On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Chapter 618 Ling Chuan's Little Thoughts

After putting away the watermelon, Yunmo found another vegetable basket, picked some ripe cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, sweet peppers, etc. from the space, and filled a basket full of vegetables.

After observing during this period, she found that in addition to growing vegetables in the space, they mature quickly, and there is no need to divide them into seasons.

Whether it is winter vegetables or summer vegetables, as long as they are planted and watered with spiritual spring water on time, they will bloom and bear fruit in the end.

Ling Chuan came out of the kitchen with the freshly fried shrimp, and saw a basket full of fresh fruits and vegetables on the ground, and his face did not show any special surprise.

He knows that his daughter-in-law has secrets, and if she doesn't tell her, he won't ask more questions.

"Daughter-in-law, it's time to eat."

Yunmo looked at the sunset that had not yet set, "It's still early, let's put it aside, and eat it later when it cools down."


After dinner, the sky has already darkened a lot.

After a break, Yunmo came to the study to correct the primary school mathematics workbook that Ling Chuan had made during the day, and explained the wrong questions to him one by one after correcting.

After finishing the lecture on the wrong question, it was almost 9 o'clock in the evening, and Yao Suhua and Zeng Fang just came home from outside.

"Momo, how do you feel at school today?"

Beijing Foreign Language School started two days earlier than Beijing University, and Zeng Fang had already attended classes for two days, so she was very curious about Yunmo's first day of university courses.

"I feel pretty good, the students in the class are very harmonious."

"So have you made any new friends?"

"There is one, but she is not from the same major as me."

"Male and female, where are you from, how old are you this year?"

Faced with Zeng Fang's inquiries like household registration, Yunmo couldn't laugh or cry, "Why do you ask such detailed questions?"

Zeng Fang looked confident, "You are my best friend, and your new friend is of course also my new friend, so I must care about it."

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "Girl, the same age as me, from H province, named Zhong Xiaochen."

"Well, it sounds good to hear the name, let's make an appointment to play together on the weekend, and I will bring my friends along."

"It's not possible on weekends, we have class activities."

Zeng Fang was particularly interested when she heard that there was an event, "What event? It's not a dinner party, is it?"

"I don't know yet, maybe it's an autumn tour or mountain climbing."

"That's great. We also have class activities. Do you know what our class activities are? The debate competition is also in English. I really don't understand the monitor's brain circuit. The class activities are just eating and drinking. What do you have to do?" Debating competitions, let's do it, and do it in English, I'm obviously learning Chinese!

Yunmo pinched her cheek amusedly, "Complaining is useless, you should think about the topic of the debate while you have time."

"Hey, Momo, as my best friend, you will definitely help me, right?"

"How can I help? The debate competition is all about performance and skills on the spot, and I can't open my mouth to argue with others for you."

"Yes! Each of our teams can invite two foreign aids. As long as you agree, I will tell the team leader tomorrow."

"Well, I'll think about it."

"Momo, you are the best. You are not only beautiful like a fairy, but also kind-hearted. You are a fairy from the sky, a cute little angel in the world. Please, everyone in the winning group can add two One credit, whether I can get these two credits depends entirely on you."

Yun Mo couldn't stop laughing at Zeng Fang's compliments and compliments, and readily agreed.

"Yeah, Momo, I love you to death!"

If it wasn't for Yunmo hiding quickly, Zeng Fang was so happy that she could hold her and nibble on her.

After washing and returning to the bedroom, seeing Ling Chuan leaning on the bedside reading a book, Yunmo walked over and sat on the edge of the bed to watch him.

"What book did you read?"

Ling Chuan closed the book in his hand, and showed her the cover, "Three hundred Tang poems."

"Then how many songs have you recited?"

"There are more than ten poems, and I marked them all with a red pen."

Yunmo took the book and flipped through it, and saw that the titles of some poems were marked with a small circle by the red pen.

"I'll test you."

Yunmo randomly selected a few ancient poems marked by Ling Chuan, and Ling Chuan really recited them all.

"Not bad, keep going."

Yun Mo returned the book to the man, and got up to go to bed from the other side, but the man grabbed her wrist just as she got up.

Yun Mo turned her head and met the man's dark and deep eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

"What are you doing?"

Ling Chuan used some strength to pull her body closer, wrapped his arms around her waist, and looked up at her.

"Daughter-in-law, I recited everything you just took the exam."

"so what?"

"I want a reward."

Under the light, the man's face was exceptionally handsome and clear, and his black eyes were so soft that it was irresistible.

Yunmo slowly raised her hand and poked the man's smooth forehead, "Turn off the light first."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

In the morning, when Yunmo was standing by the pool in the yard washing, Zeng Fang pointed to her neck, "Momo, why is there a purple spot here, did you get bitten by a mosquito?"

Yunmo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded vaguely.

Zeng Fang complained while squeezing toothpaste, "There are more mosquitoes in autumn than in summer. I lit mosquito coils at night, but I was bitten by several big red envelopes."

Yunmo spat out the toothpaste bubbles in her mouth, "I have anti-itch cream, do you want it?"

"No, I've applied Fengyoujing, and it's no longer itchy."

After washing, Yunmo went back to the bedroom, looked at her neck in the mirror, then found a box of concealer, took a little bit of concealer with her fingers and evenly covered the red marks.

Ling Chuan came in from the outside, saw her use something to paint on her neck, and immediately stepped forward with concern.

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong?"

Yunmo glanced at the man through the mirror, then turned around and kicked the man's leg.

"Be honest, who taught you?"

"Daughter-in-law, you can have breakfast."

Yunmo was not sure if the man did it on purpose. Her skin is relatively delicate, and sometimes she would get bruised if she accidentally touched it.

But seeing the man guilty of not daring to look at her, and even clumsily changing the subject, Yunmo still didn't understand.

She raised her hand and grabbed the man's ear, "Are you going to tell me!?"

Ling Chuan didn't resist either, and let her grab her ears honestly.

"It's the eldest brother, he said that you are so nice, there must be boys in school who like you..."

Yun Mo let go of her hand, but she was secretly surprised.

Although Ling Jiang is a few years older than Ling Chuan, he is not as thoughtful as Ling Chuan, so it is impossible to think of such a way.

Yunmo picked up the concealer and continued to apply the red marks on her neck. She watched the man staring at her through the mirror without blinking. She couldn't help but said, "I already told my classmates that I have a date, and..."

She stretched out the hand with the ruby ring in front of the man and shook it, "I have a wedding ring on my hand."

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong, and I won't dare in the future."

Ling Chuan acknowledged his mistake, but he didn't hide the joy on his face at all.

Yunmo didn't bother to pierce the man's small thoughts, and continued to use concealer to cover the red marks on her neck.

(end of this chapter)