On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 579

Chapter 579

In Mrs. Shao's imagination, when meeting for the first time, her granddaughter might be nervous, or fearful, or timid, but she never imagined that her granddaughter would act like a baby to her softly as soon as she met her. Hate it being too hot.

This intimacy and initiative, as if it is not the first time the grandparents and grandchildren meet, it is hard not to let her love and cherish this delicate granddaughter.

"Yes, yes, yes, ma'am, if you have anything to say, let's go into the room first. The sun is poisonous now, so don't get sunburned."

Madam Shao nodded, her eyes fell on the little flower umbrella her son was holding.

Shao Lin was worried that his mother would feel that it was illegal for her to hold an umbrella for her daughter, so she would have a bad opinion of her daughter. Just as she was about to explain a few words, Mrs. Shao spoke first.

"What can such a small umbrella cover, Mrs. Hua, give Momo your umbrella."


Sister-in-law Hua opened the **** umbrella with a smile, and carefully handed it to Yunmo.

"Miss, you hold on to this umbrella. My wife asked me to hold it specially, so I'm afraid it will expose you to the sun. The skin of your young girls is delicate, and you don't need to be exposed to the sun."

"Thank you grandma."

Yunmo took the umbrella unceremoniously, and thanked Mrs. Shao with a smile.

Madam Shao responded lightly. Although she didn't show any emotion on her face, it could be seen from her slightly stretched eyebrows that she was in a good mood.

"Go in, I have someone prepare mung bean paste, and I started to boil it in the morning. This is just right for drinking."

Shao Lin took over the words with a smile, "Sister-in-law Hua's skill in making mung bean paste is a masterpiece, and you can't eat it outside if you want to."

"Then I will definitely try it later."

Yunmo responded with a smile, then turned her head and gave Ling Chuan a wink behind her.

Follow up.

Ling Chuan took two quick steps and walked side by side with her.

Yunmo handed over the **** umbrella to the man.

The sun-shading effect of the **** umbrella is indeed good, but it is too heavy, and her arms feel sore after holding it for a short while.

Lanju is worthy of its name. From the entrance to the main hall, the flowers, plants and green plants along the road are basically bluegrass. Yunmo counted carefully, and there are hundreds of varieties. This is only what she saw, and there are other things that she can't see. More.

It seems that she chose the right meeting ceremony.

Thinking of the four bluegrass growing well in the second floor space, Yunmo silently praised herself in her heart.

Entering the main hall, putting away the umbrella, Ling Chuan, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, stands out.

Shao Lin is actually not short, nearly 1.8 meters tall, but standing with Ling Chuanzhan, he doesn't look so tall.

Mrs. Shao looked at Ling Chuan carefully, with no joy or anger on her face, "You are Ling Chuan, you are born with a good-looking talent. You followed Momo all the way to the capital. You have worked hard. Sit down."

The seemingly simple words seem to have framed Ling Chuan as the "son-in-law at home".

Yun Mo turned her head to look at Ling Chuan beside her, but didn't make a sound.

Madam Shao didn't explicitly say that Ling Chuan is the "son-in-law at home", she jumped out to refute it, but she seemed to be right.

On the other hand, Ling Chuan did not show any humiliation or dissatisfaction with Mrs. Shao's words. He looked at Mrs. Shao calmly, his dark eyes revealing determination.

"Momo is my daughter-in-law, home is where she is, and I am naturally where she is."

Shao Lin said to ease the atmosphere, "Okay, what are you doing standing and talking when you're all home, you're all sitting down, Mrs. Hua, hurry up and get a few bowls of your boiled mung bean paste."

"Hey, I'll go right away."

It should have been prepared a long time ago, and the mung bean paste was served within two minutes, each with a small dish of honey and two pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"My wife doesn't like sweet food. There is no sugar in the mung bean paste. If you want to eat sweet, add honey yourself. It is pure wild flower honey, which is sweet."

Sister-in-law Hua happily explained while distributing mung bean paste to several people.

Hua Sao's craftsmanship is really good. The mung bean paste has a rich aroma and smooth taste. The sweet-scented osmanthus cake is sweet and soft, and it is delicate and slag-like. Even Yunmo, who has a picky taste, can't fault it at all.

While drinking mung bean paste, Mrs. Shao asked about Yunmo's life and studies with concern, Yunmo answered one by one, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Mrs. Shao had a sense of propriety, and after chatting for about ten minutes, she asked Shao Lin to take Yunmo to Moyuan to rest.

"You have just come back, and you need to get used to and adapt in all aspects. Go and rest first, and then come back at night. Ah Lin and I will clean up the dust for you."

"Thank you grandma."

After Yunmo finished speaking, Ling Chuan also followed suit.

Madam Shao looked at Ling Chuan for a moment before nodding, "En."

He barely accepted him as the grandson-in-law.

After the three of them left Lanju, Mrs. Hua smiled and said, "Ma'am, Missy is more beautiful than she looks in the photo. She is smart and well-educated. I really like it more and more."

Madam Shao let out a sigh of relief, took a sip of the mung bean paste that she didn't drink much just now, and immediately frowned slightly.

"Why is mung bean paste a bit bitter today?"

"Is there any? I'll try it."

Sister-in-law Hua scooped up some with a clean spoon and ate, smacking her lips and saying, "Ma'am, it's the same as usual."

Madam Shao glanced at Yunmo's unused half dish of honey on the opposite coffee table, "Bring that dish of honey here."

Sister-in-law Hua was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

What kind of mung bean paste is bitter? My wife doesn't like bitterness anymore after eating sweet.

After adding a small dish of honey, the mung bean paste became extra sweet. Mrs. Shao was so satisfied that she finished the whole bowl.

Yun Mo was really tired. When she first arrived in Mo Garden, she didn't admit to being a stranger, so she found the bedroom and went in and lay down to sleep.

When she woke up, she found that Ling Chuan was not by her side, and all her personal items had been neatly placed in every corner of the bedroom.

Woke up, Yunmo finally had the mood to visit the bedroom where she slept.

The master bedroom is not only spacious and luxurious, but also equipped with a separate bathroom and cloakroom. The room next door has been made into her personal study, and a corridor has been opened up with the cloakroom. She can go directly from the bedroom to the study through the cloakroom.

After the visit, Yunmo took a shower, changed into fresh and clean clothes, and then opened the door to go out.

Stepping out of the door, I realized that it was already evening, half a round of sunset like salted egg yolk was hanging on the horizon, and the red sunset glowed half of the sky.

The hot wind was blowing along with the fragrance of flowers, and Yunmo saw the old jasmine tree not far away at a glance.

The tree stump is formed by several dead and old branches that are as thick as a baby's arm. Obviously, the year is not short.

The petals are layered on top of each other, whiter than snow, it is a very rare chrysanthemum petal jasmine.

Yunmo picked one at random, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed gently, while wandering along the stone path in the yard.

"Quack quack!"

Before he finished admiring the flowers and plants in the yard, Dabai Erbai suddenly called out hurriedly from outside the gate.

Yun Mo went out and saw that Dabai and Erbai were being chased by three fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls.

Although Dabai and Erbai are fat and strong by her, they move very quickly. If they want to run away, ordinary people can't touch them at all, let alone these three young masters and young ladies who seem to be pampered.