On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Xu Xu was able to marry into his current in-law's family at the beginning, thanks to Yuan Jia's help, now that Yuan Jia can't take care of herself, how can Xu Xu be alone.

Fortunately, Xu Xu's in-law's family is a decent person. They didn't mobilize people to drive Xu Xu out of the house. Instead, they persuaded Xu Xu to divorce her husband quietly, and then went abroad to accompany her grandson as a student.

Although Lian is uneducated and does not speak English, it is still possible to do laundry, cooking and cleaning.

Compared to Yuan Jia and the Yuan family, this fate is already considered very good for Licensing.

Permission is gone, and Yuan Jia's life-saving straw is gone, so she can only honestly accept three months of criminal detention.

While in Jiang City, Ling Chunhua's sugar water truck ran into trouble and was confiscated by the industrial and commercial law enforcement officers for "operating without a license".

The reason was that he had received reports from the masses, and Zeng Xingguo was not good at showing favoritism. Although he quietly returned the sugar water truck to Yunmo afterwards, it would definitely be impossible to operate it again.

And this matter was naturally written by Kang Xiaorou.

Her so-called method is to stop Chunhua Tangshui from operating again, so that all customers will return to her ice love to buy handmade ice powder.

This kind of thinking is not wrong, but she forgot that the essence of making food is to be delicious.

In order to save money, Bingzhilian always saves the unsold materials on the first day until the next day. This saves a lot of cost, but it greatly affects the taste and taste of the syrup. Customers ate it once. It's not delicious, so naturally I won't come back.

So, not surprisingly, Bingzhilian's business did not improve because of the closure of Chunhua Tangshui, but went from bad to worse.

Summer heat.

Zhi hooted tirelessly, Ling Chunhua was like a flower in the yard that had been scorched by the scorching sun, listlessly resting her chin in a daze.

Yunmo came out of the study and sighed slightly when she saw her niece staring blankly at the trolley.

"Spring flowers."


In the past, Ling Chunhua's voice was crisp and lively, but today it was as weak as if she hadn't eaten.

Yunmo sat beside her, reached out and stroked her hairy head.

"Want to go to the movies?"

Ling Chunhua shook her head.

"Then go to the library to buy books?"

Ling Chunhua still shook her head.

"Why don't we take Dabai and Erbai to the river to play in the water tomorrow, and catch crayfish by the way, how about I make grilled fish and crayfish for you then?"

Ling Chunhua stared at her blankly for a while before nodding lightly, "Okay, Auntie."

How could Yunmo fail to see Ling Chunhua's reluctance and absent-mindedness.

She touched the other party's white and tender face, "You just like selling sugar water so much? It's so hot outside, it's hard work going out every day, playing at home is cool and relaxing, isn't it good?"

Hearing her words, Ling Chunhua's mouth was flattened, as if she was about to cry the next moment.

"Auntie, I sold sugar water to save my tuition fees, but now I can't even earn money for my father to buy a small cart."

Although the profit from selling ice powder every day is not bad, since half of the profit is distributed to Xie Jinghuai, Ling Chunhua doesn't get much, less than 40 yuan in total.

Although the small cart is second-hand, Ling Jiang also spent 50 yuan, plus some modification costs, and the total cost was about 60 yuan.

Yunmo patted her head reassuringly, "You earned more than 30 yuan in just one week of selling, which is worth a month's wages for an adult. It's amazing."

After coaxing for a long time, seeing that Ling Chunhua was still not very happy with Yazi, Yun Mo had no choice but to use her "killer weapon".

"Okay, go put on your shoes, and Auntie will take you to find a place where you can sell sugar water?"

"Really? Auntie."

Ling Chunhua's eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief and surprise.

Yunmo flicked Xiao Qiuqiu on top of her head amusedly, "Silly girl, go and put on your shoes."


Yunmo took Ling Chunhua to the snack street.

After shopping around the snack street, Yunmo picked a snack bar with a good environment and location, but the business was a bit bleak.

Yunmo didn't come here in vain, she went directly to the boss to explain her intention.

Ice powder is a seasonal snack, and it won't be sold once summer is over, so Yunmo doesn't plan to rent a store alone, but chooses to operate a joint store with a snack bar.

Only rent a place in the snack bar for a short period of time to sell handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea.

The owner of the snack bar is also a bit business-minded. Instead of charging Yunmo shop rent, he proposed to take 50% of the profits from the sales of handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea.

Although the Chunhua Tangshui cart is gone, there are a large number of loyal customers who still miss it. The boss has a hunch that once Chunhua Tangshui reopens in his store, it will definitely become popular in the whole street.

After some negotiations between the two parties, the profit sharing was finally discussed.

The owner of the snack bar gets three, and Yunmo gets seven.

After finding a place, the next step is to apply for a business license.

With Zeng Xingguo's relationship, it should not be too simple to apply for a license. The next day Yunmo got the food business license and business license.

Everything was ready, and an auspicious day was chosen, and Chunhua Tangshui Store officially opened for business.

With publicity in advance and the reputation of Chunhua Tangshui, the business was booming on the first day of opening.

200 servings of handmade ice powder and 200 servings of pearl milk tea were sold out within half a day.

In addition, the snack bar is also overcrowded, and the business is extremely hot.

Because there are tables and chairs in the snack bar, some customers buy handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea and sit in the store to eat, and also order some snacks in the store.

In just three days, Chunhua Tangshui has become the most popular sweetshui shop on the snack street after Ice Love.

Kang Xiaorou's eyes were red with anger, but she couldn't care about the trouble of looking for Chunhua Tangshui anymore, because she was in big trouble herself.

Because they always sell overnight food, this is not a problem with selling.

Bing Zhilian sold rancid sugar water, which caused food poisoning to customers. He was jointly investigated by the industry and commerce and the police station. Not only was his business license and food business license revoked, but he was also fined 500 yuan.

The 500 yuan this year is not a small amount, equivalent to the income of an ordinary family for two years.

Kang Xiaorou also went to the doctor in a hurry. In order to raise a fine, she even stole and sold the latest products developed by her department to a competing company, and was caught.

Because it was an attempt and did not cause actual losses to the company, Ronghua did not pursue her criminal responsibility, but just fired her, and any subsidiary under Ronghua will never hire her again.

For Kang Xiaorou, what she lost was not only her job, but also her bright future and future.

No formal unit dares to hire an employee who has a bad conduct and has a history of stealing company secrets.

After a few days of operation, the popularity of the Chunhua Tangshui shop has slowly dropped, and sales have gradually stabilized.

The daily sales of handmade ice powder is about 350 copies, and the sales volume of pearl milk tea is lower, between 200-250 copies.

To make so many handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea, Ling Chunhua must not be able to do it alone.

Yun Mo hired two summer workers, plus Ling Chunhua, the three worked in shifts in the sugar shop.

As for the ingredients needed, Yunmo hired Aunt Cuihua's daughter-in-law Ye Qin to make them, and she paid one yuan for three hours every morning.

Of course, the salary was a little too high, and Yunmo was entirely looking at it because Ye Qin had just given birth.

Being a mother for the first time is not easy.

Yunmo also taught Ye Qin the production process of handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea without reservation. After getting Yunmo's permission, Ye Qin would also go to the night market to sell ice powder at night when she was free, earning a profit. Take a little income to supplement the family.