On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 546

Chapter 546

"Sister Chunhua, give me three spoonfuls of taro balls."


"Why? I paid for it."

Ling Chunhua looked at the boy, and explained seriously: "The taro **** are made of tapioca flour and glutinous rice flour, and they are cold. If you eat too much, you will not digest them."

Hearing what Ling Chunhua said, the boy said, "Take two spoons."

"You can only add one spoonful. If you like it, you can buy it tomorrow."

"All right, all right, one spoon at a time."

After adding a spoonful of taro **** to each boy, Ling Chunhua continued to make the remaining ice powder.

Xie Jinghuai also followed to help, and after a while, the countertop of the trolley was filled with ready-made handmade ice powder.

Xie Jinghuai took out the cash box and asked the teenagers to pay for ice powder one by one.

The weather is hot, and the ice powder cannot be kept for too long. The teenagers went home one after another after getting the ice powder.

After the teenagers left one after another, a few little girls who had been watching for a while pushed each other to the front of the small cart.

Ling Chunhua has a sweet mouth, and when she sees a business coming, she smiles and shouts: "Miss, do you want to buy a bowl of handmade ice powder? There is also pearl milk tea, which is made of pure milk and black tea, and there are soft and soft pearls in it." , especially delicious."

"Then, let me have a cup of pearl milk tea."

"Okay, what about the other girls, do you buy ice powder or pearl milk tea?"

After successfully attracting a customer, Ling Chunhua enthusiastically asked other little girls.

The little girls came here for Xie Jinghuai, not to buy ice powder and milk tea, so they hesitated for a while.

At this moment, one of the little girls boldly greeted Xie Jinghuai.

"Xie Jinghuai, is this your stall?"

Xie Jinghuai was leaning against the camphor tree and playing chess with two old men who could not be seen far away. When he heard someone calling him, he glanced at the other person lazily, with an extremely indifferent expression.

"who are you?"

The girl blushed immediately, and murmured, "I'm Song Feifang, and I'll sit two rows in front of you."

Xie Jinghuai didn't have any impression, but he probably guessed that the girls in front of him were in the same class or school as him.

The lamb delivered to the door is not slaughtered for nothing.

Xie Jinghuai slightly curled his lower lip, "Yeah, we are classmates, let's help take care of the business. Now, this is my niece. The tuition fee for the next semester has not yet been paid, so I will earn tuition by selling this."

Will Xie Jinghuai's niece have no money to pay the tuition?

The girls looked at each other in disbelief.

Xie Jinghuai didn't bother to explain, "Please line up and come one by one. There are handmade ice powder and pearl milk tea for 30 cents."

The girls are more obedient than the boys, so they lined up obediently immediately.

"I just ordered pearl milk tea, give me another bowl of handmade ice powder."

"Okay, Miss Sister."

With the first precedent, the next few girls also bought a cup of pearl milk tea and a bowl of ice powder.

After buying, they were also reluctant to leave. There were many stone tables and benches under the tree, and they sat on the stone benches, watching Xie Jinghuai while eating ice powder.

Originally, they bought milk tea and ice powder for Xie Jinghuai's face, but after eating it, they realized that they had bought a treasure.

"This little dumpling is delicious, sweet and sour and chewy."

"I just heard from their boys that it seems to be called taro **** or something. I would have added an extra serving of taro **** if I knew it was so delicious!"

Several little girls sat around chatting, while Ling Chunhua happily counted the money.

"Is the number clear?"

"not yet."

After answering smoothly, Ling Chunhua was taken aback, hey, how much did she count just now? Forget it, start counting again.

Fifty cents, one yuan, two yuan...

"Aren't you finished counting?"


Ling Chunhua quickly finished her answer, ready to continue counting down, but then found that she had forgotten how much to count.

Depressed for a while, she revived her drum and counted again.

Who doesn't know, Xie Jinghuai who was on the side was already laughing so hard that he was about to hurt himself.

How could you be so stupid.

Really worthy of the nickname he gave her, stupid, stupid and stupid.

Ling Chunhua's third time of money was interrupted again, but this time it was not Xie Jinghuai's intention to play tricks, but a business came to her door.

"Oh, I found your booth!"

Several young girls aged 17 or 18 gathered in front of the trolley, one of whom obviously knew Ling Chunhua, fanning the wind with his hand while complaining: "Why didn't you go into the snack street today to set up a stall, you're killing us I searched the snack street for two full laps, and they were all sunburned to death."

Ling Chunhua couldn't care less about counting the money, and apologized in a hurry, "I'm sorry, big sister, my aunt didn't come today, and I set up a stall with my uncle."

After hearing what Ling Chunhua said, the girls noticed Xie Jinghuai leaning on the camphor tree pole, and their collective eyes lit up.

What a handsome little guy!

The girls were not angry or complained anymore, "Xiao Chunhua, can you let your uncle make ice powder for me?"

Although Ling Chunhua was puzzled by the girl's request, she still went to see Xie Jinghuai honestly.

"Uncle, she asked you to make ice powder."

Facing the little girl's big watery eyes that seemed to be able to talk, Xie Jinghuai couldn't say anything about her refusal.

He lazily took the ice powder bowl in Ling Chunhua's hand, and said to the girl who appointed him to make ice powder: "Sister, do you want a set meal?"

"Set meal? What set meal?"

"A bowl of handmade ice powder and a cup of pearl milk tea, six cents."

What's the difference between your package and ordering?

However, Xie Jinghuai is really good-looking, with exquisite eyebrows and eyes, red lips and white teeth, just saying "Sister" directly taught the girls to lose their minds.

"Okay, then give me a set meal."

Just like that, Xie Jinghuai sold four bowls of handmade ice powder and four cups of pearl milk tea without much effort.

Ling Chunhua couldn't be happier, and she didn't feel dissatisfied with Xie Jinghuai's insistence on putting the cart in such a remote place.

After the girls left for a while, the old customers who bought ice powder and pearl milk tea from Ling Chunhua yesterday slowly came over.

Before 6 o'clock, all 50 bowls of handmade ice powder and 50 cups of pearl milk tea were sold out, making Ling Chunhua so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

Seeing her happy, Xie Jinghuai couldn't help but curled his lips, "Now I will always believe what I say, if I say that if someone comes to buy it, someone will come to buy it."

Ling Chunhua blushed with embarrassment, "Uncle, did you call those big brothers?"

Xie Jinghuai patted her on the head, "Why do you ask so many questions, pack up and go home."

"Dad asked me to go find him after the sale was over."

Xie Jinghuai was noncommittal, "I'll take you there."


The result of the paternity test came out faster than Liang Kuan expected, and he went to the Shao family compound as soon as he got it.

Shao Lin was having breakfast with Mrs. Shao, and when Liang Kuan brought the paternity test report, the mother and son couldn't care less about eating.

Shao Lin took it first, and after reading it, he handed the report to Mrs. Shao with a sigh of relief.

"Mom, you should take a look too."

Madam Shao didn't answer, but put down her chopsticks and said, "Tell me, what's the result of the appraisal?"

Supports the existence of parental ties.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shao nodded lightly, said a good word, then picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat the unfinished rice cake just now.