On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 494

Chapter 494

The mother and daughter turned their heads to look, and saw that the back bones of Ling Chuan's hands were torn and blood was oozing out.

Huang Zhiqiu hurriedly went to the kitchen to fetch hot water, while Yun Mo found the medicine box at home.

The injury on Ling Chuan's hand was healed quickly.

"Chuanzi has an injury on his hand, it may be inconvenient to take a bath at night."

After Yunmo wrapped Ling Chuan's body with gauze, Ling Jiang suddenly said something.

It's summer, and I'm covered in sweat after running outside all day, so I'm sure I can't sleep without taking a shower.

Huang Zhiqiu looked at his daughter and son-in-law, and turned his head to ask Ling Jiang for help, but Ling Jiang yawned and walked out.

"It's getting late, I'll go back to bed first, mother-in-law, you should go to bed early too."

Huang Zhiqiu: "..."

Don't make Ling Jiang's matchmaking intention too obvious, Yunmo is both helpless and funny.

"Mom, you should go to rest too."

Huang Zhiqiu had no choice but to nod. She, the mother-in-law, could not be allowed to help her son-in-law take a bath.

Soon only Yunmo and Ling Chuan were left in the room.

Under Ling Chuan's expectant and shy eyes, Yun Mo took out a pair of rubber gloves from the space.

After returning from Anshi, she bought rubber gloves of different thicknesses and sizes and kept them in the space. She didn't expect that they would come in handy.

Yun Mo put the rubber gloves on Ling Chuan's hands, and then used tape to tighten the seal of the gloves.

"This way you won't be afraid of the wound getting wet, am I smart?"

Ling Chuan looked at the gloves on his hands, then at his wife, and nodded against his will.


"Then you go to take a shower."


Seeing the frustration and gloom from the man's back, Yunmo secretly laughed.

Helping a man take a bath, to put it simply, if the man is caught on fire in the middle of the bath, wouldn't she have to come and put out the fire?

She doesn't do such stupid things.

In a simple and dilapidated rental room, Gold Teeth was lying half dead on the only bed with a plaster cast on his left leg.

Several of his brothers were scattered around the room, some had splints on their arms, some had bruises on their faces, and they were all downcast, looking miserable.

Yun Yao, who came to get the news, looked at this scene, and her face sank immediately.

"what happened?"

As soon as Yunyao appeared, the gangsters talked about what happened last night as if they had seen the backbone.

Hearing that the six of them could not beat Ling Chuan and Yun Mo, Yun Yao was so angry that she cursed trash.

"Miss Wang, you don't know that the two of them are better at fighting than the other. You can see that the injuries on our bodies were all beaten by her husband surnamed Yun. The one surnamed Yun was even more fierce. Brother Jin flew away."

Yun Yao is dubious.

She knew that Yunmo was not as easy to bully as before, but if she said that Yunmo could knock a strong man like Jinya away with one punch, she would not believe it.

These gangsters must be exaggerating on purpose!

"Miss Wang, in order to treat brother Jin's injuries, all of us have spent all our money. Now that we don't even have food money, you can't just leave us alone."

Yunyao sneered, "You bunch of trash, you have the nerve to ask me for money. I gave you 500 before. After so many days, nothing has been done. It's good that I didn't ask you to refund the money!"

Facing Yunyao's anger, the gangsters complained endlessly.

"Miss Wang, we also want to get things done as soon as possible, but the little girl is always with people around, we can't find a chance."

Yun Yao said angrily: "Can't you think of a way to lure the people around her away? In the end, it's not that you are stupid, a few big men can't even handle a woman!"

The street ruffians are not kind people at all, seeing Yunyao turning ruthless, they met their eyes, and suddenly surrounded Yunyao with fierce faces.

"Miss Yun, as agreed before, we will do things for you, and you will pay us a thousand yuan."

"Either you keep the money today, or..."

One of the gangsters grinned grinningly, while looking up and down her slender figure with wretched eyes.

"Either you stay and have fun with our brothers. After we have had enough fun, we will rob you of your jewelry and money. There are two ways, you can choose."

Finally, Yun Yao gave over 300 cash, plus watches and jewelry to a few hooligans to escape.

Back home, Yun Yao closed the door and smashed it indiscriminately, using this method to vent her inner anger.

Jiang Yu's bedroom is diagonally opposite to Yunyao's. When she heard the ping-pong-pong in Yunyao's room, instead of feeling annoyed, she hummed a little tune very leisurely.

"Guo Dahai, 34 years old, works as a section chief in a government agency. His wife died of dystocia a few years ago, and he has two daughters..."

"He Guisheng, 28 years old, currently works as a middle school teacher, and has dated several partners, but the old lady at home is too strong and shrew, and several partners are scared away..."

"Cao Dequan, 42 years old, is a trader. His two previous wives are dead. He likes to drink and has a bad temper..."

In the teahouse, the matchmaker put the materials of the three candidates in front of Jiang Yu one by one.

Jiang Yu casually flipped through the pages and asked, "That's all, nothing else?"

The matchmaker thought that Jiang Yu thought the conditions of these three people were not good, so she hurriedly explained: "Mrs. Yun, don't blame me for speaking badly. Your eldest daughter has a bad reputation outside. If the conditions are a little better, when you hear I just shook my head at the name of your daughter, I managed to find these three."

In fact, Jiang Yu didn't think the conditions of these three men were not good, but that they were too good.

According to her wishes, it would be best to marry the eldest daughter to Huang Zhao directly, and let the eldest daughter go back to the poor mountain ditch to live a lifetime of hard life.

Unfortunately, her husband, Yun Shixian, would not agree. She could only find a husband's family for her eldest daughter that would bring benefits to the family.

"The first family surnamed Guo is willing to give a bride price of 500 yuan plus three gold, but there is one condition, your daughter must give birth to two sons for the Guo family.

As for the second family, they have never been married and are young, but they think your daughter's reputation is not very good, so they are only willing to give a bride price of 200 yuan. "

Seeing that Jiang Yu didn't show any displeasure on his face, the matchmaker immediately mentioned the last one.

"To be honest, the man surnamed Cao is a bit older for your daughter, but he is rich. He has been told that he is willing to give a gift of 2,000 yuan, and he doesn't want you to marry him. Your daughter will enjoy it when she gets married. A clean and blessed Mrs. Fu."

Jiang Yu rested her chin and thought for a while, and finally chose the third one.

"Just him, although he is a bit older, but he has the ability and strength, and he will definitely make my Xiaoyao live a good life."

In fact, Jiang Yu has long heard in the circle that the man surnamed Cao is rich, but he has the stink of domestic violence. It is said that the deaths of the first two wives are inseparable from him.

The matchmaker repeatedly echoed, "Mrs. Yun's vision must be good, so I will answer the call here?"

"Don't worry, I don't care about this alone. I have to go home and discuss it with my family. I will give you an answer within two days."

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news from Mrs. Yun."

The matchmaker laughed like a flower.

The Yun family and the Cao family are both respectable families. If this marriage is successful, her red envelope will not be less.