On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 497

Chapter 497

Regardless of whether Shao Mingzhi read the letter or not, Yunmo was very clear-headed, and it was better to rely on herself than anyone else.

For the safety of herself and Huang Zhiqiu, she must take stricter precautions.

First, she hired ten professional bodyguards from the provincial capital through Xie Linan to guard her and Huang Zhiqiu's personal safety 24 hours a day.

Secondly, she asked Xu Lili to arrange personnel to monitor Yunyao's movements in all directions.

In a flash of time, July 5th was the last day of the third year of high school where Yunmo was at school, and it was also the wedding anniversary of Yunmo and Ling Chuan.

For this anniversary, Ling Chuan secretly prepared for half a month.

As soon as Yunmo went out, Ling Chuan took home the flower balloons left at Uncle Luo's house next door, and began to decorate the venue.

Huang Zhiqiu and Ling Jiang also helped out together.

Yunmo at school didn't know that her family was busy with her and Ling Chuan's wedding anniversary. At this time, she was immersed in the sadness of being separated from her friends at the same table.

After the class meeting, all the students in the class took out their graduation albums and signed with each other as a souvenir.

At the same time, many male and female students in the class received letters and gifts from the opposite sex.

Only Yunmo and Xie Xia's desk pockets are empty.

Yunmo's married status has long been known in the No. 3 Middle School. What's more, in the past six months, Ling Chuan has come to pick her up from school regardless of the weather. The love between husband and wife is obvious to all.

In this era of relatively conservative thoughts and feelings, even if some male students have a good impression or thoughts on Yunmo, they dare not reveal it.

As for Xie Xia, her excellence and aloofness, as well as her unattainable family background, also made her unattainable.

Yunmo rested her chin and looked at the shy looks of the female students around her who were blushing and eager to open the letters, and couldn't help feeling emotional in her heart.

"Do you regret it?"

While feeling emotional, Xie Xia's teasing question came from his ear.

Yun Mo turned her head, "What do you regret?"

Xie Xia raised her eyebrows in the direction of Yunmo's gaze, "I regret getting married too early, and lost an entire dense forest for a single tree."


"Didn't you sigh repeatedly?"

Yun Mo smiled lightly: "I'm just lamenting the beauty of youth."

After finishing speaking, Yun Mo narrowly blinked at the other party, "Sister Xia, what mood are you in now?"

Xie Xia looked at her with a half-smile, "I'm in a very good mood. Even if they know each other well, I won't waste my time refusing."

"...You are really single based on your strength."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo took out a beautifully packaged box from the table pocket, and stuffed it into Xie Xia's hand.

"Fortunately, I have prepared, hey, a graduation gift for you in advance."

Xie Xia was a little surprised, and there was a bit of secret joy in the surprise.

"Thank you for the gift, I like it very much."

Seeing that Xie Xia put the things directly into the backpack, Yunmo deliberately teased: "You said you like it without taking it apart, isn't it too perfunctory?"

"I like whatever it is."

Because you sent it.

Yunmo pursed her lips and laughed, "Okay, then you can take it apart at home, but I think you will like it."


After a pause, Xie Xia took the initiative and said, "I also prepared a graduation gift for you, and I plan to give it to you after the college entrance examination."

Yunmo nodded indifferently, "Okay, you can give it to me after the college entrance examination."

The two chatted for a while, and Yang Huiying came over with a smile on her graduation album.

"Yunmo, sister Xia, sign for me."

"it is good."

Yunmo took the yearbook and wrote down the greetings, her name and contact information in a fluttering manner.

While Xie Xia was writing the souvenir book, Yunmo took out another box with different packaging and sizes from the desk pocket and handed it to Yang Huiying.

"Huiying, this is your graduation gift."

Yang Huiying was flattered, "Thank you, but I haven't prepared graduation gifts for you yet. I originally wanted to buy them after the college entrance examination."

"It's okay, it's the same if you give it to me when you're ready."


Xie Xia on the side looked away, but the smile on her face that had received the gift faded a lot.

After Yang Huiying left with gifts and a souvenir book, Xie Xia casually asked Yunmo, "Have you prepared many graduation gifts?"

"No, just you, Yang Huiying, and Fangfang..."

Tsk, there is one more.

Xie Xia's complexion became lighter, but Yunmo didn't notice, and she was still talking on her own.

"I'm stingy, Fangfang, Huiying, and Miss Xia, you three are my tablemates, so I only prepared graduation gifts for you three."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo moved closer to Xie Xia's ear and explained in a low voice: "Compared to Huiying, sister Xia, you and Fangfang are my best friends, so I also choose your gifts better than Huiying's." Pay more attention."

"It's really hard for you to choose two gifts carefully."

Why does it sound a bit sour?

Yun Mo blinked and said narrowly, "Sister Xia, are you jealous?"

Xie Xia let out a light sigh.

Yunmo smiled and took her arm, "Oh, although I haven't known you for a short time, you are as important to me as Fangfang. If you both fall into the water at the same time, I will definitely save you both. Get up!"

"Thanks, I can swim."

"...All right, I'm being self-indulgent."

Seeing her depressed pout, Xie Xia couldn't help curling her lower lip.



Xie Xia's voice was very low, and the class was so noisy that Yun Mo couldn't hear clearly.

"Nothing, what are you going to do after the exam?"

"Make money, buy a house."

Xie Xia squinted at her, "Don't you have a house?"

Yunmo shook her head, "I'm going to buy in the capital. Besides, who would think that there are too many houses. I'm going to buy a few more houses in the capital and treat it as an investment. The house price will definitely rise in the future. Sister Xia, if you have money, you Buy it, anyway, in the next 20 years, no, within 30 years, house prices will only go up and not fall."

Xie Xia was thoughtful.

After taking the graduation photo in the afternoon, everyone went back to the classroom to pack up their books and prepare to go home.

There were too many and heavy books, many people called their parents to pick them up, and Yunmo was no exception. Huang Zhiqiu came to pick her up.

Seeing Huang Zhiqiu, Yunmo was both happy and a little strange.

"Mom, why didn't Ling Chuan come?"

"He delivered."

Yunmo didn't think too much about it, she just felt a little worried looking at the stacks of books.

Old books are very heavy, a stack of at least ten kilograms, if Ling Chuan is around, he can carry two stacks with one hand.

She and Huang Zhiqiu carry at most one stack at a time.

Forget it, let's make two extra trips.

Just as she was thinking, Xie Xia suddenly picked up a stack of old books on her desk, "Don't be dazed, the car is below, I'll take you and Aunt Qiu back."

Yunmo curiously ran out to have a look, and found several cars parked in front of the teaching building, including Xie's family.

Tsk, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Normally, these cars cannot enter the school gate.

Yunmo happily put all her belongings into the trunk of Xie's car.