On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Chapter 539 Selling Handmade Ice Powder at a Stall

After learning that Yuan Jia really had no money, Yuan Wei panicked completely.

Regardless of Yuan Jia's obstruction, he forcibly snatched the key to Yuan Jia's residence, intending to take Yuan Jia's precious jewelry and **** it for money.

But when Yuan Wei entered Yuan Jia's bedroom and saw the empty dressing table and dressing cabinet, he was dumbfounded.

It must be the eldest sister who hid the valuables!

Yuan Wei rummaged through the house unbelievingly, and finally, he found a safe in the closet.

The safe is not big, it is boxy, but it is very heavy. Yuan Wei spent a lot of effort to not move it.

There must be money in it, maybe there are gold bricks and gold nuggets, otherwise it would not be so heavy.

Yuan Wei was ecstatic, hugged the safe and fell asleep. After dawn, he immediately ran non-stop to find a locksmith and came back.

The locksmith saw that he wanted to break into the safe, but immediately shook his head and refused, for fear of causing trouble.

Yuan Wei talked badly about it, and paid twice as much money before he persuaded the locksmith to take over the job.

It was probably the first time for the locksmith to pick a safe, and he was not very proficient in the business. It took more than half an hour to finally pry the lock of the safe.

Yuan Wei paid the money immediately and sent the locksmith away before opening the safe.

As soon as he opened the safe, Yuan Wei was dumbfounded again.

It was empty inside, not even a hair.

Yuan Wei rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and looked again, but there was still nothing.

He unbelievingly stretched his hand in and touched it everywhere. As one can imagine, he naturally touched the air.

Yuan Wei was so angry that he picked up a safe that weighed tens of kilograms, and smashed it heavily on the ground, causing cobweb-like cracks on the floor tiles.

Looking at the cracks on the ground, Yuan Wei suddenly realized that although the money and jewelry are gone, the house is still there!

The house is a western-style apartment built 20 years ago. It has a duplex structure with an area of nearly 200 square meters.

Although Yuan Jia was robbed of the house key by her younger brother, she was not in a hurry.

All the valuables and cash at home are in her bag, and there is only one empty house left in the house.

She slept peacefully in the ward, and was discharged from the hospital at dawn the next day.

When Yuan Wei ran back to the hospital, the hospital bed was already empty. He went to the nurse to ask Yuan Jia's whereabouts, but the nurse didn't know.

Yuan Jia went to the detention center. Although she could not see her son, she could save some money for him. The money can be used for daily consumption in the detention center, such as buying toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, shampoo, etc.

Hearing that she was going to deposit 200 yuan for Shao Yi'an, the people in the detention center couldn't help reminding: "It doesn't take that much. A person can spend up to 5 yuan a month, and I and you can save 5 yuan. After a month, Shao Anyi's trial will also happen." Time to come down."

Hearing this, Yuan Jia immediately shed tears.

My son was born to be pampered, with the best food, clothing, housing and transportation. Usually, a meal is more than 5 yuan, but now he is a prisoner, and he can only spend 5 yuan a month. How can my son survive such a hard life.

Yuan Jia looked at the police in the detention center with teary eyes, "Can you make an exception, it doesn't matter if I give you more money..."

"No, this is a rule, and no one can make an exception."

Facing the stern face of the police in the detention center, Yuan Jia could only cry while saving 5 yuan for her son.

After taking a nap in the afternoon, Yunmo packed up and took Ling Chunhua to the street to go out to the stall.

On the first day of the stall, I am not sure how much I can sell. The ingredients for pearl milk tea and handmade ice powder are only prepared for 30 servings of each. Of course it would be best if it could be sold out, if not sold out, it could be given to neighbors to eat.

The afternoon sun was still scorching. Yunmo had the foresight to prepare sun protection clothing and sun hats for herself and Ling Chunhua. Although it was sweltering, it was better than being exposed to the sun.

The street management in this era is not as strict as that of later generations. Except for the main road in the city center, there are no restrictions on stalls in other places.

After researching in advance, Yunmo chose the snack street behind the commercial street as the location of the stall.

The two of them came too late, and all the good seats on the snack street were occupied by various food stalls. Yunmo managed to find a vacant seat at the end of the street.

Just as the car was set up and ready to pay for the stall, a gust of wind blew, accompanied by an unpleasant stench, and Yunmo almost vomited from the fumigation.

Ling Chunhua also pinched her nose tightly, her cute face wrinkled into a bun.

"Auntie, it stinks here."

Yunmo looked around, but couldn't find the source of the smell, so she turned around and asked the stinky tofu vendor.

The vendor looked at the aunt and nephew, and joked: "You are new to the stall, right? There is a garbage station behind this wall. The garbage rots in summer, so it naturally stinks."

No wonder there are only stinky tofu and cockroach and rat poison in such a big place at the end of the street!

They sell desserts, how could they sell them in this kind of place.

Yunmo had no choice but to push the cart and leave, looking for a suitable booth again.

Also, the milk tea cart drawn by Yunmo was too eye-catching, and was stopped by two young girls who looked like students after walking for a while.

"Do you also sell handmade ice powder?"

Yunmo's attention was all on the "handmade ice powder", and she didn't pay much attention to the word "also" used by the other party.

"Yes, authentic hand-rubbed old ice powder. There are two flavors of brown sugar and honey. Would you like a bowl? Today's opening offer, the second bowl is half price, and an extra taro ball will be given."

"How much is a bowl?"

"Sanmao, our old ice powder has eight ingredients, here are samples, you can take a look."

Yunmo stopped the trolley, and took out the handmade ice powder in a crystal bowl from the cabinet.

Various ingredients such as ice powder and taro **** emit an attractive luster under the reflection of the crystal bowl.

"Wow, this ingredient has more ingredients than Bingzhilian, and the price is much cheaper than Bingzhilian. Bring me a cup of brown sugar!"

"I want honey, did you just say to send an extra serving of taro balls?"

Yunmo didn't expect business to come so soon, so she nodded quickly, "Yes, as a reward for today's opening, every customer will give an extra taro ball. If you don't like taro balls, you can replace them with red beans."

"We all want taro balls!"

"I like eating taro **** the most. The QQ bombs are fragrant, sweet and chewy. I can't get enough of them. It's just that Ice Love is too expensive. Adding a serving of taro **** costs an extra 20 cents."

Yunmo found a place to park the cart, and while making ice powder for the two girls, chatted curiously with them.

"Ice Love you are talking about is a dessert shop? Do they also sell our old handmade ice powder?"

"That's right, it's only been open for a few days, over there, we only ate there once, and it costs 50 cents for a bowl, and 1 yuan for two bowls."

"Your ice powder here is too cheap. The portion is larger than hers. You only charge 45 cents for two bowls, and you get extra taro balls. Will you sell them here in the future?"

(end of this chapter)