On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Chapter 626 Brother Zhen is a drunkard today

Getting off the bus, there was a beautiful woman with big breasts, slender legs and long legs waving at him at the gate of Beijing Foreign Language School.

Several attendants saw each other and came to Shen Zhen one after another, "Brother Zhen, it's my sister-in-law."

"I haven't seen you for a few days, my sister-in-law has become beautiful again."

"Will you be able to talk? My sister-in-law has always been pretty."

"Yes, yes, I said something wrong."

Compared to the excitement of several followers, Shen Zhen himself reacted very coldly to seeing his girlfriend.

But he has always been like this, and everyone is used to giving someone a bad face that owes him eight million.

Liang Binger jumped in front of Shen Zhen like a butterfly, her delicate face was full of surprise and joy, "Shen Zhen, you really came, I thought you were teasing me yesterday."

Shen Zhen put his hands lazily in his trouser pockets, with the most attractive appearance of his father, "I don't have much time to spare, lead the way."

"Sister-in-law, what kind of event are you wearing today?"

In the past, when Liang Binger saw Shen Zhen, she always wore miniskirts, but today she rarely wore a white shirt and suit pants, which looked quite serious.

"Today, freshmen in the Chinese Department have a debate competition."

"Freshman debate competition? Sister-in-law, aren't you already a junior? This has nothing to do with you, does it?"

"I was invited by the school girls to be a foreign aid."

"Oh, my sister-in-law is amazing!"

Hearing the servant's compliment to her, Liang Bing'er laughed like a flower, staring at Shen Zhen with a pair of autumn water pupils, the intention is self-evident.

If it were any other man, he would have already complimented his girlfriend knowingly, but it's a pity that Shen Zhen is a hard rock who doesn't understand the style, and he didn't give Liang Binger a direct look.

"Shen Zhen..."

Liang Binger wanted to pull Shen Zhen unwillingly, but was choked back by Shen Zhen's cold stare.

"Will you talk well?"

Liang Bing'er knew Shen Zhen's temper, so she didn't dare to flirt, "If I win later, please treat me to dinner at noon, okay?"

Shen Zhen looked Liang Binger up and down, and smiled, "We'll wait until you win."

A follower laughed and said, "Brother Zhen, if sister-in-law loses, you should treat her to dinner and comfort her."

Shen Zhen rolled his eyes at the man, but ignored him.

The debate competition was held in the large conference room of the Chinese Department, and there were quite a few people watching the competition. The appearance of Shen Zhen and his party did not attract too many people's attention.

At 9 o'clock, the debate officially began.

A two-two confrontation system is adopted, and the leader of each group draws lots to determine the opponent.

Coincidentally, the opponent of Zeng Fang's team happened to be the team where Liang Binger was the foreign aid.

Liang Binger is the flower of the Chinese Department. When the host read her name, everyone in the audience looked in her direction, and Zeng Fang was no exception.

When she saw Shen Zhen who was sitting next to Liang Binger with her legs crossed like an old man, Zeng Fang couldn't help being stunned.

Yunmo also saw Shen Zhen, but she only took one look before looking away, and turned to adjust the collars of herself and Zeng Fang, ready to go on stage.

Soon, the debaters of the two teams took to the stage to start a duel.

Liang Binger is the positive side, and Zeng Fang is the negative side.

The affirmative party speaks first and presents his point of view, and the negative party puts forward different opinions in the first debate to overturn the positive side's point of view.

The second debate of the affirmative was held by Liang Binger. Although Liang Binger is a flower, she is not an empty and beautiful vase.

"Sister-in-law is mighty!"

"Calling you M, and get out of here!"

As soon as Liang Binger's debate ended, one of Shen Zhen's followers in the audience shouted loudly.

But as soon as he howled, he was kicked aside by Shen Zhen, dumbfounded.

The second argument on the opposing side is Yunmo.

In terms of quarrels, Yunmo has never lost before, and with a perfect British accent, the whole audience was slammed, and the applause from the audience was thunderous, and Zeng Fang on the stage almost broke her hand.

"Momo, well done!"

Yunmo returned to her debate position with a smile on her face.

Liang Bing'er didn't pay much attention to Yun Mo at the beginning, thinking that this school girl is as beautiful as she is beautiful, but she feels very weak, not eloquent.

But she didn't expect that this seemingly weak and delicate flower would overwhelm the limelight of her family of flowers.

She immediately looked at Shen Zhen who was sitting under the stage, seeing Shen Zhen staring at Yun Mo intently, her heart was filled with jealousy.

Zheng Fang's aura was completely suppressed by Yun Mo, and he retreated steadily from behind. On Zeng Fang's side, not only Yun Mo, a powerful foreign aid, but also a big boss from the foreign language department was in charge. .

"Yeah! We won! Momo! We won!"

Zeng Fang was so excited that she hugged Yunmo and jumped up and down. Yunmo was also infected, and her mood was quite beautiful.

Shen Zhen under the stage had no expression on his face, and flicked the lighter in his hand, but anyone who knew him well could know that this was a sign of his good mood.

It just happened to be lunch time. Zeng Fang's team leader didn't break his promise, and invited the whole team, including Yunmo, two foreign aids, to the small cafeteria for a celebration banquet at his own expense.

Zeng Fang and Yun Mo left the debate venue on the front foot, and Liang Binger, Shen Zhen and his party also came out on the back foot.

"Shen Zhen, I'm in a bad mood, can you treat me to dinner?"

As any normal man, he would definitely find a way to make his girlfriend happy at this time.

It's a pity that Shen Zhen is not a normal person, he looked at Liang Bing'er with a fake smile, "You're so brave to let me treat you to dinner, at least you have been in college for a few years, and you can't even argue with a freshman who just entered school , I want you, what use is it, get out, and don't come to me again in the future."

"Shen Zhen..."

Shen Zhen left after speaking, without giving Liang Binger a chance to defend herself.

Several followers followed behind Shen Zhen, discussing in whispers: "Is it a bit faster this time? It's less than a month?"

"One month of fart, exactly two weeks."

"So soon, brother Zhen is dying?"

"You know what a fart, didn't you see that brother Zhen is a drunkard today and doesn't care about drinking?"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Zhen in front turned around and kicked him, "What are you doing blindly, looking for death?"

Zhou Ye patted the shoe dust kicked out by Shen Zhen on his trousers, smiled and leaned forward and said: "Brother Zhen, I can see that you are not here today for your sister-in-law, bah, you are not here for Liang Binger, are you? "

"It's not for Liang Binger, who is it for?" another asked without understanding.

"M came for you!"

Shen Zhen turned around and left after cursing, but Zhou Ye stopped him after two steps, "Brother Zhen, you went wrong, this way."

Shen Zhen frowned, and just about to scold her, Zhou Ye said with a cheap smile: "I heard the fat girl said that she was going to eat in the small cafeteria at noon. Miss Shao is like that fat girl wearing panties. go together."

Shen Zhen's frown slowly spread out.

Seeing Shen Zhen's appearance, Zhou Ye didn't understand anything, so he immediately turned to greet the others, "Let's go, let's go to the small cafeteria for dinner."

There are so many for the time being, I will update Chapter 2-3 according to the situation at night, okay~

(end of this chapter)