On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 586

Chapter 586

Chapter 586 The dead are dead, the living are more important

"What else can I do, of course I'm here to have breakfast with you."

"If I had to accompany you every time, I would have starved to death long ago. I don't usually see you running so diligently to me."

Ms. Shao's mouth is disgusted, but her expression is full of joy.

"Isn't it usually busy? I'm not busy these days, so I'll take more time to visit you. What are you eating this morning? I'm hungry."

Hearing her son shouting that she was hungry, Mrs. Shao handed over the water bottle to the servant behind her, and after explaining a few words carefully, she led her son to the restaurant.

Meet Mrs. Hua on the way, and learned that Shao Lin was going to have breakfast in Lanju, and immediately happily went to the kitchen to prepare the dishes.

"What is that in your hand?"

Noticing the silver-gray titanium cup in his son's hand, Mrs. Shao couldn't help asking curiously.

"This one"

Shao Lin showed the titanium cup in his hand, smiled and said: "This is the thermos cup Momo gave me, telling me to drink more water and take good care of my body."

Looking at the smile on her son's face that was worse than flowers, Mrs. Shao finally understood why her son came here early in the morning.

A broken cup is far worse than the two peerless pots of famous orchids that her granddaughter gave her, and I don't know what to show off!

Ms. Shao felt extremely disgusted, but she couldn't take her eyes off the titanium cup.

The shape and material of this thermos cup are too peculiar. She has lived for most of her life, but she has never seen such a thermos cup.

"Mom, would you like to take a look? The thermos cup that Momo gave me is very interesting. I don't know what kind of metal it is. The whole body of the cup is integrated, the color is luxurious, and the shape is beautiful. It is simply a wonderful work of art." I am quite reluctant to bring it to drink water."

Ms. Shao was always curious about the cup. After hearing what her son said, she took the cup and looked at it carefully.

Looking at it, it turns out that as my son said, the whole cup is a seamless one, and the craftsmanship and material are completely invisible.

After admiring it carefully for a while, Mrs. Shao returned the titanium cup to her son.

"Momo has a heart."

"Yeah, even though it's just a cup for drinking water, the intention is not ordinary at all. Mom, Momo is so well-behaved and sensible, you can help her say a few more words at the family meeting tomorrow."

Mrs. Shao glanced at her son angrily, "You still need to say, Momo is also my own granddaughter."

"Yes, yes, mother, just treat me as a talkative, oops, breakfast is here, let's eat, I have a meeting in the morning, so I have to go to the company early."

Shao Lin ate breakfast as quickly as possible, wiped his mouth with a towel in one hand and picked up the thermos cup in the other.

"Mom, I'm done eating, you eat slowly, I'm leaving first."

Seeing her son rushing to leave before he finished swallowing the food in his mouth, Mrs. Shao couldn't help scolding, "Slow down, I don't know why you are panicking, how much can a delay of one or two minutes affect things?"

"For this morning's meeting, several veteran shareholders will come. If I am late, they can chatter for half an hour each."

Shao Lin left in a hurry after speaking, while Mrs. Shao continued to eat breakfast.

Seeing that she had only eaten two mouthfuls of porridge, Mrs. Shao couldn't help complaining to Mrs. Hua, "You said you came to have breakfast with me, so why don't you come, and save you from washing an extra set of dishes."

Sister-in-law Hua smiled and said: "As long as the master comes every day, let alone wash one more set of dishes, I will be happy to wash ten more sets.

Ma'am, haven't you noticed that since I met the eldest lady, my master seems to have come alive, and he is happy all day long. "

"I think he is going back as he lives."

"Oh, my lord is obviously getting younger and younger. Ma'am, why don't you try today's crystal shrimp dumplings. I made them myself. I made two baskets in total. I sent the other one to the eldest lady. .

Shrimp dumpling skins are thin and full of stuffing, and each one is crystal clear. Mrs. Shao picked up one and brought it to her mouth.

"Well, it's not bad, the shrimp is big enough, and the meat is fresh enough."

"It was the large prawns that were not used up yesterday. I was afraid that they wouldn't survive overnight, so I simply peeled off the prawns and used them to make shrimp dumplings. I didn't add any other seasonings except salt and shallots, so I used broth to enhance the flavor."

"Don't worry about it. I can eat two. You can eat the rest. After a hard work, you can also taste what it tastes like."

"Hey, thank you ma'am."

After breakfast, the sun is already half a pole high.

Mrs. Shao first went to see how the flowers and plants in the yard were being watered, then went back to the bedroom, and took out the jewelry she had picked out to give to her granddaughter.

A box of pearls and jade jewellery, all of which are her treasures, are all carefully selected, but this will look tacky no matter how you look at it.

The granddaughter's appearance is beautiful and refined, and her skin is whiter than snow. It seems that her gold and jade things are too gaudy.

After some screening, only a pair of suet jade bracelets and a string of rice pearl necklaces remained.

She can't afford this little thing.

Mrs. Shao thought with some disgust, and turned her head to tell Mrs. Hua, "Take the other things back to the warehouse, and find out my string of Nanhong bracelets by the way."

Sister-in-law Hua showed surprise, "Madam, are you planning to give the Nanhong bracelet to the eldest lady? It is a pearl wedding gift from the master, and you are reluctant to wear it yourself."

South red agate is indeed precious, but to Mrs. Shao, what is more precious is its meaning.

It is not only one of the few gifts her husband gave her after he was seriously ill, but also a testimony of their 30-year marriage.

Her husband died in the second year. In the past ten years, she has only worn this string of Nanhong bracelets twice.

Although she always said that she was afraid of seeing things and thinking about her feelings, she had never been able to let go of her husband's death.

However, at this moment, she decided to let go of the pain in her heart. The dead are gone, and the living are more important.

"Bring it here. The bright color of the string of southern reds is just right for Momo to wear at her age. If Ze Yuanquan knew it, he would agree with me. He left early and didn't see his granddaughter with his own eyes, so he thought I would replace her for him." Give your granddaughter a meeting gift."

Sister-in-law Hua nodded repeatedly with wet eyes, "Ma'am, it's best if you think about it, I'll go get the things."

At the end of the Mo Garden, Yun Mo has just woken up.

Last night, she planted a lot of fruits and vegetables that can be eaten daily in the second-floor space, and she didn't go to bed until late at night, so she woke up late this morning.

By the time she finished washing and getting dressed and stepped out of the bedroom door, the sun was almost three poles high.

Looking at his watch, he saw that the appointment with Zeng Fang was less than ten minutes away.

Ling Chuan came over with breakfast, "Daughter-in-law, let's have breakfast first."

"I don't want to eat anymore, I have to go out quickly. Fangfang and the others should be waiting in a hurry. Go and ask Uncle Fu to prepare the car. I'll go back to my room to get my bag."

While speaking, Yunmo glanced at the plate that the man was carrying, and when she saw the crystal shrimp dumplings exuding a tempting fragrance, her stomach immediately swelled.

Hearing her stomach growling with hunger, Ling Chuan hurriedly freed one hand, squeezed a shrimp and fed it to her mouth.

"Have you washed your hands yet?"

As he asked, his body raised his head honestly and put the shrimp dumpling into his mouth.

"Washed, is it delicious?"

Yunmo nodded, unexpectedly it was delicious, it was so delicious!

It may also be due to hunger. Facing such a plate of delicious crystal shrimp dumplings, even if you have steel-like willpower, you have to turn your fingers into soft fingers.

The sky and the earth are big, and the meal is the biggest. If you are late for an appointment, be late. If you are ten minutes late, the earth will explode.

Yunmo sat down at the dining table with peace of mind, picked up chopsticks and ate breakfast deliciously.

Second update~

(end of this chapter)