On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Yunmo raised her eyebrows, "They picked so many, can they finish it?"

"Of course they can't finish eating. They pick the big ones. A watermelon weighs about ten catties, which is enough for the whole family to eat for a day. People in the village told my mother that the second uncle and the second aunt picked it every day. Watermelons are sold in other villages."

When I got closer, I saw baskets and poles behind Peng Fang and his wife. Five or six big, round watermelons were already in the two baskets.

"Second Uncle and Second Aunt, are you busy?"

As soon as she saw Yunmo, Peng Fang immediately asked about her eldest son, Huang Zhao.

"Yunmo, where is my Xiao Zhao? Where is he now?"

"I heard from his fellow workers on the construction site that he went to the north to make a fortune. Why, hasn't he contacted his family yet?"

"Please explain clearly, where did Xiao Zhao go to the north?"

Perhaps because she was too worried about the eldest son, Peng Fang's tone was quite aggressive.

Yunmo doesn't care too much. Although she hates Peng Fang's greedy personality, she can understand the other party's mood of being a mother.

"Second aunt, after Cousin Huang Zhao went to Jiangshi, he never contacted me except for visiting my mother once, and he didn't tell any of us when he left. I really don't know what he is doing now. where."

Seeing that the whereabouts of the eldest son could not be found, Peng Fang couldn't help but get angry: "Yunmo, Xiao Zhao is alone in Jiang City and doesn't know where he lives, so you don't need to take care of him. How did you become a cousin!"

"Second aunt, cousin Huang Zhao went to Jiangshi, you didn't mention a single word to me from the beginning to the end, but now you blame me for not taking care of him, what's the reason?

Also, cousin Huang Zhao was in Jiangshi to join Yunyao, and the Yun family arranged a good job for him. Watch him 24/7? "

Peng Fang was stunned speechless.

Huang Jianguo spoke nice words for his wife, "Yunmo, your second aunt didn't mean that. Xiao Zhao hasn't contacted his family since he went to the north. Your second aunt and I are very worried, afraid that something will happen to him."

Thinking of Huang Zhao's situation, Yunmo's tone softened a bit.

"If I have cousin Huang Zhao's whereabouts, I will definitely notify you."

"Hey, okay, Yunmo, we are also a family, you should pay more attention to your cousin Xiao Zhao's affairs."

Yunmo was noncommittal, her eyes fell on the basket behind the couple.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, can you pick so many melons and eat them all?"

Huang Jianguo sneered and said: "After eating, this watermelon is very sweet. Your second aunt and I can eat one in one meal."

"That being said, the melons are grown by my aunt, right? It's fine for you to pick a couple of melons once in a while, but is it unreasonable to pick them every day with a basket?"

Peng Fang crossed his waist and snorted coldly: "When the melon seedling was first planted, there was a drought. If it wasn't for me and your second uncle helping to carry water to irrigate, this melon would not be able to grow!"

Huang Qingning on the side said angrily: "I just helped to carry a few loads of water. How many melons have you picked here? It's several hundred catties, isn't it enough?"

"Whoever picks a few hundred catties, at most a hundred catties, anyway, your mother can't control it. Rather than letting this melon rot on the ground, it's better for us to help eat it."

Huang Qingning blushed with anger, "How can there be any rotten in the field? It's fine for outsiders to steal melons, but our own people take advantage of the fire to rob them. My mother has only sold less than five hundred catties of melon fields for several acres. You can't even make money from public food!

Perhaps because of the large number of people on Yunmo's side, Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo didn't argue too much, they hurriedly picked two baskets full of watermelons and left.

After watching the couple walk away, Yun Mo turned her head and patted Huang Qingning on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Okay, don't be angry, let me think of a way to help my aunt sell all the melons in this field."

"Are you serious, cousin?"

"You're a puppy, okay?"

"Cousin, you won't lie to me, you are the best."

Seeing a smile on Huang Qingning's face, Zeng Fang and the others also relaxed, and rushed into the melon field looking for a big watermelon happily.

Yun Mo and Huang Qingning walked behind in a calm manner.

"Qingning, are there many people in the village who come to steal melons from the fields?"

Huang Qingning sighed, "Our family is the only one in the village that grows watermelons, and my mother can't see it alone. At night, people always come to steal melons to eat. In fact, it's okay to steal one or two to eat back, but some people are not satisfied. Picking up baskets to steal, this year's watermelon harvest was pretty good, but I haven't made any money so far, maybe I'll have to pay for it.

In these years, people need to pay public grain for farming. On average, one mu of land costs about one hundred catties.

Taking corn as an example, a hundred catties of corn is about 12 yuan, plus fertilizer and seeds, it costs 40 yuan to pay back the cost of an acre of melon fields, and more than 40 is the profit.

"How much can the watermelon in this field sell for a catty?"

"It can be sold for 8 cents in the town. If it is sold in the village, it can be sold for 5 cents at most. Now everyone comes to steal melons to eat, and no one buys melons. My mother can only pick melons and sell them in the town. She can only pick half a melon at a time. Don't worry, she can't pick too much.

Good ones can be sold for 5 or 6 yuan at a time, and sometimes they are half-sold and half-given if they can't be sold, otherwise they have to pick and go home. "

Based on the price of 8 cents, five hundred catties is only 40 yuan, which is not enough to pay public grain, let alone fertilizer and seeds.

Although a lot of watermelons have been stolen, there are still quite a lot of watermelons in the field. Each one is big and round, which is very gratifying. If they can be sold in the city, they can be sold for about 10 to 15 cents.

It's a pity that there is no road in the village, so there is no way to transport such good watermelons in large quantities.

"Momo? Are you really back? I saw it from a distance just now, and I thought I was wrong."

The melon fields are not connected together. Liu Zhi was working in another melon field, and when he saw Yunmo, he walked over excitedly.


Seeing Liu Zhi was sweating profusely, and his face was tanned and red, Yunmo couldn't help feeling sad and distressed.

How hard and difficult it must be for a woman to manage the crops of a family of seven or eight people.

For Yunmo's return, Liu Zhi seemed very happy, and stopped working in the field. He helped pick two big watermelons and went home together.

At home, Yang Xinghua has already boiled water, **** a big cock, and is waiting for Liu Zhi to come back to help butcher it.

"There is nothing to entertain you in the countryside, just a chicken. I hope everyone will not dislike shabbiness."

Zeng Fang smiled and said: "How come, grandma, you are too good at raising, this chicken is so big."

"You haven't seen it yet. This is a rooster. The big rooster weighs more than ten catties. This one is quite small!"

Hearing Yao Cheng's complaints, Yang Xinghua said with a cheerful smile: "Yes, this rooster was bought and fed in March, and it has been fed for more than four months, but it is not big enough. It will become fat when it is fed for the New Year. One chicken leg is enough to stew a pot."