On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 584

Chapter 584

Chapter 584 Renamed Shao Mo

When Ling Chuan carried Lianpetalan out, Mrs. Shao stood up with a jerk.

This pot of lotus petal orchid is a very rare and precious product - Daxuesu.

The anthocyanin of Daxuesu is white, the flower shape is delicate and elegant, and the fragrance is clear. Generally, it is very good to grow two to three flowers. This pot of Daxuesu actually bloomed a total of seven flowers, which can be regarded as a peerless treasure. Blame Mrs. Shao for being excited.

Madam Shao walked around the two pots of orchid grass twice, looking at Yunmo with admiration and joy.

"Momo, is this really your first time growing orchids?"

"I've seen other people raise it before, but this is the first time I raised it myself, grandma, is it okay for me to raise it?"

"It's not just okay, Momo, you have raised these two pots of bluegrass so well, you are like a master!" Shao Lin exclaimed excitedly.

Mrs. Shao nodded approvingly, "I have been raising orchids for decades, and the number of orchids of this quality does not exceed this one hand. Momo, you are really talented in orchid cultivation .

"Thank you grandma for the compliment, I should be lucky."

"Miss, you are too humble. I have also seen many famous bluegrass with Madam, but I have never seen a few pots as good as these two."

Although Yunmo repeatedly explained that it was due to luck, except for Ling Chuan, no one else believed it. Mrs. Shao also said decisively that she would use these two pots of bluegrass to hold a flower viewing party.

Of course, holding the flower viewing party is just a pretext, the ultimate purpose is to announce Yunmo's identity to outsiders.

The bright moon was in the sky, and it was almost time for Mrs. Shao to rest. Shao Lin led his daughter and son-in-law to leave.

Out of Lanju, Shao Lin slowed down and briefly told Yun Mo and Ling Chuan about some rules of the Shao family.

"Usually we eat in our respective courtyards. I arranged for two cooks in Moyuan where you live. One is good at cooking Beijing dishes, and the other is good at cooking H provincial dishes. You can just tell them what kind of dishes you like.

Our side is the main courtyard. Your second uncle lives in the east courtyard, and your third uncle lives in the west courtyard. You also have a little aunt who used to live with the third child in the west courtyard. She is now married. Our Shao family is considered a family friend.

Momo, Xiaoling, you guys should take a good rest these two days. I have agreed with the elders of the family that a family meeting will be held in two days. At that time, I will explain everything that Yuan Jia did, and then I will Tell everyone who you are.

On the day of the family meeting, your name will also be written on the genealogy, and your household registration will also be reported to the Public Security Bureau. Momo, since you have severed ties with the Yun family, you should stop using the Yun family name, right? "

Shao Lin said it very euphemistically, but Yun Mo could tell that the other party actually wanted her to change her surname back to Shao.

She has also seriously considered the matter of the surname.

Although there is an inseparable feeling for Yun's surname in his heart, one has to look forward. She is no longer the eldest lady of the Yun family in her previous life. It doesn't make much sense to hold on to Yun's surname. At most, she is just touching herself .

"Dad, just do as you want."

Seeing that she agreed, Shao Lin couldn't help but be delighted, "Then Momo, do you have another name you like, or should you continue to use the word Mo?"

"Let's just use the word Mo, you can pronounce it smoothly, and I'm used to it too."

"Okay, let's call it Shao Mo? I'll let Liang Kuan arrange it tomorrow."


Yunmo thought for a while, "Dad, if I have nothing to do tomorrow, I want to go out and look at the house, and meet friends by the way."

"Okay, do you want me to find someone to accompany you? The capital city is much bigger than Jiangcheng. I'm worried that you'll get lost. It took me a long time to find you. If you lose it, I'll die of grief."

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing after being teased, "Dad, I'm not a three-year-old kid, I can't lose it."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Shao Lin had no choice but to compromise, "Okay then, take your mobile phone with you, and call me as soon as anything happens.

By the way, the car I bought for you was parked in the backyard parking lot, and the driver has been prepared. Let Wei Fu arrange where you go out in the future. "

"Well, thanks Dad."

"Momo, how many times have I told you that you are welcome with Dad. Well, it's getting late, you go back and rest."

Yunmo hesitated for a while, "Dad, can you wait for me, I'll get you something."

"what is this?"

"A small meeting gift, grandma has it, and of course you have it too."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."


Shao Lin was calm on the surface, but in fact he was already very excited inside.

What will the daughter give him?

The first time he received a gift from his daughter, he had to think about what kind of gift he would give back.

He has already given away the car, how about giving him a house?

In just two minutes, countless thoughts flashed through Shao Lin's mind.

On the way back to Moyuan to get things, Yunmo also felt strange, a little apprehensive, and a little embarrassed.

This is the first time she gave a gift to her father as a daughter. She chose a lot, including clothes, watches, razors, belts, wallets, ties, etc., and finally chose a thermos.

Autumn is coming, the weather is dry, drinking more water is good for health, but she is not sure that Shao Lin will like the gift she chose.

After all, in terms of value, the vacuum flask is really not worth mentioning.

"Dad, you usually work hard and tired, so you need to drink more water. I chose a thermos, I hope you don't dislike it."

"What are you talking about, Momo, I'm very happy if you think of me." Shao Lin happily took the handbag and hugged it tightly, "As long as it's from you, let alone a thermos , even a piece of grass makes me happy."

Seeing that Shao Lin is really happy, Yunmo's tension and apprehension are relieved quietly.

"Dad, don't stay too busy at night. There is never enough work to do. Your body comes first."

"Momo, Dad listens to you, you should go to bed earlier, be good."

Seeing Shao Lin enter the door with a happy face, Wei Fu immediately greeted him cheerfully.

"Master, did you enjoy your meal tonight?"

"of course."

Shao Lin handed the bag to Wei Fu, "Take it and wash it, I will use it to make tea tomorrow."

"Master, what is this?"

Shao Lin was waiting for these words, with an unconcealable pride and pride on his face, "It's the thermos bottle that Momo gave me, so that I can drink more water and take good care of my body."

"Ouch, Missy has a heart, and autumn is coming soon, so you should drink more water."

"Be careful, don't break it for me."

"Don't worry, Lord, I will wash it myself, and I promise not to scratch it."

"Yeah." Shao Lin asked while walking towards the study with his hands behind his back, "Did you eat the watermelon tonight?"

"Eat, eat." Wei Fu nodded hastily, and a flower bloomed on his face, "I have heard from Mrs. Hua that the watermelon is grown by the young lady herself. The young lady is really amazing, she is both smart and capable. Ingenuity."

Hearing his daughter being praised, Shao Lin's heart was sweeter than drinking honey water. Then he thought that such a good daughter was born to him by Huang Zhiqiu, and he couldn't help but miss Huang Zhiqiu in his heart.

Second update~

(end of this chapter)