowledge is a very important appearance for a woman. In the future, whether you want to be invincible in any of the three parties, whether you want to be career, marriage, or social, knowledge is a very important weight.

Girls like us, if we don't have the ability, we will only end up being tools of the family. "

Shao Ying opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a rebuttal.

After the servants brought clean bowls and chopsticks, Shao Ying followed suit and began to eat silently.

But she only eats other dishes, and avoids suckling pork like a snake.

Shao Ya saw it, and personally picked a piece of roast suckling pork with crispy skin and put it in her bowl.

"I said I would not eat..."

"Know your enemy and your friend, and you will never end in a hundred battles. If you want to defeat your enemy, you must have a thorough understanding of her. Don't you always think that the suckling pork roasted by the elder sister can't be delicious? How can you be sure if you don't taste it yourself? Is it delicious?"

Shao Ya's words made Shao Ying irrefutable. She hesitated for a while before she picked up the roast suckling pork and slowly put it into her mouth.

The entrance is the unique crispy roasted suckling pig skin, followed by tender and juicy pork without any fishy smell, mixed with five flavors and sauce, the unique and rich taste greatly satisfies the taste buds.

After eating one piece, Shao Ying couldn't help but take another piece of crispy pork skin.


One bite, it is as crispy as crispy rice, but crisper and more delicious than crispy rice.

After eating the roasted suckling pig skin that was as delicious as rice crust, Shao Ying was about to pick up a piece of pork ribs to eat, and just as the chopsticks were on the plate, she heard Shao Ya from the opposite side ask her, "Is it delicious?"

Facing Shao Ya's smiling eyes, Shao Ying's face became hot, "I'm here to understand the enemy!"

Seeing her stubborn mouth, Shao Ya didn't bother to expose it, but directly pushed a whole plate of roast suckling pork over.

"Then you understand slowly, go back to rest early after eating, I went to the study to study."

"Second sister, don't you want to eat?"

"I'm done eating."

After Shao Ya left, Shao Ying lost all scruples and almost ate half of the plate of roast suckling pig.

(end of this chapter)