On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Although Yunmo asked the two little guys to go out of the stall by themselves, she still went with them.

It was the same as yesterday, Xie Jinghuai didn't go inside the snack street, but put the stall in the alley next to the snack street.

But this time, Xie Jinghuai gave a reasonable explanation.

"Sister Momo, the ice powder and milk tea are made on-site, and the production speed is slow. When there are too many customers, you have to queue up. It's better to queue up under the shade of a tree than under the sun."

"Makes sense."

Yunmo nodded approvingly, then took off the sun protection clothing and sun hat, put them in the bag, and took out the small flower umbrella from the bag.

"Come on, everyone, I'll go to the snack street to see what's delicious."

After entering the snack street, Yunmo walked straight to the left holding an umbrella.

She didn't come here to go shopping and eat, but to see if the handmade ice powder sold by Ice Love is really the same as hers.

Yunmo found the Bingzhilian Tianshui House without much effort.

Same as the day before yesterday, there was a queue at the entrance of Ice Love, but there were not many people, only six or seven.

Yunmo also joined them.

After all, it is a serious shop, and Ice Love sells a lot of categories, including red bean paste, mung bean paste, white fungus soup, sago dew, and so on.

Handmade ice powder is the signature of Ice Love. Other sweet drinks only have names, but handmade ice powder has a 30-inch advertising image printed on it.

Soon it was Yunmo's turn. She ordered a bowl of handmade ice powder and several bowls of mung bean paste.

When Yunmo returned to the place where Ling Chunhua set up a stall, the trolley had already opened.

Yun Mo didn't go up to bother, but found a stone table under the camphor tree and sat down, carefully studying the handmade ice powder bought in Ice Love.

From the appearance, there is not much difference between the two ice powders, but the ice powder of Ice Love is a bit plain.

Ice slag, ice powder and brown sugar account for two-thirds, and other ingredients account for one-third, so that the specific amount of each ingredient is very small.

There are only seven or eight pieces of taro **** in a bowl, and the ice powder she mixes with Ling Chunhua is a bowl of taro balls, and a spoonful of about 20 pieces.

In addition to taro balls, other items such as crushed peanuts, white sesame seeds, raisins, winter melon candies, hawthorn dices, and watermelon dices are also much less than what she sells.

After reading the ingredients, Yunmo tasted the taste again.

The sweetness is enough, and the brown sugar water is very thick. After all, it sells for fifty cents a bowl, and no one will buy it if the taste is bad.

Yunmo scooped up another taro ball and ate it. After barely eating one, she didn't want to eat the second one.

I don't know if the ratio of cassava flour and glutinous rice flour is not adjusted properly, or if the taro **** are made overnight, they are not soft and chewy at all, but hard and choked on the throat.

With such quality, it is estimated that it will go out of business in a few days.

After appraising the handmade ice powder of Ice Love, Ling Chunhua and Xie Jinghuai on the side of the trolley are also busy.

Yun Mo walked over with the mung bean paste, gave two of the bowls to the two, and took the rest to the shop for Ling Chuan and the others to eat.

Same as yesterday, the 50 servings of handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea on the trolley were sold out quickly, and some people even didn't buy them, and even made reservations for tomorrow in advance.

"What's going on, why did the sales of handmade ice powder drop so much?"

After get off work, Kang Xiaorou came to Bingzhilian, seeing today's sales report, her expression was very ugly.

Cheng Wei, who co-owned this sugar water house with her, explained depressedly: "It's not the spring flower sugar water. They sell it cheaply, and many people go to them to buy it."

Cheng Wei told her about this matter the day before yesterday, but she didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

Kang Xiaorou frowned so much that he could kill a fly, "How much do they sell for a bowl now?"

"Sanmao, in addition to handmade ice powder, they also sell a kind of pearl milk tea, which is also a cup of Sanmao. Many people go to buy it, but they only sell 50 copies of each, and they call it a day when they sell out."

Cheng Wei hesitated for a moment, and continued: "The old customers who bought handmade ice powder from us every day said that the ice powder in Chunhua Tangshui has more ingredients than ours, and the taste of taro **** is better than ours, but the price is lower than that of ours. We are 20 cents cheaper."

Kang Xiaorou slapped the table hard angrily, "Damn it! We spent so much energy and cost to build a reputation for handmade ice powder, but they took advantage of it for nothing.

Okay, you want to use the price to overwhelm us, right? Starting tomorrow, we will also sell three cents! "

"But they also have more ingredients than ours."

"Then let's increase the toppings too!"

"But that won't make any money. Let's sell this store. The rent plus utilities and labor will cost about a hundred yuan a month!"

"I can't take care of so much now, let's get the customers back first. If you have customers, you won't be afraid of running out of money!"

Kang Xiaorou has a college degree after all, she still has a little mind, but not much.

Otherwise, she will understand that if she wants to seize the market, she should improve the quality of her products and services instead of blindly competing with competitors on price.

On the second day, an advertising banner of "Summer Sale, Special Offer of Handmade Ice Powder for 30 cents a bowl" was hung at the door of Ice Love.

The effect is still there. There are a lot more people buying handmade ice powder than yesterday, but it is far from the expectation.

No way, who would be willing to eat counterfeit products after eating authentic ones?

In this era, handmade ice powder can be regarded as Yunmo's original creation, coupled with her rich experience in gourmet food, the taro **** she made can be called a master.

As for Kang Xiaorou, she is just an imitator of Yunmo, an apprentice who has just started and hasn't mastered the essence of the method.

In the blink of an eye, it has been three days since Ice Love put up the discount banner.

In addition to the slight effect on the first day, the next two days not only did not attract more customers, but the number of customers became less and less.

If it continues to develop like this, let alone making money, even the cost will not be recovered.

It is the exact opposite of the bleakness of Bingzhilian.

Ling Chunhua's small cart business is getting better and better, and the sales of handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea have also increased from 50 servings per day to 80 servings each.

But it's still not enough to sell, all can be sold out before 6 o'clock every day, and there are still many reservations for the next day.

Kang Xiaorou finally couldn't hold back anymore, and went to buy a handmade ice powder of Chunhua Tangshui and pearl milk tea to taste.

After tasting it, she knew that she had lost well.

Not to mention pearl milk tea, the handmade ice powder sold by Chunhua Tangshui surpasses her ice love in terms of appearance, texture, and taste.

For the same price, she would rather buy spring flower syrup to eat.

Since she can't win in terms of quality and price, she can only think of other ways.

Watching the hot scene of a long queue in front of the Chunhua Tangshui truck, Kang Xiaorou thought unwillingly.

"Manager Huang, those two people came again and said they were looking for you. I told you that you were not here, so they kept guarding the factory gate and refused to leave."

In the bamboo weaving factory, the security guard at the gate ran to the office to report to Huang Zhiqiuhui.

Learning that Yuan Jia and Yuan Wei are here again, Huang Zhiqiu is also very distressed.

"I see, Uncle Tian, you can go back to your class and leave them alone."

"Hey, good."