On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 541

Chapter 541

Chapter 541 Iced milk tea is sold out

Ling Chunhua gave the man a sweet smile, then took out two clean disposable foam cups and started making pearl milk tea.

Soon, two cups of pearl milk tea will be ready.

The man dubiously put in the straw and drank it, then gave Ling Chunhua a thumbs up with bright eyes, and then happily left with the handmade ice powder.

Other people around saw it, and began to buy pearl milk tea with dubious belief.

Thirty cents a cup is not cheap, but two cups only cost forty-five cents, and Yunmo said that the pure milk used is not cheap in this era.

The results can be imagined, every customer who drank bubble milk tea was full of praise.

People have a herd mentality. If they see this and buy it, they will follow suit.

In less than half an hour, 30 servings of pearl milk tea and 30 servings of handmade ice powder were sold out.

Many people were still unhappy because they didn't buy it. They had to look at the storage box under the trolley, and they were willing to let Yunmo and Ling Chunhua leave when they saw that there was really no material in it.

Back home, Yunmo was so tired that she slumped on the cool chair and fanned herself, not even wanting to move her fingers.

Ling Chunhua has a small body but has great energy, happily counting the money while holding the cash box.

"Fifty cents, one yuan, two yuan, five yuan..."

Amidst Ling Chunhua's counting money, Yunmo's eyelids became heavier and heavier.

When I woke up again, the sky was already setting like blood, and there was the sound of a spatula stir frying from the kitchen.

Why is it so hot?

Yunmo lowered her head in wonder, and found that she was covered with a men's shirt and the fan was turned off.

No wonder she was sweating profusely from the heat.

As soon as Yunmo stretched her waist, Ling Chuan came out of the kitchen with the freshly fried dishes.

"Daughter-in-law, are you awake?"

Yunmo tilted her head limply, "What's for dinner?"

Ling Chuan walked up to her, bent down and showed her the two dishes in his hand.

"Cold shredded radish, scrambled eggs with bitter gourd, and braised pork ribs."

Yunmo hummed lightly, then raised her hand and grabbed the man's ear.

"You turned off my fan?"

Ling Chuan let her hold the earphones, his pitch-black eyes were full of tenderness, "Blowing on the fan all the time will catch cold."

Yun Mo snorted: "Then you can just turn off the fan, why cover me with clothes? I'm covered in sweat by you."

"Daughter-in-law, I've already boiled the bath water for you. You go take a bath first, and you just have dinner after you take a bath."

Hearing that she could take a bath, Yunmo immediately let go, got up and went back to the room to find a set of clean clothes.

When Yunmo came out of the shower, the sun had completely set, and a gentle breeze blew in, making every pore in her body feel refreshed and comfortable.

"Quack! Quack!"

Master, you are hungry!

Yunmo glanced at Dabai Erbai who was standing at the trough stretching his neck and screaming at her, and turned around to go into the kitchen to mix goose food.

As soon as she reached the door of the kitchen, Ling Chunhua came out with a large bowl of mixed goose food.


"Well, let me come, you take a break."

Yun Mo rubbed Ling Chunhua's face that was reddened by the heat in the kitchen, took the goose food and walked to the goose house.

Ling Chunhua happily followed her, "Auntie, we sold it for 14 yuan today."

Yunmo turned her head and asked Ling Chunhua, "Did you count correctly?"

Ling Chunhua shook her head vigorously, raised her small hand and compared three fingers, "I counted three times."

According to the materials she prepared, the sales amount should be 13 yuan and 50 cents, but the actual money is much more. Could it be that Ling Chunhua received the wrong money?

Forget it, it's not a big problem, there were so many people in the afternoon, even she was in a hurry.

After feeding the geese and making dog food to feed the two huskies, Yunmo led Ling Chunhua to wash her hands and eat dinner.

After eating a piece of pork ribs that was stewed until soft, Yunmo looked at Ling Chuan opposite.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

"I thought you and Chunhua would close the stall after selling until very late. I was afraid that you would have nothing to eat, so I wanted to go home early to cook and deliver it to you. It was only when I got home that I found out that you had already closed the stall. Daughter-in-law, did the stall go well today? ?

Talking about the stall experience in the afternoon, Yunmo couldn't help laughing.

"We were lucky. We got the honor of others. There was also a shop selling handmade ice powder on the snack street. There was a long queue. Our cart was blocked behind the queue. As a result, all those people came to buy from us. , The materials were sold out within a few clicks.

Ling Chunhua interjected happily, "They're all sold out and those people still refuse to leave."

Yunmo put a piece of spare ribs into Ling Chunhua's bowl, "Chunhua, you performed very well today, and everyone praised you for making delicious pearl milk tea."

Ling Chunhua blushed from the compliment, "Auntie, let's sell pearl milk tea and handmade ice powder tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. With today's good start, the business will probably be better tomorrow. We can prepare more materials. Well, let's prepare 50 copies."

Ling Chunhua clapped her hands happily, "Yeah!"

Ling Chuan was infected by the happiness of his aunt and nephew, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Daughter-in-law, have you ever calculated how much money you earned today?"

Yunmo thought for a while, "The cost of milk tea and ice powder is about 10 yuan, mainly because we sell half of them at half price today. That's a net profit of 8 yuan.

"You guys made a net profit of 8 yuan in less than two hours, which is not bad."

Ling Chunhua looked at Yunmo with shining eyes, her small face was full of expectation, "Auntie, if we sell them all tomorrow, how much money can we earn?"

Yunmo patted Ling Chunhua's head, "Eat first, and I'll teach you how to calculate cost and profit after eating."

"it is good!"

After dinner, Ling Chuan cleaned up the kitchen and went out to do business again, while Yun Mo taught Ling Chunhua to settle accounts by lighting mosquito coils in the yard.

"Do you understand now?"

After Yunmo asked, she didn't wait for a long time for a response. When she turned her head, she found that her niece had fallen asleep lying on the stone table.

She smiled, got up and lightly picked him up, turned around and walked towards the house where Ling Chunhua lived.

Halfway through, Ling Chunhua woke up for a while, seeing that the person holding her was Yunmo, she murmured "Auntie", rubbed her furry head against Yunmo's neck, and then fell asleep in a relaxed state .

After Ling Chunhua settled down, Yunmo was sweating all over and was about to wash up when the phone rang in the main room.

It was Luo Xuelan calling.

"Little Mo'er, are you free tomorrow? I'll take you to the provincial capital to see the show. It's a very famous dress brand in country F. You're already this old, so it's time to buy two dresses that suit you."

"what time tomorrow?"

"The show is at 8:00 p.m., we set off around 11:00 a.m., and when we arrive in the provincial capital, we will take a break before going to make-up and styling. When we are ready, we will go to the show."

"Aunt Lan, I can't go tomorrow, I want to bring Chunhua to the stall."

"Open a stall? What are you selling?"

"Selling handmade ice powder and bubble tea..."

Knowing that Yunmo had something to do, Luo Xuelan couldn't force it, so she could only hang up the phone regretfully.

(end of this chapter)