On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 572

Chapter 572

Yunmo rolled her eyes directly, "My father is my father, and my mother is my mother. My mother now has her own factory, and the money she earns is enough to support herself. She doesn't need to rely on anyone."

Peng Fang is a rural woman and has no education, so she can't understand the independent thoughts of women expressed by Yunmo.

"I said Yunmo, this woman has relied on men since ancient times. She relied on her husband when she was young, and her son when she was old. Your mother only has a daughter like you. You married someone again. After two years, you will have your own children. Your mother has become a lonely family, do you have the heart to see her helpless and alone die of old age?"

"The second aunt is too worried. As long as I live for a day, my mother will not be old and homeless. I will not only let her enjoy her old age, but also provide her with retirement."

Peng Fang felt sour when she heard it. With her niece's ability, she can do it if she can tell. As a mother, who wouldn't want to have a caring daughter who is as capable and capable as Yunmo.

But her two sons are not bad. The eldest son can earn money, and the younger son can study.

Thinking about it this way, Peng Fang felt a lot better.

Unable to find any cheap deals, and unable to find out information about Yunmo's father, Peng Fang's family of three had to return without success.

"No wonder I borrowed money so happily yesterday. It turned out that I found a rich father! If I had known, I should have borrowed more yesterday."

At the dinner table, hearing Peng Fang's nagging, Huang Wen couldn't help saying, "No matter how much you borrow, you still have to pay it back."

Peng Fang curled her lips indifferently, "I didn't say I wouldn't pay it back, but I didn't say when. Besides, can she still eat me if I don't pay it back?"

Huang Wen said speechlessly: "I wrote the IOU, of course you can ignore it."

Huang Jianguo looked at his son, "Xiaowen, does this IOU affect you?"

"The IOU is legally binding. If I keep on repaying it, they can go to court to sue me. At that time, I will have to pay back the principal with interest. It may also affect my job and future."

Upon hearing this, Peng Fang immediately said: "That won't work, Xiaowen, you can't write this IOU! Jianguo, you write it, you are her elder, even if you don't pay back the money, she won't dare to do anything to you."

Huang Wen looked at his old lady with a sarcasm, "Yunmo reads as much as you eat, do you think she can't see your plan? She asked me to write an IOU to confirm that I will not dare not return."

Peng Fang was so angry that she slapped the table and smashed her chopsticks, "I knew she was not that kind, so she dug a hole long ago and waited for us to jump into it!"

"Mom, except for my aunt and Yunmo, none of our relatives can lend me so much money to study, so don't think about running out of money. I will pay back the debts I owe, so you don't need to worry about it. "

Peng Fang stared at her younger son dissatisfied, "You put it bluntly, tuition, accommodation, and living expenses cost four to five hundred yuan a year, and two thousand yuan in four years. When will you have to pay it off? "

As she said that, Peng Fang couldn't help complaining about her youngest son, "It would be great if you could get more points in the test. Your class teacher said that if you score more than 505 points, you can get free tuition and accommodation. You only need to worry about your own food expenses. , How can you save about three hundred yuan a year? After four years, it will be one thousand and two. One thousand and two are enough to build two new houses for your brother. If you are not up to date, Ren Yunmo can score 666 in the exam. Why do you only have 499 points? It would be nice if you could give her points evenly..."

Peng Fang babbled on and on, Huang Wen was upset, put down the bowl and chopsticks with a "snap", said "I'm full" and went back to his room.

Peng Fang looked at his youngest son's bowl with half of the rice left, and said loudly, "You haven't finished your meal yet!"

The door closed with a "bang" in response to Peng Fang.

Peng Fang also became angry, and with her hips on her hips, she yelled at her youngest son's room, "Don't mess with me, if you have the ability, go to the University of Beijing to see! Pull you with **** and piss." It's so big that you can eat, drink, and read, and it's not enough to say a few words about you?

Huang Jianguo was annoyed by his wife's nagging, so he couldn't help but said, "Okay, just stop talking a few words, Xiaowen has already ranked first in the class, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Peng Fangtan said: "What's the use of being the first in the class? Yunmo scored 666 points in the exam and is the top scorer in the province! Not only does he not have to pay tuition fees, but he also gets a bonus! Xiaowen usually works harder and pays extra for exams." Work hard, we won't worry about his tuition."

Huang Jianjun smacked his tongue when he heard that, "My dear girl, how did Yunmo have such a small brain? How did she do so well in the exam?"

Peng Fang glared at her husband, "It's not that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the son of a mouse can make holes. You and Huang Zhiqiu are the same parents. They can read since they were young, and they graduated from junior high school in one go. You are as stupid as a child." You pig, you can't even learn."

The three brothers of the Huang family plus the four children of Huang Zhiqiu, Huang Zhiqiu is the third child.

Regardless of the order of seniority or gender, the two brothers Huang Jianjun and Huang Jianguo should go to school.

Helpless, the two brothers were not material for studying, and went home after one year of school each.

Huang Zhiqiu is different.

Huang Zhiqiu is a natural reading material. He finished elementary school and went to junior high school with ease.

If it weren't for the conditions at that time, Huang Zhiqiu would have been able to go all the way to university.

Huang Wen lay on the bed, looking at the beams covered with cobwebs and dust, feeling indescribably depressed.

The entire Xiacun, plus he is only three college students, and the other two are junior colleges, but he was admitted to the first line.

Originally, he was the pride of the entire Xiacun people, a young talent praised by everyone.

But Yunmo, the cousin who appeared halfway, easily destroyed all his efforts and honor.

666 points, a height he didn't even dare to think about.

Inferiority, annoyance, and depression, like the dense cobwebs on the beams, bound him tightly and made him breathless.

"Repeat?! Xiaowen, are you crazy? No, I don't agree!"

Hearing that her youngest son wanted to repeat the study, Peng Fang sternly rejected it without even thinking about it.

Huang Wen rarely showed the stubbornness and stubbornness of young people, "I have already made up my mind. If I repeat the study for a year, even if I only improve by 10 points, I can save more than 1,000 yuan in tuition fees."

Listening to what his youngest son said, Huang Jianguo was a little moved.

One thousand yuan, they have to work for several years to earn one thousand yuan.

Peng Fang thought differently. Although she said she was dissatisfied that her son only got 499 in the test, she knew in her heart that it was not easy for her son to get 499 in the test, because this was the highest score his son got in the test since he was in the third year of high school. .

"Then if you repeat the study for a year, what if you don't pass the exam next year? No, you can't repeat the study. Your dad and I will figure out a way about the tuition fee. At the end of the month, you will pack your luggage and go to the city to study at university!"

Huang Wen didn't listen to Peng Fang, and ran to Huang's house in the dark to find Yunmo.

Yunmo had just had dinner and was discussing with Zeng Fang the design of the new yard.

"Cousin Xiaowen, what do you need from me?"

Yunmo has no ill feeling toward the silent and introverted Huang Wen, and her tone is quite polite.

"I don't want to borrow money anymore, I want to repeat."

Hearing Huang Wen's idea of rereading, Yun Mo was still a little surprised.

"Yunmo, I know there is a special re-reading class for the college entrance examination in the city. I want to go to the re-reading class in the city. Can you help me?"