On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 On the wedding night, he is not interested in her?

Yunmo rubbed her head amusedly: "It's okay, just leave it alone, I'll clean it up later."

"Thank you, Auntie." Ling Chunhua shyly turned around and ran away.

Just two minutes after Ling Chunhua left, Ling Chuan came back. Seeing the man's tall body approaching her, Yunmo suddenly felt relaxed again.

Tonight is their wedding night, if a man proposes to do that kind of thing with her, how should she refuse?

This man is tall and burly, and he looks like he has strength. If he wants to fight, she will definitely not be able to beat him.

Yunmo's mind was in a mess, and she even thought of some self-defense weapons in the space, but Ling Chuan skipped directly in front of her, walked to the wooden cabinet at the end of the bed, took out two quilts from inside, and laid them on the ground. floor covering.

Yunmo realized belatedly that she was worrying too much, and she didn't want to share the bed with her at all.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, Yunmo couldn't help feeling depressed.

Could it be that she is not beautiful enough? He's not interested in her? Either blind or physically weak.

Ling Chuan didn't know what Yunmo was complaining about. After making the bed, he went out again.

About five minutes later, Ling Chuan came back to the house. His whole body was covered with steam, his hair was also wet, and his clothes were changed. It was obvious that he had taken a bath.

Ling Chuan's looks are not bad in themselves. After taking a bath, he changed into a gray and soft cotton shirt. The cold and oppressive feeling on his body has eased, but he has added a bit of handsomeness.

Yunmo was dumbfounded for a moment.

Until Ling Chuan's dark eyes looked over, Yun Mo said in a concealed manner, "I also want to take a bath."

"There is hot water in the pot in the kitchen, and the bathroom is in the ear room to the left."

Ling Chuan glanced at her and quickly looked away.

This made Yunmo feel inexplicably frustrated, as if she wasn't attractive to him at all.

Yunmo wondered at first why Ling Chuan told her that there was hot water in the pot, until she entered the bathroom and found that there was nothing in it except a wooden shelf.

There is no washbasin, no water heater and shower, not even a faucet, and it is dark, without even a light.

Although electricity has been connected in this era, poor families are relatively frugal, and they will not waste money on installing electric lights in the bathhouse.

How do I wash this?

Yunmo returned to the new house, "There is no water in the bathroom, and it's so dark that you can't see it."

Ling Chuan was packing up his things, and he didn't turn his head when he heard the words, "The hot water is in the pot. If it's too hot, you can add some cold water in the tank. If you're afraid of the dark, you can light the candle on the window sill."

Yunmo found it incredible, "Do you want me to wash in the pot?"

Ling Chuan stopped packing his things, turned around, and looked at her with dark eyes.

The woman's eyes are beautiful, big and round, but at this moment they are full of ignorance and bewilderment, without the cunning and cleverness of the wedding.

"There is a wooden barrel at the entrance of the bathhouse, you use it to carry the hot water into the bathhouse."

"I can't lift it."

The wooden bucket at the entrance of the bathhouse was higher than her knees. It was difficult to carry an empty bucket, and she might break her arm when it was filled with water.

Ling Chuan is not used to her coquettishness, "If you can't lift it, then don't wash it."

After finishing speaking, he ignored her and turned around to continue packing his things.

Staring at the man's tall and muscular back for a moment, a sly look flashed in Yunmo's eyes, "If you don't help me carry it, then I'll ask my elder brother to help me carry it."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, but she was carried back by the man within a few steps.

Ling Chuan's handsome face is thin, his facial features are tough, his jaw line is sharp, and when he is sullen, he is very scary, as if he can beat someone with his hands.

Yunmo was instinctively a little apprehensive, but her neck was stiff, and she seemed determined not to admit defeat.

Anyway, her marriage is purely to catch the ducks on the shelves. If the other party really dares to do something to her, she can just regret the marriage.

Come on, hit me quickly!

It's a pity that Ling Chuan doesn't know how to read minds, and he can't hear Yunmo's inner cry. The woman's arms are thin and soft, as if they would break if she exerted too much force. The elder brother's instructions echoed in her ears, and Ling Chuan's strength suddenly flickered. loose.

"You look for a change of clothes first, and I'll fetch you water."

Looking at the back of the man walking out of the room, Yunmo couldn't tell whether she was happy or disappointed.

Yun Yao was always puzzled.

She took the bracelet back from Yanjia herself, and stuffed it into the hidden pocket of Yunmo's clothes when Yunmo got off the car.

She specially asked someone to sew it on, and left a line on purpose. As long as you gently pull it, the bottom of the dark pocket will wear and the bracelet will fall off.

Originally, everything went perfectly according to her plan, but who would have thought that the "stolen goods" that should have earned Yunmo's reputation as a thief were exchanged.

It's less than ten minutes from the alley to Ling's house. Even if Yunmo had a look in advance, it is impossible to find such a bracelet in such a short period of time as imagined by Mrs. Yan.

So what went wrong?

Where did Mrs. Yan's bracelet go?

Really TM is a ghost!

Yun Yao returned to Yun's house full of resentment and doubts, and was called by Yun Mu to the living room to talk as soon as she entered the door.

"How was the wedding? Nothing went wrong?"

The Yun family has a head and a face in Jiangcheng, and they look down on the low-level poor like Ling Chuan from the bottom of their hearts. In order not to lower their status, they don't even want to attend the wedding, so they only let Yun Yao show their face as a representative.

The moment she saw the mica, Yun Yao already had some calculations in her heart.

She shook her head and replied softly: "The wedding went well, it's just..."

Upon hearing her daughter's tone, Yun Mu immediately frowned, "Is she making trouble again?"

"Not really."

Yun Yao briefly talked about the gold bracelet. Of course, she understated the allusion that Yun Mo was a thief. She only mentioned it in one sentence, but she emphasized that Yun Mo was often abused when she made arrangements in front of outsiders. Bullying, feeling that the Yun family treated her badly.

After hearing this, Yunmu was very angry, "Haven't we treated her well enough? What else does she want?! She really raised an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. If I knew it, I should have sent her back to the countryside directly, so I didn't have to stay in the village. It's a disgrace here."

Hearing these words, cloudy eyes flashed across Yun Yao's eyes.

In her heart, she hoped that Yunmo would be driven back to her hometown, but she had ten thousand reasons why she couldn't let Yunmo go back.

After being reborn, she desperately wanted to return to Yun's family, so she stole all the family's money without saying a word and came to Jiangcheng by train.

Once Yunmo goes back, it will be revealed that she stole money and ran back to the city.

For this reason, she had to dissuade Yun's family against her will, saying that Yunmo was spoiled and raised, she couldn't carry it on her shoulders, and she didn't even have the skills to live. Sending her back to the countryside is no different from sending her to die. , and can keep Yunmo under her nose.

The Yun family really listened to her words, and gave up the idea of sending Yunmo back to the countryside.

After all, if they really disregarded the life and death of their adopted daughter, outsiders would criticize the Yun family for being too cold-blooded.

(end of this chapter)