On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554 Provincial Science Champion

At about 9:30, the school leaders and people from the Education Bureau came to the courtyard.

Because he knew in advance that the leaders were coming, Ling Chuan specially didn't go out to do business, but helped entertain the leaders of the school and the Education Bureau at home.

"Yunmo, it has been confirmed, you are the number one student in science in province H this year, just one point higher than the second place, hahaha!"

Zhong Weimin was beaming, even more excited than Yunmo, the person involved.

Education Bureau and school leaders not only congratulated and praised Yunmo, but also commended Yunmo on behalf of the school and the Education Bureau.

Yunmo not only won honor for No. 3 Middle School, but also won face for the entire Jiang City.

Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, it was the first time that Jiang City had a provincial champion.

The reward from the school is 500 yuan in cash, a Flying Pigeon bicycle, and the Education Bureau is much more generous, 1,000 yuan in cash, and a 14-inch domestic color TV.

Color TVs are not cheap these days. Even if they are made in China, one set costs at least 2,000 yuan, and it is still priceless.

As soon as the leaders of the school and the Education Bureau left, Luo Xuelan came back.

Luo Xuelan didn't come empty-handed either, but someone carried a Panasonic refrigerator with upper and lower doors.

This congratulatory gift was sent to Yunmo's heart.

She has wanted to buy a refrigerator for a long time, but refrigerators in this era are all imported, and resources are very scarce. Even if you pay first, you have to wait half a year for the goods to be available.

Yunmo accepted Luo Xuelan's congratulatory gift unceremoniously.

Knowing that Yunmo was busy today, Luo Xuelan didn't stay too long, and left after delivering the congratulatory gifts.

Throughout the day, the guests of the courtyard house never stopped, and there was an endless stream of congratulatory people, who almost stepped on the threshold of the courtyard house.

Zeng Fang came here in the afternoon.

As soon as she entered the door, she was stunned to see all kinds of congratulatory gifts in the courtyard.

"Good guy, bicycle, TV, refrigerator, everything, no, Momo, as your best friend, I came to the door empty-handed, just wait, I'll go back and bring you my washing machine!"

Yunmo held her back dumbfounded, "Aren't you afraid that your parents will break your leg?"

"No, I did so well in the exam, and they are happy."

Yunmo dragged her to sit in the main room, "Okay, don't talk about those empty gifts between you and me. If you really brought me the washing machine at home, wouldn't I have to return a generous gift?"

Zeng Fang chuckled, "The big gift is not necessary, I think your refrigerator is pretty good, it is bigger than the one at my house, it can freeze a lot of popsicles and fruits."

Yun Mo glared at her, "You have a good idea!"

After the two of them had finished laughing, Zeng Fang suddenly started crying again holding her.

"Momo, I'm so happy. I never dreamed that I could get more than 600 points in the college entrance examination. Momo, thank you, meeting you is the greatest luck in my life."

Infected by her friend's emotions, Yunmo couldn't help but wet her eyes.

On the road of hard work, there are people walking together. Isn't it a kind of happiness for her?

"Fangfang, your good grades are due to your own hard work, and it is the inevitable result of every day of studying hard."

"I don't care, anyway, without you, I wouldn't be where I am now. You are not only my lifelong good friend, but also my lifelong mentor, woo woo woo..."

In the evening, Bai Xue hugged her son Yunze and came to the door with a gift.

"Miss Yun, congratulations on your title on the gold list, winning the toad palace."

"Thank you, please take a seat."

Bai Xue should have just given birth, so she covered her tightly, but Bai Ze looked a lot fatter than a few days ago.

After the nanny took Bai Ze to play in the yard, Bai Xue explained why she came.

"Yun Renxian asked me to come. Last time you came to see me, I told him. As soon as he heard the news that you were the provincial champion today, he immediately asked someone to buy a generous gift. Let me hug you Bai Ze came to congratulate you."

"It's fine to say it." Yun Mo lightly mocked: "Yun Renxian is conceited, suspicious, and cold by nature. Although you gave birth to him a son, you still have to be cautious in everything and have a good sense of proportion."

Bai Xue nodded gratefully, "Okay, I will."

After Bai Xue left, Zeng Fang came out of the study with a face of curiosity, "Momo, who is she?"

"Yun Renxian's lover."

Zeng Fang almost didn't spit out her tea, "No, Momo, when did you have such a good relationship with Yun Renxian's lover? Ah, I see, she was not arranged by you to be beside Yun Renxian, right? Use a beauty trick to bring down the Yun family and get back everything that belongs to you?!"

Yun Mo tapped the other person's forehead angrily, "You're fine, read less novels!"


Yunmo didn't bother to pay attention to her, and got up to check the gift brought by Bai Xue.

A box of Guanyan, a box of Cordyceps, some imported wine and candy, and two 50g gold nuggets.

There is one thing to say, as a successful businessman, Yun Renxian is quite willing to spend money.

"Heh, what is he trying to do with such a generous gift? Could it be that seeing you as the number one scholar now, you want to recognize your daughter again?"

"Then he thinks more beautifully than you."

Zeng Fang touched her face, "Momo, are you praising me?"

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "Fool, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"As long as it's delicious, I'm not picky."

Yun Mo thought for a while, "Then let's go to the restaurant my dad ordered last time. You didn't eat well last time, so I'll take you there today."


Yun family.

Jiang Yu didn't go out all day today, and she won't go out in the next few days unless there are special circumstances.

The adopted daughter became the provincial champion. It stands to reason that her adoptive mother should be proud of her face, but the fact is just the opposite.

She didn't have to go out to guess how many people outside were secretly laughing at her, ridiculing her for being blind.

Even if she didn't go out, those wives and wives still refused to let her go, calling in one after another, saying congratulations to her, but actually wanting to see her laugh.

Jiang Yu didn't care, anyway, she was bored at home alone, so she just treated those people as companions to relieve her boredom.

Son Yuncong went to study in country A half a month ago, she actually wanted to accompany her son to go, but the visa was not easy to handle so she had to give up.

After dealing with a certain wife's phone call, Jiang Yu dialed the phone line, got up and went upstairs to go to sleep.

Walking to the second floor, she couldn't help but stop when she saw the closed door of the room diagonally opposite.

After a while, she walked over and pushed away the room that hadn't been occupied since her adoptive daughter left.

(end of this chapter)