On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 590

Chapter 590

Chapter 590 Xiyuan mother and son go to Lanju to discuss explanation

Yunmo was a little strange, "Brother Wen, is it difficult for the magazine to recruit people?"

"It's difficult. The literature industry doesn't make more money than other industries. My magazine is new, so it can't compare with those old big ones. With the same salary, they will definitely go to higher places."

"Then can't the salary be raised a bit?" Zeng Fang asked curiously.

Wen Qingsheng sighed, "I think so too. The problem is that the magazine is barely making a profit and loss, and I really can't afford more staff expenses. No, that's why I want to ask Brother Chuan to come to my magazine to help Let me expand my business and increase my income."

"You might as well find Momo, Brother Ling, Momo is the best at doing business."

Yes, why didn't he think of it!

Back then, Xu Lili's detective agency was on the verge of collapse and was about to close down. It was brought back to life only by Yunmo's investment.

Thinking of this, Wen Qingsheng immediately looked at Yunmo with shining eyes.

"Yun Mo, no, Shao Mo, Miss Shao, are you interested in investing in a magazine?"

Yunmo took a sip of coffee slowly, "I'm not very interested."

"Don't, Shao Mo, listen to me. The audience of the "Contemporary Youth Weekly" I run happens to be college students like you. Think about it, if you become an investor in it, you will introduce yourself when school starts. When it's time, take it out and introduce it to the teachers and classmates, oh, that's a big show.

"Thank you for the invitation, I don't need such limelight."

Wen Qingsheng did not give up, "In the future, my magazine will be famous in colleges and universities all over the country, and countless people will admire and look up to you wherever you go. It will be like a torrent of water."

Yun Mo was tortured by Wen Qingsheng to the point of being unable to do anything about it. Seeing the friendship between the two, she agreed to take the time to read Wen Qingsheng's development plan.

Once the matter was settled, Wen Qingsheng didn't want to continue drinking coffee, so he left in a hurry and went back to the magazine to write a project proposal.

Wen Qingsheng had left, and Zheng Hua and Lu Dewang didn't want to stay too long, so they took their leave and left after a while.

"Momo, have I caused you trouble again?"

As soon as Wen Qingsheng and the three left, Zeng Fang couldn't help asking Yunmo a little guilty.

Yunmo hadn't responded yet, but Yao Suhua was the first to scold her daughter, "You, it's time to get rid of your outspokenness. It's not that easy to run a magazine. Wen Qingsheng needs contacts and backgrounds. He has been tossing around for a year without making any splashes. Momo is new here and the place is unfamiliar, so you're going to make her mess up!"

Zeng Fang pouted in a guilty manner, "Okay, I was wrong, I will try not to open my mouth when I go out."

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "It's okay if you don't open your mouth, how can you eat without opening your mouth?"

"Then I just eat and don't talk."

Yao Suhua glared at her daughter, "You're still eating. You've gained nearly ten catties in less than two months from the end of the college entrance examination. Take it easy!"

When it comes to weight, Zeng Fang is like an eggplant that has been frosted.

"Momo, what should I do? I gained 5 catties from before, and gained 3 catties. Woohoo...Momo, teach me how to keep in shape like you. How do I feel about you? These two months are not long at all?"

Yunmo squeezed her cheeks, "I have grown a little too, but not as much as you, so it doesn't look obvious. There is no shortcut to lose weight, just keep your mouth shut and open your legs. When we move into the small courtyard, I will supervise you every day. You, make sure you can lose weight."

"Then I'll hurry up these few days and eat all the delicacies I want in the capital, so that you won't be able to eat them when I get them. Well, there is a dinner tonight. Let's eat roast duck tomorrow! Momo, we together."

When the heat subsided in the afternoon, Yao Suhua was going to take her daughter to visit a friend, while Yunmo and Ling Chuan went back to Shao's compound.

Back to Moyuan, before taking a few breaths, a servant came over to pass on the news that Mrs. Shao invited her to Lanju to drink sweet soup.

It was hot, and there was no nap at noon, Yunmo actually didn't have much appetite, but Mrs. Shao specially sent someone to invite her, so she didn't want to lose face.

After simply washing her face and changing into comfortable home clothes, Yun Mo went to Lanju with an umbrella.

As soon as he entered the main hall of Lanju, he found that there were other people besides Mrs. Shao.

She knew two of them, Shao Yixuan and Shao Jia. Besides these two, there was also a well-dressed woman, who should be Mrs. Shao San from the West Courtyard, that is, Shao Yixuan and Shao Jia's biological mother.

Mrs. Shao Er from the East Hospital is 40 this year, so she should not be so young.

"Momo, you are back, come here quickly."

Mrs. Shao waved to her with a smile on her face, and Mrs. Hua took the umbrella from her immediately.


"This is your third aunt, and your third brother and fourth sister. You should have met yesterday."

"I met the third brother and the fourth sister." Yunmo replied with a smile, and then bowed to Mrs. Shao to salute, "Third aunt."

Yunmo's gestures are graceful, her advances and retreats are measured, and even Mrs. Shao San, who came here to find fault, can't find a single fault.

Mrs. Shao was very satisfied with her granddaughter's performance, and introduced to Mrs. Shao San, "This is Momo, Ah Lin's eldest daughter."

After hearing Mrs. Shao's words, Third Mrs. Shao subconsciously took off the bracelet on her wrist.

"It turned out to be the eldest brother's daughter. I didn't bring anything with me when we first met. You can play with this bracelet."

"Thank you, Third Aunt."

Yunmo took the bracelet and put it on her wrist.

Mrs. Shao San is slightly shorter than Yunmo, and belongs to the petite one. The ring of the bracelet fits Yunmo's wrist just right.

The bracelet is also the kind of daily wear, with ice blue floating flowers, the advantage is that the head is full of water, and the market price is around three or four thousand.

It was only when Yun Mo put the bracelet on her wrist that Mrs. Shao San realized that she came here today to ask for an explanation from this pungent girl for her son, not to give a gift as a meeting gift!

Moreover, although this bracelet is not the most expensive in the jewelry box, it is her favorite one. She usually wears it every day, but now it fell into the hands of the son who beat her son.

But everything was given away, and she couldn't bear to ask for it back.

Mrs. Shao San was very depressed, but Yunmo sweetly praised the bracelet in front of her, and it matched her skirt very well. She was so angry that Mrs. Shao's face almost collapsed, and she asked for the bracelet back .

Mrs. Shao saw her granddaughter's naughtiness, and said with a doting smile: "Okay, you just came back from outside, and your throat may be dry after talking so much, drink some white fungus pear soup to moisten your throat."

Yunmo put it away when she saw the deal, found a place to sit down, picked up a bowl of sweet soup and started drinking.

"Is it sweet enough? If not, add some honey."

"Enough, just right, no matter how sweet it is, it will tire the throat."

The grandfather and grandson were talking, and Mrs. Shao San who was opposite looked at Yunmo with good eyes.

Second update~

(end of this chapter)