On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 523

Chapter 523

The sun at noon was scorching hot. After delivering Ling Chuan's lunch, Yun Mo didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, she asked Ling Chuan to buy three bowls of ice powder to relieve the heat.

The ice powder of this era is very ordinary in terms of appearance and taste. Even the brown sugar water is not pure brown sugar, but mixed with 30% brown sugar and 70% saccharin. smell.

Yunmo has always been picky when it comes to food, so she put it down after barely taking two sips.

After Ling Chuan drank his own ice powder, he took Yunmo's ice powder and took two sips of the ice powder as usual, and was about to finish it together, but Yunmo stopped him.

"Don't drink it, it's all ice. Drinking too much is bad for your health."

After all, Zeng Fang grew up in this era, and had never seen the top flavors of later generations, so she drank with great relish while holding an ice bowl.

"Drinking ice powder in summer is really a fairy-like enjoyment. I can't wait to drink three bowls a day."

Yun Mo rested her chin and looked at her friend, her tone unconsciously revealing a bit of disgust.

"You can drink three bowls of ice powder like this, so if I make you that authentic old ice powder, wouldn't you want to drink it from morning to night?"

He does not mean that.

Stars were about to pop out of Zeng Fang's eyes, "Momo, can you still make ice powder? Come on, let's go home and try it now."

Yunmo was a little speechless, "Aren't you eating?"

Zeng Fang looked down at the bowl of ice powder that had bottomed out, and threw it into the trash can without hesitation, "How can this trash compare to your craftsmanship."

That's not what you said just now. You said that drinking this bowl of ice powder is a fairy-like enjoyment.

It was too hot, Yunmo was lazy and didn't want to make a fuss, but Ling Chuan also joined in the fun.

"Daughter-in-law, I also want to eat the ice powder you made."

All right, her strength doesn't allow her to do badly.

To make a bowl of delicious ice powder, the raw materials must be rich and high-grade, and when it comes to the richness of food raw materials, Ronghua's R&D department must be second to none.

Yun Mo first used her mobile phone to contact Luo Xuelan by phone, and then took Zeng Fang to take a taxi to Ronghua Company.

In the car, Zeng Fang took the big brother like a brick and studied it over and over again.

"Momo, doesn't your mobile phone need to be plugged into a phone line?"

"Well, it uses wireless mobile communication technology, and you can also think of it as an upgraded version of the telegraph."

Suddenly, Zeng Fang couldn't hide the excitement and curiosity on her face, "This must be expensive, right? Momo, how much did you pay for it?"

"My dad gave it to me."

"Your dad?!"

Zeng Fang seemed to have heard something from the Arabian Nights, her eyes stared like two longan, "You can't be talking about Yun Shixian, are you? Did he take the wrong medicine?"

Yunmo sneered, "How could it be him, he doesn't deserve such a good thing."

"It's my own father, I just met a few days ago..."

In the taxi, it was not convenient for Yun Mo to talk too much, so she just briefly talked about how she and Shao Lin met.

Zeng Fang was full of surprise and depressed at the same time, "Momo, are we still good friends? You didn't tell me about such a big thing as finding your own father. If I knew he was leaving today, I would go with him too. Give it away, so that he can know that I am your best friend!"

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "I didn't say I didn't want to affect your college entrance examination, don't worry, there will still be opportunities to meet in the future."

"Then next time we meet, you must introduce me to him as your best, best, best friend."


Zeng Fang lowered her head and played with the big brother in her hand for a while, then suddenly raised her head as if thinking of something, "Ah, Momo, what does your father look like? Is he handsome? Do you have a picture of him?"

The photos really exist. During this period of time, Shao Lin took her to take a lot of group photos, all of which were printed in two copies and left one for her.

"It's in my study, I'll show you when I go back."

"Then let's go back now!"

"You don't eat ice powder anymore?"

"Uh..." Zeng Fang struggled for two seconds, "Then go eat ice powder first, and then go back to your house to look at the photos after eating!"

Children only make choices, and of course adults want all of them.

Luo Xuelan went out to meet a client and was not in the company. The person who received them was Luo Xuelan's secretary Dong Jie.

Yunmo and Xie Xia have been to the company several times, and Dong Jie's attitude towards her is very familiar.

"Miss Yun, please come here. Vice President Luo has already explained in advance that he will take you to the R&D department when you come. Feel free to take any materials you need."

"Excuse me, Secretary Dong."

"Miss Yun is polite. By the way, you have just finished the college entrance examination. Congratulations on your title in advance."


Ronghua is a food company, and the R&D department is not like an ordinary business company with desks and documents, but more like a huge dessert kitchen.

The R&D laboratory covering an area of more than 500 square meters is sealed as a whole and adopts sterile and dust-free operation. All R&D personnel must be sterilized when they enter and exit, and wear sterile work clothes, head covers, foot covers and masks.

Dong Jie was busy with her own work, so she found a new employee who had just joined the R&D department to be Yunmo's assistant.

The new employee is a young woman with a sense of self-importance and a sense of superiority. She sneers at Yunmo's effort to come here just to make a bowl of ice powder.

"The R&D room is the core of the entire company. Each of our R&D personnel has a very heavy task. You little girls want to go back to your own home and have fun. I really don't know what to do here!"

Zeng Fang had a temper, so she immediately turned back.

"What does it have to do with us whether your work tasks are heavy or not? If you think we have affected your work, why didn't you say it when Secretary Dong was here just now? It's a persimmon, right? Let me tell you, you Wrong calculation!

Keep your eyes open to see clearly, the person next to me is the pastry chef who cooperates with your Ronghua! The Snowflake Crisp, which is popular all over the country this year, is her idea. You are the R&D staff of Ronghua. What are your great achievements and products? "

Because of wearing a hood and a mask, Israel could only see half of his forehead and eyes.

But it can be seen from the eyes that the young woman is shocked that Yunmo is the developer of Snowflake Crisp.

"You, are you really the developer of Snowflake Crisp?"

Yunmo bent her eyes and smiled, "No, it's me. I don't need an assistant. You just need to tell me where to get the materials and tools."

After learning of Yunmo's identity, the young woman put away her contempt, took Yunmo to find a free workbench, and helped to fetch the materials and tools Yunmo needed one by one.

After everything was prepared, the young woman did not leave, but stood aside, obviously wanting to watch Yunmo make food.

Yunmo ignored her, and directly took out the ice powder seeds bought from a vendor selling ice powder, and prepared to rub the ice powder first.

The key to hand-rubbing ice powder is to have small air bubbles, so that the taste will be springy and tender.

5g edible lime, add 250g water, stir and let stand.

Put 50g of the washed ice powder seeds into a gauze bag, add one liter of mineral water, and rub the ice powder seeds in the gauze like rubbing clothes.

After a few minutes, small white bubbles began to appear in the water. When there are enough small white bubbles in the water, the ice powder slurry is ready.

After that, add the lime water that has been standing still to the ice powder slurry several times in small amounts, and stir while adding to make it fully blend with the ice powder slurry until the ice powder slurry starts to solidify.

Put the ice powder that is already solidifying into the refrigerator, and then start making taro balls.