On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 561

Chapter 561

After learning about Yunmo's score, Zhao Yazhi couldn't help asking Zeng Fang, "Fangfang, how about you, how many points did you get?"

"I'm 604, just passed the score line outside Beijing, hehe."

Zhao Yazhi took a sip of cappuccino very depressed, "It turns out that you are all top students with a score of more than 600 in the test, and I am a scumbag with a score of more than 500."

Yao Cheng hurriedly said: "Are you worse than me? I didn't even get 500 points in the exam."

Zhao Yazhi looked at him in disbelief, "Then how did you get into the Provincial University?"

"Of course it was my grandfather who forced him in." Zeng Fang answered quickly.

Yao Cheng didn't think there was anything to be ashamed of, "I want to get in on my own, but my strength doesn't allow it."

It is thick-skinned to be able to speak so confidently about poor grades.

Backing back to the hotel at night, Zeng Fang went to the bathroom to take a shower, while Yun Mo sat cross-legged on the bed and called Shao Lin.

Shao Lin was very happy when he received the call, "Momo, do you miss Dad? Are you having fun in Anshi?"

Hearing the friendly voice on the other end of the phone, Yunmo couldn't help showing a faint smile on her face.

"Well, it's good, Dad, I went to the bank today to buy the land of the bamboo weaving factory, and guess what happened?"

"Oh, what's wrong? They won't sell it?"

Heh, still pretending to be stupid with her.

"Director Xu from the bank said that I bought that land half a month ago. Do you think it's magical?"

"Is there such a good thing? Oh, Momo, you are a lucky star. You can get a piece of land for nothing without spending a penny. It's not bad."

Yun Mo laughed secretly, "Dad, it's a pity that you don't go to act."

"Actually, I thought about it when I was young, but your old man threatened to break my legs. In order to keep my legs, I had to give up my hobbies and go home to inherit the family business, alas."

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "If you really like acting, it's not impossible to enter the drama world after you retire."

"Really? Momo, do you really think Dad still has a chance?"

Liu Bang started his business at the age of 48 and became emperor at the age of 55. Taigong Jiang fished until he was 70 years old and achieved nothing. Later, he met King Wen of Zhou.

"Momo, you are right, but the premise is that Dad has to retire one day. Why don't you come to pick up Dad's shift earlier, then Dad can retire earlier to do what he likes."

Yunmo: "..."

She seems to have lifted a rock and hit her instep.

"Dad, it's getting late, you should go to bed early."

"Then Dad's proposal just now..."

"Dreams have everything."

Shao Lin: "..."

In the study room, Wei Fu was horrified at the idea of his grandfather wanting to hand over the family business to the eldest lady whom he had never met.

When Shao Lin bowed his head to eat supper, Wei Fu persuaded politely: "Master, you are still young, have you never thought about giving birth to a younger brother or sister for the eldest lady?"

"Not thinking about it."

"Why? Lord, think about it. When you are old, a large group of descendants will surround you and share the family happiness with you. How wonderful it will be."

Shao Lin snorted coldly, "What's the matter? I have more children. In the future, I will fight openly and covertly for the family property and turn against each other. They hope that I will die sooner so that the family property can be divided as soon as possible. I won't cause trouble for myself.

If a stupid one is born, it will not only cause trouble for me but also for Momo. If a smart one is born, what should I do if I can't tolerate Momo in the future?

Momo is enough for me to have one daughter. I am so busy with work now that I don't have so much energy to pamper and train other children. "

Wei Fu: "..."

"But, Lord, the eldest lady is always a girl. I'm worried that she won't be able to support such a big family business."

Shao Lin looked at Wei Fu a little strangely, "Is the Shao family all dead except for my branch? If Momo wants my position, then I will definitely plan for her. If she doesn't like it, I will do it too." I won't force it, after all, I will leave enough things for her to keep her stable for the rest of her life. As for the patriarch of the Shao family, whoever the Shao family likes should be the one.

Hmph, the patriarch of the Shao family sounds majestic, but he is actually a hard job like a cow and a horse. There are hundreds of people in the Shao family compound. I work alone. They eat, drink and have fun at home every day. They chew my tongue behind my back when they have nothing to do. I have been to the leisurely days of drinking tea every day to amuse the birds and grandchildren. "

Wei Fu: "..."

After taking a shower, Yunmo reckoned that Ling Chuan should have finished his work, so she called Jiang Shi's home.

"Hello, daughter-in-law?"

Hearing the familiar voice of the man on the other end of the phone, Yunmo suddenly felt a strong longing.

It's like a jar of green plum wine placed in the corner, often you can't feel its existence, but when you suddenly open the sealed jar one day, you will find that it has fermented a mellow and sweet taste.

After finishing the phone call, Yunmo turned around and found that Zeng Fang was lying on the bed, sleeping like a pig.

After eating, drinking and having fun outside all day, she was indeed tired. After checking and locking the doors and windows, Yun Mo lay down and turned off the lights to sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Yunmo's consciousness seemed to have entered another empty world.

The ground is black under the feet, white above the head, and surrounded by a thick gray fog.

Yunmo walked forward with strides until she reached the thick gray mist and could no longer move forward, as if there was a transparent border lying in front of her.

Yunmo turned her head and looked at the open space in front of her, which was the size of a school playground, feeling bewildered and curious.

"Momo, my stomach hurts..."

A painful groan called Yunmo's consciousness from the void back to reality.

Yun Mo turned on the lamp beside the bed, and found that Zeng Fang beside her was sweating profusely, clutching her stomach and curling up.

With the help of the hotel staff, Zeng Fang was quickly sent to a nearby hospital.

"It's acute gastroenteritis. The weather is hot, and the food is easy to deteriorate. It is probably caused by eating unclean food. After taking the medicine and drinking two bottles of water, there should be no problem. You should pay attention to the diet in these two days. , don't eat spicy and cold food.

After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Yunmo breathed a sigh of relief.

After putting Zeng Fang to sleep, Yunmo looked at the time. It was 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. It was useless to call Yao Cheng at this time, so she simply didn't call to wake them up.

After moistening Zeng Fang's mouth with Lingquan water, Yunmo lay down on the sofa in the ward with her clothes on, and took out a small pillow and thin quilt from the space.

Closing her eyes, she subconsciously thought about the scene in her previous dream, and in the next second, she entered that empty world again.

Yunmo suddenly understood something, her heart moved slightly, and she returned to the sofa in the ward, her body still lying flat.

After several attempts, Yunmo vaguely understood something.

Her space seems to have derived a second layer. The area of this layer is larger than the Lingquan space, and there is soil.

Does this mean that she can farm in the space?