On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 598

Chapter 598

Chapter 598 A person with outstanding talent has always been looked up to

The words of the two clan elders have been echoed by many Shao family members.

"You have to take it easy. Listing the genealogy is a major event, so don't act hastily. Don't be like Shao Yi'an, who makes troubles all day long and does a lot of evil. It's almost embarrassing for the Shao family. But fortunately, he is not from the Shao family. God opened his eyes to Patriarch Baoruo."

"As the saying goes, a rat droppings ruins a pot of soup. The foundation and prestige accumulated by the Shao family for hundreds of years cannot be destroyed..."

Everyone expressed their objections to Yunmo's uploading the genealogy, while Shao Ya and Shao Ying whispered their ears secretly.

In fact, it was Shao Ying who was talking, and Shao Ya just listened silently.

Whispering in public is not in line with the status and rules of the young lady of the Shao family. Shao Ya naturally would not do it, but she did not stop Shao Ying.

"...Look at her, she can't be a prince even if she is wearing a dragon robe. People are scared to death. She is just like a log. Does she not have a mouth? People call her a mouse shit, and she can't say a word. I dare not say, what day is it today, she is still dressed in white, and those who don't know think she is attending a funeral for someone.

She is skinny and has no breasts. I guess she didn't have a good life before. Did you see the red coral bracelet on her hand? I heard that Grandma specially found two makeup artists for her to dress up, and this is the result?

Pearls and red corals, thanks to her thinking, she is a country bumpkin, probably wearing all the good things on her body..."

Shao Ying crazily complained about everything about Yunmo. Although Shao Ya didn't say a word, her expression and eyes revealed her approval.

With Shao Yi'an's lesson from the past, she doesn't need to do anything, and the people of those clans will frantically obstruct Yunmo from going on the family tree.

Clan people usually have too little right to speak, so they can only express their sense of presence at the family meeting to safeguard the interests and status of the clan.

The simplest and rude way to express the sense of presence is to oppose the Patriarch's proposal.

It doesn't matter if you are the head of the family, without the consent of my clan, you can't get your way.

Although the clan has no sense of existence in front of the family, it is also indispensable. The genealogy, ancestral hall and sacrifices are all managed by the people of the clan.

In other words, if the clan refuses to add Yunmo's name to the genealogy, Shao Lin really has nothing to do.

Facing the obstruction of the clan members, Shao Lin was not in a hurry to speak, but turned his head to appease his daughter.

"Momo, don't worry, it's fine with me and your grandma here."

Yun Mo nodded with a smile, and faced everyone's difficulties and doubts, she remained calm from beginning to end.

Mrs. Shao on the side was very relieved to see her granddaughter calmly facing such an occasion. At the same time, she was determined to put her granddaughter's name on the family tree today.

"Uncles and uncles, please be safe and don't be impatient. Allow me, an old lady, to say a few words."

Mrs. Shao's position in the Shao family's heart is no less than that of the queen mother in ancient dynasties. She stood up, and even the old uncles and uncles of those clans had to give her some respect.

After the scene calmed down, Madam Shao continued, "I know that everyone is thinking about the family, and like everyone else, I put the interests of the family above the individual.

For these years, A Lin has been in charge of the Shao family and the Shao family, all industries are thriving, and the family and the family are well organized. Everyone agrees with this, right? "

Everyone nodded.

They are convinced and sure of the ability of Shao Lin, the Patriarch.

"So, please believe in Lin and me. Adding Momo's name to the genealogy is the result of our mother and son's deliberation and joint discussion. Of course, I understand and understand everyone's concerns."

"The third aunt said a word just now, a woman's lack of talent is virtue. I don't agree with it. This is the thinking of the old society. Excellent women in the new era should have the characteristics of both morality and ability, and good conduct."

"Coincidentally, my family Momo is one of the representatives of such outstanding women in the new era. Here, I would like to share with you a piece of good news. My family Momo just finished the college entrance examination this year and won the H Provincial top student in science, admitted by Peking University."

The words "No. 1 Scholar in Science" made the quiet ancestral hall boil again.

The top scorer in the provincial science department of the college entrance examination is not something that can be obtained by spending money or dredging up relationships.

Although the Shao family has a thriving population and a wealth of talents, in the past hundreds of years, there have not been a few champions in all, and it is the first time for a female champion.

Almost all the eyes of everyone present were on Yunmo.

Different from the previous curiosity and scrutiny, this time, everyone looked at her with a little more admiration and awe.

Talented people have always been looked up to.

After the scene calmed down, Mrs. Shao continued to speak: "I think, no one should question Momo's talent anymore, right?

Last year, Momo went back to her hometown for the Spring Festival, and accidentally rescued a sick old lady on the way. In order to thank Momo for saving her life, the old lady took my family Momo as her granddaughter.

It is not convenient for me to disclose the identity of the old lady, but I can tell you that her son and son-in-law are not ordinary people. "

"I bring this up to tell everyone that Momo's character is definitely passable, otherwise, she wouldn't just go and save a dying old lady."

Shao Lin grabbed the microphone, "One more thing, everyone has eaten the very popular snowflake crisps this year, right? This is a snack that Momo cooperated with Ronghua Company last year. In addition to snacks, Momo will also serve Cooking, planting flowers, and in business, Momo also has talent beyond ordinary people, in short, Momo is very good, so good that she doesn't need the name of Miss Shao's to be able to establish herself in the world."

Ms. Shao's words were fine, but Shao Lin's words made everyone in the Shao family feel excited.

Shao Lin specifically pointed out that his daughter is talented in business. Could it be that he wants to hand over Shao Brothers to his only daughter in the future?

Actually, they thought too much, Shao Lin just wanted to show off his daughter's ability.

From the moment Mrs. Shao said that Yun Mo was the provincial number one in the college entrance examination, Shao Ya was not only shocked, but also felt a great threat.

Actually, the first time she saw Yunmo, she felt threatened. Later, Yunmo taught Shao Yixuan a lesson, and her inner uneasiness was relieved, and she decided that Yunmo was an uneducated and aggressive girl, not her opponent.

But now, she felt threatened again.

"... Bragging, she is the provincial number one in the college entrance examination? Could it be that uncle spent money to buy it..."

Shao Ying is still in her ears, but Shao Ya is not happy, but rather annoyed.

"Okay, Ah Ying, stop talking."

"Why can't you say, hum, she doesn't look like a person who can study hard. I bet, her provincial champion must be tricky. Maybe the grandma is trying to fake her status..."

Second update

The cold is gone, I can do it again, um, there will be a big update on the 8th of next month, so it's still the second update for now~

It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass, okay!

(end of this chapter)