On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Chapter 631 Anyone who can't get along with me will end up miserable

Looking at the shoes pierced by the point of the knife on the ground, Zeng Fang explained in panic: "I didn't do it on purpose. It's because the knife is too heavy that I couldn't hold it firmly."

Everyone's attention was attracted by the shoes on the ground, but Shao Mo noticed that when the knife fell to the ground, Shen Zhen subconsciously reached out to catch it, and his eyes followed the direction where the knife fell.

So, Shen Zhen's eyes are not blind?

Guessing this conclusion, she couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Shen Zhen has a very prominent family background, if something happens, even if Shao Lin steps forward, it will be difficult to turn it around.

"Fat girl, you are so eloquent here, I think you just don't want my brother Zhen well, you can't even do such a small thing as peeling an apple, how can you serve my brother Zhen?"

"I said it was careless, believe it or not!"


"Shut up all the fuck!"

Shen Zhen spoke, Zhou Ye finally calmed down, and stopped arguing with Zeng Fang.

Xiao Yu bent down to pick up the knife stuck on the toe of the shoe, and said with a smile: "This is an outdoor knife, it is really not very useful for peeling fruit, Miss Zeng, go downstairs and buy a new fruit knife, by the way Buy some daily necessities for Brother Zhen."

Zeng Fang quickly turned her head to look at Shao Mo, "Momo, can you accompany me?"

Normally, Shao Mo would do this without Zeng Fang asking, but now she has other things to do.

"Fangfang, let Xiao Yu and Yiqian go with you, I want to talk to the doctor about something."

"Oh fine."

After leaving the ward, Xiao Yu, Shao Yiqian, and Zeng Fang walked downstairs, while Shao Mo walked to the office of the attending doctor who was in charge of Shen Zhen's condition.

It's just that Zhou Ye stopped him before he reached the office.

"Miss Shao, my Brother Zhen wants to talk to you about something."

Shao Mo returned to the ward, only Shen Zhen was in the ward, Zhou Ye and others were very consciously guarding the door.

After today's series of events, coupled with Zhou Ye's guidance, this group of people finally saw something.

"Ye Zi, are we going to have a new sister-in-law soon? I think Brother Zhen treats Miss Shao unusually."

Zhou Ye rolled his eyes at the other party, "You only see it now."

The man laughed, "Our brother Zhen is still mighty, this flower outside Beijing can be flung at any time, and then turned around and hooked up with Miss Shao's family..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Zhou Ye, "Can you **** talk, what kind of flirting or not, our brother Zhen is love at first sight."

"Love at first sight? Didn't you fall in love at the last party?"

Hearing this, Zhou Ye couldn't help sharing his experience with others proudly, "At the party that day, I found that Brother Zhen was always staring at the next table, where Miss Shao and that fat girl were sitting. , what kind of vision does Brother Zhen have, we won't be able to fall in love with that fat girl."

"One thing to say, this Miss Shao is not as big as Liang Binger's breasts, but she has good skin, pure and beautiful, elegant temperament, and her family background is placed there. She is worth ten Liang Binger."

In the ward, Shao Mo looked at Shen Zhen who was lazily leaning on the window sill and smoking, and was the first to get straight to the point.

"Second Master Shen's eyes are fine, that's great."

Shen Zhen exhaled smoke out of the window, turned his head and squinted his eyes to look at her, "Didn't you see it earlier? Miss Shao, I didn't see that you are quite good at pretending, but you can see that my eyes are fine. Quietly."

"I'm not a doctor, and I can't and dare not draw conclusions about Shen Ershao's condition based on subjective speculation."

Shen Zhen snorted coldly, turned his head and took another puff of cigarette before speaking again, "Now that you know, what do you want?"

Shao Mo chuckled, "I should be the one who asked Shen Ershao, did you pretend to be sick for other purposes, or was it just to tease Fangfang?"

Shen Zhen snorted coldly, "Shao Mo, I advise you to mind your own business."

Shao Mo responded indifferently, "Second Young Master Shen, I don't like to meddle in other people's business, but I treat Fangfang as my younger sister, and her affairs are not nosy."

Shen Zhen sneered and pressed the cigarette **** on the window sill, then suddenly turned and walked towards Shao Mo.

Although Shen Zhen is not as tall as Ling Chuan, he is still over 1.8 meters tall. In addition, he has a ruthless vigor on his body, and his aura is quite shocking.

If it were an ordinary girl, her legs might become weak from fright, but Shao Mo is not an ordinary girl. She has lived two lifetimes, not to mention that she has experienced all kinds of storms and waves, but she will not be frightened by a second-generation ancestor like Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen stopped three steps away from Shao Mo. Although there was no expression on his face, he was actually quite surprised.

He has seen a lot of girls, they are generous on the surface, as if they are not afraid of him, but as soon as he gets close, they will show their feet. He also likes to use this trick to scare girls who try to get close to him and get his attention.

But he found that Shao Mo was really not afraid of him, not at all.

"Miss Shao is new here, so she may not understand my temper. Anyone who can't get along with me will end up miserable, even if it's a woman."

"I don't want to make things difficult for Second Young Master Shen beyond my control, I just hope Second Young Master Shen will hold your hand high."

"What if I don't raise my hand?"

"Second Young Master Shen may not understand my personality either. For those who intend to hurt people around me, I don't care who they are or what kind of family background they have, I will accompany them to the end."

Shen Zhen sneered contemptuously, "Miss Shao is threatening me?"

"No, this is called courtesy before soldiers."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open vigorously, and the door panel hit the wall, making a loud bang.

Shao Mo turned around and found that Zeng Fang and the others had returned.

As soon as the door opened, Zeng Fang rushed in nervously and took her hand.

"Momo, are you okay?"

Shao Mo shook her head, and then noticed that Xiao Yu and Shao Yiqian who were following behind Zeng Fang also had tension and concern on their faces.

It turned out that when the three of them came back from shopping, Zhou Ye blocked them from entering, saying that Shen Zhen and Shao Mo were talking inside and they could not be disturbed. The thing in his hand smashed Zhou Ye open, and then he pushed the door and broke in.

Knowing that they had misunderstood, Shao Mo quickly explained: "I'm fine, I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that Er Shao Shen's injury is not serious, and his eyesight will recover by this time tomorrow at the latest. I'm telling Er Shao Shen about this good news."

Hearing this, Shen Zhen sneered secretly.

Of course he could hear what Shao Mo meant, it was nothing more than to show that he could only order Zeng Fang for one day.

Seeing that Shen Zhen didn't make a sound, Shao Mo also understood that the other party obviously acquiesced to her plan.

Zeng Fang was dubious, but seeing that Shao Mo was doing well and not being hurt by Shen Zhen, she let go of her worries.

Zhou Ye and others came in afterward, pointing at Zeng Fang and just about to scold her, when Shen Zhen suddenly stretched out a hand.

"Help me to bed."

Zhou Ye instinctively went to help Shenzhen, but thought of something in the next second, and turned around to boss Zeng Fang.

"You, go and help my brother Zhen go to the hospital bed!"

Zeng Fang rolled her eyes at the other party, and walked over to hold Shen Zhen's wrist.

(end of this chapter)