On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 628

Chapter 628

Chapter 628 Shen Zhen, this bitch

"I went to TM, it's their food again, what about ours?"

Zhou Ye rolled his eyes, and before the waiter brought Kung Pao Chicken to the table, he got up and came to Shao Mo.

"Miss Shao, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Shao Mo put down the chopsticks in her hand, and looked at the other party calmly with almond eyes, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Zhou Ye. I met you at Miss Shao Erhu's birthday party last time. You play the erhu very well. I still remember it vividly."

"Oh, what's the matter with Master Zhou?"

Zhou Ye chuckled, "Miss Shao, you see that there are so many dishes on your table, and you won't be able to finish them in a while, can you give us the dish just served? Don't worry, When our food comes out in a while, I will definitely return it intact."

Shao Mo didn't want to cause trouble, so she asked Zhou Ye to take the dishes away.

Seeing Zhou Ye bring Kung Pao Chicken back, except for Shen Zhen, everyone else eagerly picked up their chopsticks, and immediately rushed to the plate as soon as the plate fell off the table.

Zhou Ye didn't move his chopsticks, but tilted his head to ask Shen Zhen for credit in a low voice, "Brother Zhen, am I smart? Hehe, when you return the food later, you go, you are so handsome, hook your fingers a little, Then Miss Shao is still obediently rushing forward?"

Shen Zhen squinted at him with a half-smile, "You're so **** smart."

Zhou Ye didn't hear Shen Zhen's ridicule, but was complacent.

"Brother Zhen won the prize, it's all trivial."

Zeng Fang and Shen Zhen were back to back, and the distance was no more than 10 centimeters. She could hear Zhou Ye whispering something, but she couldn't make out the specific content.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust, tilted her head and whispered to Shao Mo.

"You are so easy to talk. If it were me, I would not let it go. It would be best for them to starve to death."

Shao Mo picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised pigeon and put it in Zeng Fang's bowl, "Okay, eat quickly, I'll treat you to a movie in the afternoon after dinner."

"Really? But it would be boring just watching a movie. It would be much more interesting if there were popcorn and Coke."

Shao Mo was funny, "Okay, you have the final say."

Zeng Fang was so happy that she stopped worrying about Zhou Ye's "borrowing food".

Yao Liang, the team leader of the debate team, heard that the two of them were going to the movies, so he couldn't help interjecting, "Zeng Fang, you guys are going to the movies this afternoon. I just have nothing else to do this afternoon. , can I go with you?"


Zeng Fang was a little confused. Although Yao Liang and her were classmates and a debate team, they were not familiar with each other.

Maybe also aware that his proposal was too abrupt, Yao Liang said to the others: "Are you going? It's the weekend anyway, let's go together, I treat you."

The others at the same table looked at each other in blank dismay.

"How embarrassing, you invited me for lunch, and I invite you to watch a movie in the afternoon, so forget it, let's buy the tickets ourselves."

Yao Liang said with a smile: "I used the pocket money I saved during the summer vacation to start a small business with Fa Xiao Partners. The income is not bad, and I have more money than everyone else."

These words immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"What kind of small business?"

"Sell floor fans, one can earn about 10 yuan."

"Hiss, the profit is so high?"

"My uncle has an electrical appliance factory. I get the goods directly from him, and then find a way to sell them myself, saving the intermediate links, so the profit is still considerable."

After hearing this, Shao Mo couldn't help but take another look at Yao Liang.

These days, household appliances are in short supply, but Yao Liang's uncle owns an electrical appliance factory, which is comparable in strength to a real estate boss in the 21st century.

Zeng Fang didn't pay much attention to Yao Liang's saying that her uncle owns an electrical appliance factory, but was more interested in Yao Liang's process of selling electric fans.

"Then how do you sell them? Electric fans are big and heavy. You can't sell them door-to-door, right?"

"We first found the neighborhood committee in the jurisdiction, and asked the neighborhood committee to gather people together, and then we used a small truck to pull the electric fan over. For every unit sold, we gave the neighborhood committee a commission of two yuan."

One thing to say, Yao Liang still has a bit of brains in business.

Zeng Fang directly gave a thumbs up, "Yao Liang, I really didn't realize that you are quite good at doing business."


As soon as the words fell, there was the piercing sound of stool legs scraping the ground behind Zeng Fang.

Everyone looked back subconsciously, and saw Shen Zhen's lonely, tall and thin figure striding towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Brother Zhen, where are you going?"

"Don't eat, just walk around."

Zhou Ye urged the others while standing up.

"Don't eat? This dish hasn't been served yet?" Everyone else at the table was still holding their chopsticks and couldn't react.

"Brother Zhen is gone, what a fart!"

"Ah, oh."

Shen Zhen and Zhou Ye both left, and the others could only put down their chopsticks and leave.

A group of people came and walked quickly, and soon disappeared.

"There must be something wrong with them."

After Zeng Fang turned her head back, she couldn't help whispering to Shao Mo.

"Oh, they borrowed our food and haven't returned it yet!"

Just as he was talking, the waiter came over with two dishes, which were sweet and sour pork ribs and braised squab.

"Waiter, you ordered the wrong one, our sweet and sour pork ribs and braised squab have already been served."

The waiter quickly explained: "It's the guests at the next table. They have already paid the bill, and they promise to bring all the dishes they ordered here, as a favor to Miss Shao."

Hearing this explanation, Zeng Fang looked at Shao Mo suspiciously. The next second, she seemed to understand something, and hurriedly whispered to Shao Mo.

"Momo, the person surnamed Zhen must have taken a fancy to you, right?"

Zeng Fang didn't know Shen Zhen's identity, but she just heard Zhou Ye calling him "Brother Zhen" all the time, so she mistakenly thought that Shen Zhen's surname was "Zhen".

Shao Mo couldn't tell for a while, Shen Zhen came to the cafeteria to eat on purpose.

"No wonder he's haunted and buzzing around, he must be plotting against you! This flamboyant radish, he was still in love with you in the morning, and then he turned around and came to hook you up again, bitch! If I dare to harass you again, I will definitely scold him like hell!"

Shao Mo persuaded with a funny face, "Maybe we think too much, well, leave him alone, let's eat."

After coming out of the cafeteria, Shen Zhen didn't leave Beijing directly, but found a cool place to sit and smoke.

Zhou Ye and others surrounded him, "Brother Zhen, is the food not to your liking or someone obstructing your eyes? Tell me, brothers and sisters will help you to teach him a lesson."

Zhou Ye winked a bit, guessing that Shen Zhen's unhappiness might be related to Yao Liang.

Any man will not feel happy when he sees another man posing in front of the woman he likes.

Shen Zhen squinted his eyes and smoked without saying a word.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he suddenly felt very unhappy, wanted to lose his temper, wanted to hit someone, but he couldn't get angry, and his heart was blocked like a sandbag.

The feeling was foreign and disturbed him.

Explosion is over~

Looking for a monthly pass, please!

(end of this chapter)