On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 544

Chapter 544

Chapter 544 He is not a big person, but his temper is not small

As soon as the siblings boarded the train, the news reached Shao Lin's ears.

Worried that the Yuan family would jump over the wall in a hurry and hurt Huang Zhiqiu and his daughter, Shao Lin specially sent someone to monitor Yuan Jia's movements 24 hours a day.

Knowing that Yuan Jia actually returned to Anshi at this juncture, the first thing Shao Lin thought of was Huang Zhiqiu.

Immediately, he personally arranged for two bodyguards to fly to Anshi to secretly protect Huang Zhiqiu's safety.

After arranging this matter, Shao Lin called Liang Kuan again and asked if the result of the paternity test came out.

Liang Kuan explained: "In order to ensure that there are no mistakes, I specially asked an authoritative expert in this field to do the test in person. The result will be a little slower, and it should come out tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

Hearing this, Shao Lin could only wait patiently.

After Uncle Luo had lunch, Ling Chunhua went back to the courtyard, set the alarm clock, lay down on the bed and began to take a nap.

Ling Chunhua takes a nap at this time every day. She has developed a biological clock and falls asleep within a few minutes of lying down.

But Xie Jinghuai next door was not used to it because of the bed, and he lay down for a long time without falling asleep, so he simply stepped on the ladder and turned over.

The sun was scorching hot, and the flowers and plants in the yard were curled up in the sun.

The big boy hid in the shade and took a deep sleep. When he heard the movement, he raised his eyes and recognized Xie Jinghuai, then lazily turned over and continued to sleep.

The same goes for a few big white geese, huddling together to take a nap in the shade of the small pond, turning a blind eye to Xie Jinghuai's behavior of climbing over the wall.

Xie Jinghuai did not enter the house casually, but found the place where Ling Chunhua lived through the window.

Through the open window, he saw Ling Chunhua lying on the bed in a flowery skirt, with an old sheet folded into tofu cubes on her stomach, her head, hands and legs as tender as lotus root joints were exposed, sleeping exceptionally sweet.

Xie Jinghuai was fascinated unconsciously, and it was only when there was a knock on the courtyard door behind him that he woke up.

It is Ling Jiang who is back.

There are steps inside and outside the courtyard, and there is a high threshold. The small cart is heavy and heavy, and Yunmo and Ling Chunhua cannot push it out, so the two brothers of the Ling family will go home after work to help carry the Push the cart into the street.

Seeing that the person who opened the door was Xie Jinghuai, Ling Jiang was a little surprised.

"Master Xie, are you here to play?"

Xie Jinghuai explained subconsciously: "Uncle Ling, Sister Momo and my mother went to the provincial capital to play, and asked me to help Chunhua sell ice powder and milk tea at the stall."

"Oh, so that's the case, Master Xie, go inside and talk, it's hot outside."


Entering the door, Ling Jiang saw a ladder at the base of the wall, but Ling Jiang didn't think much about it, thinking it was a child's play.

It was still early, Ling Jiang cleaned up a guest room for Xie Jinghuai to take a nap, then went to his daughter's room to take a look, and then went back to his own room to take a nap.

It was a hot day, and Ling Jiang made Xie Jinghuai a cool bamboo mat woven by Huang Zhiqiu himself.

It was also miraculous to say that Xie Jinghuai lay on the mat exuding a faint bamboo fragrance, and soon fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, he was woken up by laughter like silver bells.

"Dad, is it good?"

"Well, it's so delicious, Chunhua, why are you so good? After only one stall, this craft has improved a lot by leaps and bounds. In the future, you will definitely be as promising and capable as your aunt."

"Dad, I want to earn a lot of money, and I will buy you a motorcycle to drive in the future!"

"Okay, then I can wait for the motorcycle bought by my family Chunhua."

Xie Jinghuai walked towards the window subconsciously, wanting to see what the father and daughter were doing, but Ling Jiang saw him as soon as he walked to the window.

"Master Xie, are you awake? Come out and eat watermelon, it's chilled, it tastes sweet and cool."

"Uncle Ling."

Seeing Xie Jinghuai coming out of the guest room, Ling Chunhua widened her eyes in surprise, "Why are you in our house?"

"It's too hot over there, so I'll come over."

Xie Jinghuai skimmed over his act of climbing over the wall lightly, picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it gracefully.

Ling Jiang looked at him with a smile, "Master Xie, after eating the watermelon, I'll help you push the trolley to the snack street. When it's sold out, you can come to the commercial street to find me, and I'll be in the shop."


Xie Jinghuai swallowed the watermelon in his mouth, "Uncle Ling, don't worry, I will take good care of Chunhua."

"haha okay."

After eating the watermelon, Xie Jinghuai returned the ladder to the next door, and made a phone call by the way.

Waiting for him to come back, Ling Jiang found out the spare sun protection clothing and sun hat at home and handed them to him.

"This is the sun protection clothing made by Aunt Chunhua. It is cool and breathable. You wear it to prevent your skin from being sunburned."

"Thank you, Uncle Ling."

What Ling Jiang found for Xie Jinghuai was Yunmo's size, it was a little too big, but it was barely fit.

After helping the two people push the trolley to the entrance of the snack street, Ling Jiang left, and the two of them had to do the rest by themselves.

Xie Jinghuai came out to do this for the first time, and the small cart was particularly eye-catching, attracting the attention of passers-by, which made Xie Jinghuai very uncomfortable.

He tried his best to lower his sun hat to cover his face, while walking the cart to the alley behind the snack street, where there was a row of camphor trees.

Ling Chunhua grabbed the hem of his clothes anxiously, "You went wrong, you have to go into the snack street, where there are many people."

"I'm the elder, I have the final say, just follow along, I won't look for you if you get lost."

Ling Chunhua puffed her face depressed, "Yesterday, my aunt and I went to sell it inside. There are many people inside, and it will be sold out in a while."

Xie Jinghuai ignored her, and continued walking towards the camphor tree with the cart.

Ling Chunhua couldn't resist him, so she could only follow sullenly.

The canopy of the camphor tree is extremely dense, casting a large area of shade. Many old people sit under the tree to enjoy the cool and play chess.

Xie Jinghuai pushed the small cart under a tree at random, then leaned against the trunk of the camphor tree, took off the sun hat to fan the wind.

Ling Chunhua looked to the left and then to the right. There were a group of old men and old ladies with white hair and teeth. It was impossible to buy her ice powder and milk tea.

Xie Jinghuai had enough rest, seeing Ling Chunhua's angry appearance, he couldn't help curling his lips.

"Just wait, someone will come and buy it in a while."

Ling Chunhua didn't believe his nonsense, she took out a small wooden stool and sat down, resting her chin with her hands and sulking.

Xie Jinghuai stepped forward and kicked the small wooden stool under her buttocks, "Do you understand that people who respect the old and love the young don't respect the elders if they have a stool?"

Ling Chunhua angrily turned her body to the side, facing him with the back of her furry head.

Xie Jinghuai thumped her on the head with an itchy hand, but Ling Chunhua didn't respond.

He is not a big person, but his temper is not small.

Xie Jinghuai snorted secretly, then leaned against the camphor tree with folded arms and closed his eyes to recuperate, not intending to coax others.

"Brother Huai!"

After a while, several teenagers who looked to be the same age as Xie Jinghuai, but not as tall or as handsome as Xie Jinghuai, surrounded Xie Jinghuai and the cart surrounded by laughter.

Ling Chunhua is small, sitting on a small wooden stool, like a small mushroom, almost stepped on.

Xie Jinghuai saw it, and immediately reprimanded angrily: "Everyone stand up for me, line up!"

Second update~

Seeing that the Laoqi National Day is still coded, do you want to vote for a monthly ticket to show your encouragement? kisses

(end of this chapter)