On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 569

Chapter 569

"666 points! Momo is amazing. Not only is she the provincial champion of science this year, but she also won a lot of bonuses. Even TV stations and newspapers asked Momo to report on her." Zeng Fang said quickly.

Peng Fang has no culture, and he has no idea about the provincial champion, but he can guess that it must be great.

My heart was so sore, but I forced a smile on my mouth and said: "Not bad, but my Xiaowen test is also good, 499, just 1 point short of 500, the highest score in their class.

Oh, you all don't know. As soon as the score came out, Xiaowen's class teacher drove over 20 miles of mountain roads to his home to congratulate Xiaowen, and helped Xiaowen choose a school. "

Based on the teaching level of teachers in Lu'an Town, 499 in liberal arts is really good, barely enough to be in the first line.

"Second Aunt, please congratulate Cousin Xiaowen on my behalf."

"Your cousin Xiaowen went to play with his grandmother. I will tell him when he comes back."

Peng Fang changed his mind and talked about Huang Wen's tuition.

"Yunmo, your second uncle and I don't know how to do anything other than farming. Those who face the loess and their backs to the sky can only dig in the soil and eat for a living. They can't earn money at all. Your cousin Xiaowen I haven't paid my tuition fees yet, I came today just to ask you to borrow some money."

Before Yun Mo could respond, Peng Fang hurriedly said, "I've heard all about it just now. What kind of champion did you get in the exam and won a lot of bonuses? You must be rich. Xiaowen is your cousin , you can't help."

Yun Mo smiled slightly, "Second Aunt, I have money on me, but I want to ask, are you borrowing this time only, or will you borrow it every year in the future?

I have to pay tuition fees every year for four years in university. This year's tuition fees have been collected by borrowing. What about next year and the year after? "

Peng Fang was taken aback, then laughed and said, "Let's talk about the future, anyway, you have to reach out now, don't worry, when your cousin Xiaowen is promising in the future, we will definitely pay you back the money." .

"How much does Second Aunt want to borrow?"

Hearing Yunmo let go, Peng Fang immediately looked happy, "How much do you have?"

Yun Mo didn't make a sound with a half-smile.

Peng Fang hesitated and made a "2" gesture, "I want to borrow two hundred."

Yunmo raised her eyebrows. This number was less than she expected. She originally thought that with Peng Fang's greed, she would ask her to borrow four or five hundred.

"No problem, but I have two conditions. One, let cousin Xiaowen come over to write the IOU in person, and two, I would like to ask my second uncle and second aunt to do a little favor."

Peng Fang did not expect to borrow money so easily, and immediately agreed to Yunmo's conditions.

"I'll go back to my mother's house in a while and call your cousin Xiaowen back. How about bringing him over in the afternoon? Tell me, what do you want us to do, and I will definitely do it for you."

Yun Mo squinted and smiled, "No hurry, I will tell you when Second Aunt and you bring Second Uncle and Cousin Xiaowen over in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'll go back to my mother's house to find your cousin Xiaowen."

Peng Fang left happily.

Zeng Fang pinched the half-gnawed peach, and realized belatedly, "Momo, did I cause you trouble? If I didn't say that you got a bonus, your second aunt would have no excuse to ask you to borrow money." , and this peach..."

Yunmo smiled lightly and took out a handkerchief, and wiped off the peach flesh and peach juice on Zeng Fang's mouth, "It's okay, if you don't eat her peaches, she will have the cheek to say so."


"Two hundred is not much to you, but it is not a small amount to them. Given their own conditions and abilities, it is estimated that after lending out the money, they will not be able to get it back in a short time." Jian Xun analyzed objectively.

Yunmo was noncommittal, "It's rare to find a college student in Xiacun, who is also a relative, so let's treat it as charity."

"Cousin, you have been fooled by the second aunt. As soon as the third brother's college entrance examination scores came down, the second uncle came to borrow money. After talking for a long time, they borrowed one hundred from my family, and two hundred from my aunt! "

No wonder Peng Fang only borrowed 200 from her. It turned out that she had already borrowed 300.

Yun Mo turned her head and asked Huang Qingning, "Did they write an IOU?"

Huang Qingning shook his head, "My mother has no money, and my aunt is not at home. Anyway, it was agreed that the third brother will give them the money before he goes to report at the school."

Yunmo nodded, seeing that it was getting late, she went out to find the village chief.

The village head was not at home and went to work in the field. The village head's wife received them and called the children to go to the field to call the village head back.

When he learned that Yunmo was going to donate money to build roads for the village, the village head was so excited that he immediately changed into clean clothes and wanted to take Yunmo to the town to find the leader.

It was hot, and Yunmo didn't want Zeng Fang and the others to follow her around, so she asked Huang Qingning to take them back to Huang's house first, while she went to town with the village chief on a motorcycle.

After arriving in the town, Yunmo first went to the moso bamboo processing workshop, and called Huang Kailin, Huang Jianjun and his son to the town government.

Things went very well. The town highly appreciated the kindness of the Huang family for donating money to build roads, and warmly invited Yunmo and Huang's father and son to the best restaurant in the town to have a sumptuous lunch.

After negotiating the donation, before leaving, Yunmo pretended to inadvertently reveal that she is the granddaughter of Mrs. Zhao.

Sure enough, when the leaders of several towns heard that she and Zhao Xuehai were relatives, their expressions changed.

Since ancient times, the construction of people's livelihood has been the easiest and most corrupted, especially farmers like the Huang family who have no background and no backing, in everyone's eyes, they are big fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Ke Yunmo moved out of Zhao Xuehai, who would dare to take the idea of road construction funds? Unless Wu Shamao doesn't want it anymore.

After lunch, it was the time when the sun was at its most venomous. After saying goodbye to the town leaders, Yunmo did not rush back to the village, but took the village chief to the bamboo workshop, planning to wait until the afternoon when the sun was less intense. Then go back to the village.

Arriving at the workshop, the village head warmly expressed his heartfelt thanks to Yunmo and Huang's father and son.

"Uncle Huang, Jianjun, Miss Yunmo, I thank you on behalf of the whole village, you have brought great blessings to our entire lower village!

Originally, Xia Village has mountains, water and land, and its annual harvest is no worse than that of other villages, but the per capita annual income cannot be raised, and it ranks at the bottom every year, because other villages have roads, but our village does not!

It's all right now. Once the road is repaired and the cars are opened, the per capita income of our village will definitely double next year! "

Huang Kailin and Huang Jianjun, father and son, were equally happy. The Huang family had lived in the village for generations, and they hoped that the village would become prosperous more than anyone else.

It can be seen that the village head is a good village official who really cares about the village, and has a good reputation and reputation in the village. Yunmo simply entrusted the road supervision to the village head.

In the afternoon, when Yunmo returned to Huang's house, Peng Fang's family of three had already arrived.

Seeing Yunmo entering the door, Peng Fang couldn't wait to come out to greet her, "Yunmo, you're back, I've been waiting for you for a long time, what are you doing in the town on such a hot day?"

"Done something."

Yunmo didn't want to talk too much about road construction, so she took the initiative to shift the topic to borrowing money.