On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Xu Lili nodded, "I found it."

Wen Qingsheng became interested when he heard it, "Who are you looking for?"

"I don't know the details, I only know that he is Mrs. Shao's son."

"Cough cough cough!"

Wen Qingsheng was startled, "Which Mrs. Shao?

Xu Lili shook his head.

Wei Fu only told him that it was Mrs. Shao who saw him. The Shao family is such a big family, how could he know which Mrs. Shao he was meeting.

Seeing that there was nothing else to ask, Wen Qingsheng didn't ask any further questions.

He knows all the important heads of the Shao family, but he has never heard of the name Shao Mingzhi. He probably doesn't have much presence in the Shao family.

Although Wen Qingsheng didn't say anything, Xu Lili could guess that he might have caused big trouble for Wen, Zheng, and Lu this time.

The Lu family is Zheng Hua's close buddy, the company that delivers flowers to the Shao family.

Wen Qingsheng did not hide anything, and told Xu Li about the problems currently faced by the three families.

"My family and Ahua's family have nothing to do with each other. If you buy some rich gifts and come to the door to apologize and apologize, the matter will be over. The Shao family is a famous family, and they have a good manner, and they won't care about small families like us. It's just that Lu Dewang is miserable, and after this incident, the business with the Shao family must be ruined."

Hearing this, Xu Lili couldn't help showing shame, "It's all my fault, I really feel ashamed to see Brother Zheng and Brother Lu."

Wen Qingsheng sighed, "You don't have to blame yourself too much. Although the incident happened because of you, Xiao Dezi himself has to bear certain responsibilities. He and Ah Hua are used to messing around, so this time it's a shame. Here comes the lesson."

Wen Qingsheng didn't stay too long, seeing that Xu Li was fine, so he went back after talking for a while.

Xu Lili thought about it, but he still called Yunmo and told him what Wen Qingsheng had just said to him.

In Xu Lili's opinion, since Yunmo has a relationship with the Shao family, maybe Yunmo can save one or two of the Lu family's business.

After talking on the phone with Xu Lili, Yunmo sat alone in the main room and became dazed.

The whole day has been highly tense, and now the spirit is relaxed, and I feel unspeakably tired.

At the same time, she was also thinking about how to reduce the impact of this incident on the Wen, Zheng, and Lu families.

"Momo, is something wrong? I think you have been restless all night, and you haven't eaten a few bites."

Huang Zhiqiu walked in at some point, looking at her with concern.

Yun Mo pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled, "Mom, it's okay, I just lost my mind about things."

Paused, she said again: "Mom, Brother Xu has found Dad."

Huang Zhiqiu was stunned.

My daughter asked Xu Lili to go to the capital to find Shao Mingzhi. She naturally knew about it and was ready to see him again.

But when this day came, her mood inevitably became complicated.

"He, your dad, does he know you?"

Yunmo shook her head, "It shouldn't be so fast, he is away, but the letter I wrote has been put in his study, and he will understand when he comes back and reads the letter."

Huang Zhiqiu nodded lightly, unable to tell whether he was relieved or disappointed.

Yunmo held her hand, "Mom, we must be more careful during this time, we must not go out alone, and we must never talk to people we don't know."

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere at home. But you, it's only a few days before the college entrance examination, you have to be careful about everything, and pay more attention to rest after studying. Look at you, you've lost weight again. This wrist bone Thin again."

Yunmo was also very distressed about losing weight.

The college entrance examination is approaching, and the pressure is unavoidable. Several students in the class fell ill.

She is okay, she has spiritual spring water to nourish her body, her body is safe, but her appetite is not very good, and she loses weight visible to the naked eye day by day.

"Mom, I'm fine, it's just that I don't have a good appetite recently, so I lost a little weight."

Huang Zhiqiu thought of something, and his expression became weird, "Momo, you, are you having your period this month?"

"No ah."

After answering, Yunmo realized why Huang Zhiqiu asked this, and quickly explained: "Mom, I haven't arrived yet, I'm going at the end of the month."

Huang Zhiqiu was still worried, "Momo, why don't you go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow? I was like you when I was pregnant with you. I lost my appetite and lost a lot of weight..."

Yunmo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she could only talk about the relationship between her and Ling Chuangai, who were just chatting.

After hearing this, Huang Zhiqiu's expression was indescribable.

Daughter and son-in-law have been married for almost a year. The lonely man and widow have been lying on the same bed for so long, but nothing happened?

"Momo, Xiao Ling's body, isn't it okay?"

By coincidence, Ling Chuan came to the door with milk, and froze in place when he heard what his mother-in-law said.

"Not because of him."

"How do you know it's not, you haven't tried."

Yunmo: "..."

Good guy, how does this make her refute.

Seeing his daughter's cheeks flushed, Huang Zhiqiu couldn't say anything more, after all, the timing is not right now.

"Let's talk about this later, anyway, you are still young, and you are not in a hurry."

Yun Mo couldn't help muttering carefully, "I'm not in a hurry."

Just as Huang Zhiqiu was about to say something, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the son-in-law outside the door from the corner of his eye, with embarrassment on his face.

"Xiao Ling, why don't you come in?"

Hearing Huang Zhiqiu's greeting, Yunmo subconsciously turned her head.

From the look on the man's face, he knew that he must have heard what he said just now.

Yunmo couldn't help but want to laugh, and her mood immediately became lighter.

As expected, when she was sleeping at night, Ling Chuan Qiqi Ai Ai mentioned what she and Huang Zhiqiu said in the main room.

"Daughter-in-law, I heard everything you said to your mother in the main room."

Yun Mo suppressed a smile, closed her eyes and pretended to be understated, "I heard it when I heard it, can I still cast a spell to make you forget?"

After waiting for a while but not getting a response from the man, Yunmo opened her eyes, turned her head, and saw the man lying on his side facing her, looking at her with dark eyes for a moment, with a look of sadness and grievance.

"I explained it to Mom for you, what else are you upset about?"

"Then when can we have children?"

It's funny to say that the two have been married for almost a year, and it's the first time they've talked about children.

"Ling Chuan."

"Well, daughter-in-law, I'm listening."

For the convenience of talking, Yunmo also lay her body sideways to the man.

"Do you know when my college entrance examination is?"

"Yes, the 7th of next month."

"Then do you know what day is the 5th of next month?"


The man's face and gaze softened, "It's our wedding day."

It is undeniable that Yunmo is a little happy.

"Ling Chuan, you remember, every July 5th from now on, we will celebrate it well, because it is our wedding anniversary."

"it is good."

"Then think about how to spend your wedding anniversary this year. I'll go to bed first."

"Daughter-in-law, good night."

"Good night."

Looking at his daughter-in-law's peaceful and beautiful sleeping face, Ling Chuan realized belatedly that he seemed to have been tricked.

However, the upcoming wedding anniversary is more important than the unborn child.

He has to think about how to handle it.