On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 507

Chapter 507

The two huskies stopped circling in satisfaction, and their two big tails quickly turned into two tornadoes.

Chicken legs, beef, and ham sausage are all our favorites!

Unfortunately, Shao Lin couldn't understand dog language at all, and thought the two dogs were welcoming him.

"Momo, these little guys you raise are very enthusiastic."

Under Yunmo's warning eyes, the two huskies fell silent.

The first boy tilted his dog's head, staring at Shao Lin with black and white eyeballs, and the second boy lay on the ground with his head drooping on his two front paws.

Da Guai: Okay, I got excited again in vain, this man is a fool.

Er Guai: Oh, I really want to eat chicken legs, whoever gives me chicken legs, I will call him Dad.

Shao Lin didn't know what the idiots were thinking, but turned his attention to the other people in the yard.

The first thing that caught his eyes was a little girl carved in jade.

Shao Lin was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at Ling Chunhua in surprise, "Momo, she is..."

"My niece, Ling Chunhua."

It turned out to be a niece.

Shao Lin patted his chest, met his daughter's half-smile eyes, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

Yunmo rubbed Ling Chunhua's head lovingly, "What are you thinking, I'm not yet 20 years old this year, so I can't give birth to such a big daughter."


But he can't be blamed. The impact of his daughter's early marriage was so great that when he saw his daughter had a baby at home, his first reaction was whether it was his little grandson.

Shao Lin's mood stabilized, and in a blink of an eye, he met a familiar gentle face.

The woman still has the familiar eyebrows and eyes in memory, but the youthful and immature girlhood is missing, and the mature and intellectual charm is more.

Time is undefeated for beauty, and youth is worthy of fleeting years.

Shao Lin suddenly felt that this sentence was very suitable for the person in front of him.

He took two steps forward and stretched out his hand, "Zhiqiu, long time no see."

Huang Zhiqiu took a long time to reach out and hold each other, then let go quickly, and smiled politely, "It's been 20 years, I never thought we would meet again."

"Yes." Shao Lin couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help but look at her face carefully, "It's been 20 years, but you haven't changed much."

Huang Zhiqiu hooked the broken hair next to Gou's ear, "You're joking, I'm already old, how could it be possible that I haven't changed?"

After finishing speaking, before Shao Lin could open his mouth, he said again: "Go inside and sit down."

Shao Lin nodded, and his eyes fell on Ling Jiang again.

With Ling Chunhua's previous oolong, Shao Lin didn't dare to speculate any more this time.

"Who is this?"

"This is my elder brother Ling Jiang, and Chunhua is his daughter."

Hearing Ling Chuan's introduction, Shao Lin was taken aback, and immediately reached out to shake hands with Ling Jiang to greet him.

This behavior is not surprising in the eyes of Yunmo and the Ling family, but if it is seen by those upper-class celebrities and entrepreneurs in the capital, they may be shocked.

The Shao family in the capital is a real famous family, and as the patriarch of the Shao family, Shao Lin is always the one who is courted and flattered no matter where he goes.

How many people were excited because they said a word to Shao Lin, if they could shake hands with Shao Lin, it would be enough for three years.

"Brother Ling, hello, my surname is Shao, and I am Momo's father."

Ling Jiang didn't know about Yun Mo's finding his biological father from the beginning to the end, let alone Shao Lin's existence. Seeing Shao Lin who descended from the sky and claimed to be Yun Mo's father, Ling Jiang was completely dumbfounded.

"Hello, hello, welcome to our house as a guest."

After finishing speaking, he realized something was wrong, and hurriedly changed his words, "I welcome you home. This is the home of my siblings, and it is also your home. Please sit in the room, and I will make tea for you."

Shao Lin held Ling Jiang's hand, "They are all from my own family, so don't be polite."

"Eat, I'm hungry."

Hearing Yunmo's words, Ling Jiang also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes, I will serve the food for dinner, Chuanzi, and you can help too. Brothers and sisters, mother-in-law, you take Mr. Shao into the house, no, take the father-in-law into the house sit in."

The words "in-laws" made Shao Lin's mood fluctuate, and he couldn't help looking at Huang Zhiqiu, but he only saw Huang Zhiqiu's back.

The back view is also pretty.

It's so strange, it's been 20 years, and my daughter is so old, yet she's still as thin as when she first met her.

Is it natural, or have you suffered too much over the years, which is why you are so thin?

Careful thoughts in his heart did not prevent Shao Lin from looking at the house in front of him.

The interior layout of the courtyard is more beautiful and elegant than imagined. In the small courtyard, there are small ponds, colorful flowers, and fruit trees with dense branches and leaves, and the breath of life and warmth are everywhere.

There are two cold dishes and a pot of mung bean soup on the dining table in the main room.

"It's hot, let's have a bowl of mung bean soup."

After Shao Lin was seated, Huang Zhiqiu filled half a bowl of mung bean soup and put it in front of him.

"Thank you."

Huang Zhiqiu didn't say anything, and turned around to scoop up another bowl for his daughter.

"Momo, how did you do in the morning exam?"

Yunmo lowered her head and took a sip of the mung bean soup. The soup was warm, with tangerine peel to enhance the flavor, and added lotus seeds, lilies, and rock sugar to cook together, which not only quenched thirst but also appetized.

Yun Mo took two gulps before putting down the bowl, "It's pretty good, I've finished answering all the questions, and I did a good job in composition. I should be able to get 140."

"Cough cough cough!"

Huang Zhiqiu hadn't had time to be happy, but Shao Lin beside him was choking and coughing.

Seeing that both mother and daughter were looking at him, Shao Lin hurriedly waved his hands, "I, cough, I'm fine, cough cough!"

Huang Zhiqiu sighed silently, "I'll go get you a glass of water."

After Huang Zhiqiu got up and went out, Shao Lin couldn't wait to pull Yun Mo to ask, "Momo, cough, you just said that you can get 140 points in Chinese? Is it true?"

Seeing that Shao Lin was coughing badly, Yunmo subconsciously raised her hand to pat him on the back, raised her hand halfway, then retracted it, and started drinking mung bean soup instead.

"more or less."

Shao Lin didn't notice Yunmo's small movements, and looked at her with pride and a little resentment.

"Momo, you didn't tell me your grades are so good, cough cough!"

"You didn't ask, are you still uncomfortable?"

"Much better, ahem."

Actually, he stopped coughing a long time ago, but he found that he could get his daughter's caring eyes by coughing.

"It's my fault, I know too little about you. Cough cough, Momo, can you give me more time and opportunities in the future to let me know you better, cough cough."

Yun Mo has always been soft rather than hard, if Shao Lin had a tough and domineering personality like Yun Shixian, she would kick people 800 meters away in minutes.

However, Shao Lin was able to lower his figure in front of her, tried his best to please her, and accommodated her in every possible way.

Even if she knew that the other party was doing it on purpose, she couldn't do anything about it.


Looking at Shao Lin's gentle smile, Yun Mo couldn't help being curious, "Are you usually like this?"

"Momo, I am an easy-going person, I am easy to talk, you can ask for any needs, and I will definitely do my best to help you achieve it."

"I don't have any needs right now."

What she wants, she can do with her own ability.

But when she saw the obvious disappointment and loss on Shao Lin's face, she couldn't help feeling soft.

"I will speak up if needed in the future."

The disappointment on Shao Lin's face was instantly swept away, and the brilliance appeared on Shao Lin's face again, "It's a deal."