On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Chapter 595 Good, Wei Fu, you actually **** food from your mouth

"Hey, thank you Miss."

Wei Fu happily took the bowl, bowed his head and took a sip while blowing, smacking his lips, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Miss, this soup is so fresh, what did you put in it?"

"Just seaweed, eggs and green onion, plus a little fine salt."

"Strange, why is the seaweed soup you cook much better than mine?"

Of course it's because the chives she used were grown in space.

After a period of observation, she found that the fruits and vegetables grown in the second space not only grow faster, but also taste better.

Watermelon is sweeter and chives are more delicious.

But Yunmo will definitely not tell Wei Fu about this, "It should be that the old duck soup is stewed well today, Uncle Fu, please clean up the kitchen, I will send the hangover soup to Dad."

"Hey, okay, miss, please slow down."

After watching Yunmo leave, Wei Fu turned around and uncovered the soup pot on the stove next to him, scooped up half a bowl of duck soup and tasted it, and found that it was not as delicious as seaweed soup.

Do you want to add seaweed and eggs to cook together?

Just as there were still some seaweed and green onion left on the chopping board, Wei Fu ladled some old duck soup from the soup pot, boiled it in a small pot, and put in seaweed, green onion, and egg liquid in turn.

After turning off the fire, Wei Fu couldn't wait to scoop up half a bowl, let it cool down, tasted it, and found that it was as delicious as Yunmo's cooking.

In the study room, Shao Lin was also full of praise for the seaweed egg soup cooked by Yunmo.

"Momo, your cooking skills are even better than Uncle Fu's. Did you have a good cooking skill since you were a child, or did you learn it from someone?"

Shao Lin asked casually, but his words implied concern.

Knowing how to cook since I was a child means that I didn't have a good life when I was a child, and I have to work in the kitchen at a young age.

If cooking was learned later, by whom and for whom? Combined with Yunmo's current marital status, it's hard to keep Shao Lin from guessing whether her daughter learned cooking specifically for her son-in-law.

"Actually, I don't have much time to cook, but I prefer to delve into various delicacies, so I have some experience."

After listening to her explanation, Shao Lin nodded approvingly, and then said earnestly:

"Momo, it's a good thing for a girl to have more skills, but you have to remember that you are my Shaolin's daughter and the eldest lady of the Shao family. I didn't care about it before, but from now on, you won't You need to be wronged for anyone or anything, remember?"

"Well, Dad, I understand what you mean. It's getting late. After drinking the hangover soup, go to bed early."

"Momo, go to bed early when you go back. Remember to go to the ancestral hall at 9:30 tomorrow morning to participate in the family meeting. Your grandma will accompany you there."

"it is good."

After sending his daughter away, Shao Lin returned to the study, took the remaining hangover soup and drank it down in one gulp.

The hangover soup made by my daughter is really delicious. It would be great if there were more servings.

Shao Lin was still thinking about it, put down the empty bowl, turned around and left the academy, intending to take a walk in the courtyard to let off the smell of alcohol.

After walking for a while, Wei Fu came over.

"Master, there is still half a can of old duck soup warming in the kitchen, do you want to cook something for you?"

"No, Momo made me hangover soup, I drank it all, and now I'm not hungry at all."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help showing off again, "Uncle Fu, you don't even know how delicious Momo's hangover soup is. It's the best hangover soup I've ever had in my life."

Wei Fu nodded cheerfully, "Yes, I also tasted it. Missy's craftsmanship is really nothing to say. I've cooked you hangover soup for half my life, and I feel inferior."

Shao Lin stared slightly, "You drank it too? When did you drink it? Where did you drink it?"

"It's in the kitchen. I smelled the aroma. I thought it was someone messing with something. When I went over, I found that it was the young lady who was making sober soup for you. The young lady said that you can't finish a big bowl, so I just mixed it up." A small bowl to taste."

No wonder he always felt that he didn't drink enough and owed him something.

Well, Wei Fu, you actually **** food from your mouth.

"Uncle Fu, I just remembered that the toilet in my room hasn't been cleaned. I'm not in a hurry to go back now. Go and clean it."

"Okay, Lord, I'll find someone to clean it right away."

"Don't look for someone, just a little work, you can do it yourself."

In order to cover up the intention of revenge, Shao Lin added another sentence, "I don't worry about you doing things, but the servants are messy, and they can't clean up. It makes me upset."

Wei Fu believed it foolishly, "Master, I'll go right away, and I will definitely clean the toilet in your room."

"Well, let's go."

When Wei Fu was gone, Shao Lin finally couldn't help laughing.

the next day.

Yun Mo got up early on purpose and was eating breakfast in the dining room when someone came in to spread the word that Mrs. Shao had invited a makeup artist to do her makeup, and the person had already arrived.

Although no one told her about this in advance, Yunmo was not surprised.

Given the prestige and status of the Shao family, the family meeting is considered a grand event. She just returned to the Shao family to participate in such a meeting for the first time, and she is the protagonist. Mrs. Shao will definitely be worried.

There are two makeup artists, one is in charge of her clothing and the other is in charge of her hair.

"Miss, these are all custom-made dresses in advance according to your size. Which one do you like?"

Two makeup artists will bring the dresses, one by one to show Yunmo.

It may be due to the difference in aesthetics. Yunmo doesn't like any of these dresses. Either the style is too old-fashioned or the style is too exaggerated. There is even a pink fluffy princess dress.

Yunmo couldn't imagine that she would appear at the family meeting in such a dress, probably more ostentatious than the peacock with its tail spread.

Yunmo couldn't hold back and asked, "Did you choose the styles of these clothes?"

The two makeup artists shook their heads together.

"These were selected by Madam Shao, and these were selected by Director Shao."

No wonder.

The old-fashioned style is Mrs. Shao's aesthetic, while the exaggerated style similar to the fluffy princess dress is the old baby Shao Lin's aesthetic.

Yunmo took out the skirt and jewelry she had arranged last night, "I can just wear this set."

The makeup artist looked at the skirt Yunmo had chosen, and hesitated, "Miss, although the material of this skirt is expensive, it's all plain white without any decorations, isn't it a bit too simple?"

"It's okay, I like simple things."

Hearing what she said, the makeup artist didn't say any more.

Yunmo used to wear the rose diamond pendant necklace given by Xie Xia, and the violet jade bracelet given by Mrs. Zhao, but this time she abandoned these two and replaced them with the pearl necklace and Nanhong jade bracelet given by Mrs. Shao. Bracelets.

Small egg-shaped pearls, not much bigger than a grain of rice, are strung thinly in two circles, with a round pearl inlaid with broken diamonds hanging in the middle.

The skirt was a white satin dress that Yunmo bought when she and Luo Xuelan went to the provincial capital to watch a fashion show.

The upper body of the dress skirt is a sleeveless round neck style, and the bottom is an umbrellshaped skirt, which reaches a little below the knee. Except for some pleated patterns on the waist, there is no other decoration. The occasion is very suitable.

(end of this chapter)