On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 577

Chapter 577

"Daughter-in-law, is there anything good today?"

After trying to figure out the secret of the space upgrade, Yunmo was in a good mood. Ling Chuan spent time with her day and night, so he could naturally perceive her emotions, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Come here, I'll show you something."

Yunmo hooked her finger towards the man, then changed hands and took out a few rough rubies from her collection from the first floor space.

Some of these rough stones were given by the elders, and some were bought by herself in the antique market.

The unpolished rough stone is not as dazzling as the cut and polished one, but you can still feel its nobility from the bright red that breaks out from the inside.

Ling Chuan was holding several rough rubies of different sizes, his dark eyes were full of shock.

"Daughter-in-law, are these yours?"

Yunmo nodded, and picked up the biggest one.

This is a rough S-grade ruby from Myanmar, the size of an egg. When she was traveling in Myanmar, she bought it from the largest local colored treasure merchant and spent 8 million.

Originally, she wanted to use it to order a set of ruby jewelry for her grandma who was about to celebrate her 70th birthday, but she died in a car accident on the way to the airport to return home.

Thinking about it now, her death may not be related to this rough stone.

Buying it on the front foot, there was a car accident on the back foot. It is no wonder that the colorful treasure merchant asked for 1,500 yuan, and she paid 800. The other party readily agreed, and the other party had no intention of letting her leave alive.

But the other party has calculated thousands of times, and she has not calculated that she has the secret weapon of portable space. Even if someone dies, no one can take away the things.

"Grandma, just tell me the truth. What exactly is this Moyuan prepared for? Is it my future aunt?"

In the mo garden, Mrs. Shao sat on the porch watching the workers dig the artificial lake, while Shao Ya sat beside her, inquiring about it in a coquettish manner.

Shao Ya is the eldest among the young girls of the Shao family, and she is deeply loved by Mrs. Shao.

Of course, now that there is more Yunmo, Shao Ya's ranking and status will have to lean back.

However, the current Shao Ya doesn't know that her position is about to be taken over. She was instructed by the elders of the second room to find Mrs. Shao to inquire about the new owner of Moyuan.

"You'll know when the time comes."

As the young lady of the Shao family, Shao Ya is thoughtful, and she is especially good at understanding the minds of the elders. This is why she stands out among the many girls in the Shao family and is loved by Mrs. Shao.

Looking at Mrs. Shao's smiling face, Shao Ya's mood was indescribably complicated.

Shao Lin has never been married, Shao Yi'an is not good enough, Mrs. Shao is lonely at her knees, so she, a niece, can take advantage of the opportunity to win the other party's favor.

But now, the main courtyard is about to have a hostess, no matter whether a young master or a young lady is born at that time, then she, the niece of the second room, will move to the side.

"Grandma, I have a birthday party at the end of the month, so should I write this invitation or not?"

Shao Ya's birthday is September 1st, which coincides with the start of school, so it is held two days earlier every year.

Madam Shao took a sip of tea leisurely, "They are all from my own family, no invitation is needed, I will just take her there then, what date is this year?"

The amount of information disclosed by the three words of my family was too much, which made Shao Ya unable to recover for a while.

After all, he was still too young, no matter how he tried to hide his face, there was still some emotion on his face.

"How is it? Aya, did you find out clearly?"

As soon as Shao Ya returned to the west courtyard, his mother, Mrs. Shao San, rushed forward to greet her.

Shao Ya looked at her own mother, her face could not hide her shock, "Mom, we were all wrong, Mo Yuan is not prepared for future aunts..."

Speaking, Shao Ya relayed what Mrs. Shao said exactly.

For Shao Yi'an's grandson, Mrs. Shao has never used such an intimate title of "one of my own people", it is obvious that the identity of the owner of Moyuan is very important.

Except for Shao Lin's own daughter, Shao Ya didn't think about anything else.

As for why he didn't guess that it was Shao Lin's son, the main reason was that there were too many flowers and plants in the Mo Garden, and the furniture and furnishings could tell that it was the yard where the girl lived.

In less than half a day, the news that Shao Lin had a daughter spread throughout the Shao family compound.

In the evening, as soon as Shao Lin came home, he was stopped by his third brother Shao Hong.

"Brother, I heard you have a daughter?"

Shao Lin looked at him, "Who did you listen to?"

"Everyone said that, and said that Moyuan was prepared by you for your future niece."


Shao Lin responded, raised his foot and continued walking in the direction of Moyuan.

Shao Hong was aroused by Shao Lin's ambiguous attitude, and followed behind step by step, "Brother, do you really have a daughter? How old is it? When are you going to bring her back?"

Shao Lin glanced at Shao Hong, "What are you doing with me? Do you have nothing to do?"

"Brother, is there anything my niece likes? I can prepare a meeting gift for her."

These words made Shao Lin stop.

Although he is the eldest grandson, he was taught by the old man himself since he was a child, but the old lady prefers Shao Hong, the little grandson, and more than half of the good things in her hand fall into Shao Hong's hands, including a courtyard near the Beijing University.

"She likes courtyard houses. Don't you happen to have one over there at Beijing University? I think it would be a good meeting ceremony."

Shao Hong: "...Brother, I remembered that I have an appointment tonight, yo, it's almost late, I'm leaving first, we'll talk when I'm free."

Staring at the back of Shao Hong who was running faster than a rabbit, Shao Lin snorted secretly, turned around and continued to Moyuan.

My daughter is coming to the capital in two days, so he has to check to see if there is anything in the yard that has not been cleaned up.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day to leave for the capital.

The luggage has been dispatched to the airport in advance, and Yunmo and Ling Chuan set off with two white geese, Dabai and Erbai.

"Wow woof! woof woof!"

Before going out, the first and second guarantor kept calling her, as if they were saying goodbye to her, and seemed to be expressing their dissatisfaction at being left behind by her.

It's not that Yunmo has never thought about taking the two huskies to the capital, but considering that Ling Jiang may not be at home all the time, Ling Chunhua is at home alone at night, and two huskies are there, which is also a guarantee for safety.

"Da darling, Er darling, you have to listen to Chunhua obediently, and I will come back to see you when I am on vacation and bring you delicious food, huh?"


After comforting the two huskies, and feeding them each a big fat chicken leg, Yunmo looked around the yard where she had lived for a year with some reluctance, then turned and walked towards the gate.

"Let's go."


Ling Chuan followed her with simple luggage.

Ling Jiang took his daughter and stood outside the gate to see them off, "Chuanzi, brother and sister, come back and have a look after the holiday."

Yunmo stood in front of the car door, smiled and waved to the father and daughter, "Brother, Chunhua, when we settle down, I will pick you up to the capital."

Ling Jiang nodded cheerfully, "Hey, good."