On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 484

Chapter 484

The reason why Yunyao met Yuan Jia was an old incident 20 years ago, which made Yuan Jia full of guard against Yunyao, let alone polite.

Yun Yao, who had the winning ticket in her hands, was not angry at all, "Madam, don't worry, when you know my background, you will understand why I came to you."

Yuan Jia could only listen patiently.

"...In this way, our wrong backgrounds finally returned to the right track. I became the rightful young lady of the Yun family, and the girl who took my identity also returned to the poor rural hometown. But even so, my heart I still hate her very much, hate her for taking over the magpie's nest, hate her biological mother for being so blind that she can't even recognize her own daughter!"

Yuan Jia snorted coldly, "I think that what you should hate the most is your own parents. They were the ones who wronged you first. I don't know what others think, but the child I gave birth to, even if its appearance has changed, The feeling of blood relationship will not disappear.

In other words, you can tell at a glance whether it was born by yourself. I can't say what about your father, but your mother, she definitely recognizes it. As for why she made the mistake, you might as well go home and ask. "

Yun Yao's face changed slightly.

Whether it was in her previous life or this life, she was always feeling resentful and unwilling to change her life experience.

But she never thought that there is another possibility for this matter.

Jiang Yu, did she do it on purpose?

Why? Why did he take Yunmo, a fake, back to Yun's house even though he knew it was wrong?

The answer is self-evident. She felt that her real daughter would never be found. She was afraid that her husband would blame her, so she deceived herself and others. At the same time, she chose to make mistakes in order to get her husband's forgiveness.

So, Jiang Yu has always known that Yun Mo's daughter is a fake, but still treats her as real and dotes on her in every possible way.

Yun Yao pinched her palm tightly with her fingertips, and barely resisted the urge to go home and confront Jiang Yu immediately.

"Madam, maybe you are right, but I don't care about these anymore. I am looking for you today because of the girl who has occupied my 18 years of life. Her identity is very special, and she has a certain relationship with you."

Yuan Jia frowned, "What's her name?"

"Her name is Yunmo."

Yun Yao deliberately slowed down her tone, and carefully observed Yuan Jia's expression.

Sure enough, after hearing Yun Mo's name, Yuan Jia's expression changed obviously, and her eyes became sharper.

Although Yuan Jia supported his sister-in-law, Mrs. Yuan, to set up a beauty salon, she did not take this small business seriously from the beginning to the end, and naturally she didn't care who the sister-in-law was cooperating with.

"Ma'am, I have been curious about what kind of person my father is since I was a child. Even now that he has become my adoptive father, this curiosity has not given up. So I asked someone to investigate the past of my adoptive mother. I didn't expect By accident, I discovered some wonderful things.

Yuan Jia looked at her with blazing eyes, "What do you know?"

Yun Yao directly put the information of the waiters she investigated on the desktop.

Seeing the familiar names on the information, Yuan Jia still didn't understand.

Despite the turmoil in her heart, she remained calm on the surface.

"Tell me, what do you want? Money or business?"

The other party's attitude undoubtedly confirmed her conjecture, and Yun Yao couldn't help being elated.

"For you, the existence of my adoptive mother and her daughter is a great threat to you, and I happen to hate Yunmo very, very much. Since we have a common enemy, why don't we work together?"

Yuan Jia sneered, "Miss Yun, the premise of win-win cooperation is that both sides are evenly matched. If one side is too weak, it is not cooperation, but poverty alleviation. With all due respect, I don't see any value in you worthy of my condescension .

Yun Yao's face froze, "Ma'am, I'm really nothing, but isn't it a skill for me to find out the truth you want to bury?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Madam, I dare not. Confronting you is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg. I will not do such a stupid thing."

I have to say that Yunyao's flattering skills are still very good, and Yuan Jia's complexion is much better than before.

"You are wise, Miss Yun, I have plenty of ways to make a person disappear without leaving any trace."

"Of course I do."

Yunyao picked up the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea, then got up and replaced the cold tea in front of Yuan Jia with hot tea, with a humble posture like a servant on hand.

"Ma'am, this cup of herbal tea is useless and in the way. Of course you can replace it yourself, but I am sincerely willing to do it for you. You just need to sit and wait for the show, instead of doing it yourself."

Yuan Jia picked up the tea and took a sip, showing a slight satisfaction on his face.

"sit down."

"Mrs. Xie."

After Yunyao sat down, Yuan Jia calmly said, "I heard that her grades are very good?"

Although Yuan Jia didn't mention her name, Yun Yao understood who the other party was referring to.

"Yes, she got 658 in the second-model exam this time, and ranked fourth in Jiang City."

Yuan Jia looked at the teacup in her hand thoughtfully, "Then do you know which school she is targeting?"

"I know, Beijing University."

Yuan Jia loosened her fingers, and the paper-thin white porcelain cup fell to the ground and shattered.

"How to do it, you should understand?"

Yun Yao nodded knowingly, "Don't worry, she won't have the chance to go to Beijing University."

"It's not just Beijing University, I don't want anyone else to step into the capital! Ms. Yun, I've already given you the opportunity. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on whether you have real skills."

"Ma'am, I will satisfy you."

"Ah Choo Ah Choo!"

The weather in June has already started to be hot and stuffy, and she can sweat a little when she goes to the bathroom, but Yunmo feels the chill on her back for no reason.

"Have a cold?"

His forehead was covered with a hand as cool as jade.

Yun Mo turned her head and shook her head slightly towards Xie Xia who cared about her, "It's okay, maybe someone is scolding me behind my back."

Xie Xia looked at her playfully, "You have many enemies?"

"There are one or two, but it's not a big problem."

Yunmo looked relaxed on the surface, but she thought about something uncontrollably in her heart.

After school, taking advantage of the rest time before the evening self-study, Yunmo found a phone and called the detective agency, wanting to ask about Yunyao's latest developments.

Unfortunately, Xu Lili was not in the club, so Yun Mo had to leave a message, saying that he would call back at noon tomorrow.

When Yun Mo came home from her evening self-study and school, Xu Lili was already waiting for her.

Yun Mo habitually took people to the study, and when Xu Lili was about to close the study door subconsciously, she stopped him with a voice.

"Do not close the door."

Xu Lili was stunned for a while, but didn't say anything.

After sitting down, Xu Lili briefly talked about the latest trends about Yunyao collected recently.

"If you don't call me, I plan to come over."

As he spoke, Xu Lili couldn't help but smile, "However, I'm surprised by your sharpness and intuition."

Yun Mo's face was a little cold, not against Xu Lili.

Yunyao and Yuan Jia were like-minded, and they planned to conspire to prevent her from entering Peking University.