On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 504

Chapter 504

"I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't want to kill him. He hit me first. If I didn't fight back, he would definitely beat me to death. I was forced..."

"What is she talking about, is she crazy? Who hit her?"

"Oh, maybe he's a lunatic, otherwise he could have done such a thing? It's simply inhumane to steal other people's corpses for extortion. If the old lady's family members know about it, they will go crazy..."

"Bah, I don't know how my parents did it when I was young and didn't have to focus on the right path to resort to such indecent means."

"Let me tell you, I know this girl. Do you still remember that there was a rich family in the south of the city who hugged the wrong daughter? It's her. She is the daughter of the Yun family who was left in the countryside for 18 years. , seems to be called Yunyao."

"So it's her, this heart is too dark..."

There is no need to doubt, the person who revealed Yun Yao's identity was naturally arranged by Yun Mo in advance.

These are all tricks that Yunyao used to, she just "copy homework" and copy them.

It's a pity that Yunmo couldn't appreciate the scene of Yunyao being taken away by the police with her own eyes, she had to rush to the exam.

Ling Chuan stayed behind to assist the police in handling the follow-up matters, while Yun Mo got into Shao Lin's car and rushed to the examination room.

"Don't worry, there is still time, and you will be able to take the exam smoothly."

In the car, seeing her pursed her lips slightly and remained silent, Shao Lin comforted her in a gentle tone.

Yunmo is not worried. Although there are only 5 minutes left until 9 o'clock, the college entrance examination is allowed to be late for 15 minutes, as long as she arrives at the examination room before 9:15, she will be in time.

She is just not used to getting along with people who play the role of father.

In her previous life, although she came from a top wealthy family and grew up rich and carefree, her family had a fatal genetic disease.

When she was less than three years old, her father died of this genetic disease.

And unfortunately, she inherited this disease. She was weak and sick since she was a child, and she was even judged to not live to be 10 years old.

In order to keep her healthy and safe, the family spent a lot of money to find an ancient jade pendant for her protection.

Later, she inadvertently activated the spiritual spring space in the ancient jade pendant. Relying on the spiritual spring, she lived a safe and healthy life until the age of 24 without disease or disaster, but in the end she failed to escape the car accident and came here.

Although there is not much time, it is enough for her to ask clearly what she should ask.

"You are Shao Mingzhi?"


"Then why did your assistant tell me that your name is two characters?"

"Because he's stupid."

Liang Kuan, who sneezed three times in a row, rubbed his nose while muttering to himself, who was thinking about him.

Without waiting for Yun Mo to ask further questions, Shao Lin took the initiative to "confess" his life experience.

"My real name is Shao Lin. Mingzhi is a character that the old man chose for me when he was alive. Later, due to some reasons, the character was rarely used. Outsiders only know my real name, Shao Lin."

Yunmo was not too surprised, in fact, she should have thought of it earlier.

"Can you tell me about your current living situation?"

Hearing Shao Lin's question, Yun Mo said, "My name is Yun Mo, the cloud of Baiyun, and the Jas of Jasmine. My mother is Huang Zhiqiu, you should know her."

Shao Lin nodded hurriedly.

Yun Mo continued: "She gave birth to me 19 years ago, and because of some reasons, I was taken to Yun's house by mistake. I lived in Yun's house for 18 years, and I only met her last year.

The one just now was the true daughter of the Yun family who was wrong with me. Because of the wrong thing, she has always been very hostile to me, and she has repeatedly targeted and calculated, but this time should be the last time she jumped. "

Not only made clear his position, but also took the opportunity to file a lawsuit. This kind of cleverness and wit made Shao Lin very fond of it.

His daughter should be like this, neither humble nor overbearing, and generous.

Yun Mo took out a cotton swab and scraped the inside of her mouth, then pulled two hairs, wrapped them together with the cotton swab in a tissue, and stuffed it into Shao Lin's hand.

"It's useless to talk too much, you can go for a paternity test first, and we can talk about it after the results come out."

Just as Yunmo finished speaking, the car stopped.

Here we are at the entrance of the examination room.

The moment she opened the car door, Yunmo thought of something again, turned her head and said seriously to Shao Lin:

"Also, please take care of your wife."

Shao Lin was stunned for three seconds before realizing, "I don't have a wife."

Yun Mo frowned, just about to say something but was interrupted by Xie Xia outside the car door.

"Momo, get out of the car."

"Sister Xia, why are you still here?"

Yunmo looked at her watch in surprise, it was already 9:8.

Xie Xia took her and walked quickly to the gate of the examination room, "Have you brought your pen and admission ticket?"

"Well, I brought them all. Sister Xia, you are not waiting for me on purpose, are you?"

Seeing Xie Xia's silence, Yun Mo couldn't help but said, "Sister Xia, you shouldn't have waited for me, what if I didn't come?"

Hearing this, Xie Xia turned to look at her, "What happened to you on the way?"

Although Yunmo likes to ask for leave, she always goes to school on time and never leaves early. It makes no sense that she was late for the college entrance examination today.

"I encountered a little trouble, but it has been resolved."

Hearing this, Xie Xia didn't ask any more questions.

Regarding the late arrival of the two, the teacher in the examination room didn't say much, and let them go after checking their admission tickets and belongings.

Although the two are in the same examination room, the examination rooms are in different directions.

"Sister Xia, come on."

Looking at Yunmo who was smiling and waving at her, Xie Xia couldn't help but took a step forward and hugged her gently.

The outstanding intimacy made Yunmo a little dumbstruck.

Xie Xia quickly let go of her, and rubbed her head with a smile, "Momo, take the exam well."

"Ah, you too."

After seeing Yunmo enter the examination room with her own eyes, Xie Xia turned around and walked out of the examination room.

"Student, why are you out again?"

Although Yun Mo successfully entered the examination room, Shao Lin was not at ease, so he stayed outside the examination room and did not leave.

When he saw Xie Xia coming out of the car, he couldn't help getting out of the car and asking.

Xie Xia looked at Shao Lin calmly, "May I ask who you are?"

"I am Yunmo's father."

After two brief encounters, he has secretly decided that no matter whether the little girl is his own daughter or not, he will take care of the little girl as if he were his daughter.

If he can't be the biological father, he will be the adoptive father.

Knowing Shao Lin's identity, Xie Xia, who has always been indifferent, couldn't help showing surprise.

"Hi Uncle, my surname is Xie, and I am Momo's friend and deskmate. Momo has already entered the examination room to take the college entrance examination."

Hearing that Yun Mo had entered the examination room, Shao Lin was secretly relieved.

"How about you, classmate Xie, aren't you going to take the college entrance examination?"

"I came here specially to send Momo into the examination room. I'm sorry, uncle, I can't talk to you anymore. My international flight at 11 o'clock must go now."

Shao Lin came to a sudden, "Do you need me to ask the driver to take you to the airport?"

"Thank you for your kindness, my family has arranged a car, uncle, goodbye."

"Goodbye, and good luck."

After watching Xie Xia leave in the car, Shao Lin quickly returned to the car and told the driver to drive away.