On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 476

Chapter 476

It's fine if you don't find out Yuan Jia's identity, and throwing away 500 yuan for nothing, Yunyao gets more and more embarrassed when she thinks about it.

500 yuan is nothing to her. Although Wang Shi is perverted, she is quite generous. In addition to the income from the beauty salon, her current monthly income can be thousands of yuan.

She just didn't want the money to fall into Yunmo's hands.

And those stupid geese, sooner or later she will find someone to slaughter them and make soup for them!

When Yunmo returned to Yun's house, Jiang Yu, who was watering the flower seedlings in the yard with a water bottle, was slightly taken aback when she saw her.

"Didn't you go to see your adoptive mother and come back so soon?"

"It's not a coincidence that they went, they went out."

Not wanting to be seen as a joke, Yun Yao casually told a lie and hurried into the living room.

Although Yunyao concealed her emotions very well, Jiang Yu couldn't see the displeasure of her elder daughter if she knew her daughter Mo Ruomu.

It seems that Huang, like her, chose her own daughter between her adopted daughter and her own daughter.

So, her choice at the time was not wrong.

Having reached this conclusion, Jiang Yu was in a good mood instantly, and even the bluegrass with sparse leaves in front of her was much pleasing to the eye.

Yun Mo took two days off, and took Huang Zhiqiu and Huang Yu around Jiang City.

After being tired from shopping, Yun Mo took the two of them to the jewelry store to rest, and asked Huang Zhiqiu to pick out some small jewelry by the way, and bring them back to Anshi when the time comes. You can bring them or give them away.

Although the store is only about 30 square meters, Yunmo has spent a lot of thought on the interior decoration. The three walls are inlaid with large glass, and the old-fashioned chandelier above the head has also been replaced with fluorescent tubes. Two rows and three rows of fluorescent lamps are all turned on. , the whole store was lit up with daylight, and with the reflection of the mirror, the trinkets hanging on the shelves and booths were all bulingbulingly emitting light.

Just imagine, which girl (person) who loves beauty can refuse shiny, beautiful and cheap jewelry?

And this is also one of the main reasons why store retail sales are getting better and better.

It hadn't been half an hour since the three of them entered the store, several orders had been made in the store, which made Huang Zhiqiu happy.

When Ling Chuan was free, Huang Zhiqiu couldn't help but go up to him and chat with him, "Xiao Ling, I didn't expect your business to be so good. You should be able to earn a lot in a month, right?"

"The weather is warmer, the clothes are getting thinner, and there are more people wearing accessories. Last month, the store sold about 1500 turnover."

"That's a lot, is the rent expensive?"

"Shop rent plus electricity bills, etc., is about 100 yuan a month."

Huang Zhiqiu nodded repeatedly, the smile on his face could not be stopped no matter what.

She had heard from her daughter before that the son-in-law's trinkets can make half of the profit. Half of 1500 is 750, excluding shop rent costs and labor, 600 a month is appropriate.

This is only the profit from the retail store, plus the wholesale business side, there is at least a thousand yuan in income a month.

At this point, Huang Zhiqiu's hanging heart finally came to fruition.

Although her daughter always said good things on the phone, and always sent money and things home, it was not as reassuring as seeing it with her own eyes.

Originally, Huang Zhiqiu planned to come to see her daughter and son-in-law before returning to Anshi. There were still 3,000 rice dumpling boxes waiting to be delivered. Huang Yu had to go back to Anshi first, and she stayed here for a few more days.

The night before Huang Yu left, Yunmo called him to the study to talk about picking up goods at the train station.

"Brother Xiaoyu, even though you didn't say anything about being made things difficult at the train station before, I know you have been unhappy in your heart."

Huang Yu showed shame on his face, "Momo, I have caused you trouble."

"Brother Xiaoyu, don't think so. I didn't mention it these days because I was afraid that you would think too much. In fact, it's nothing. You suffer because you are a foreigner and you are not good at doing business. experience.

Seven thousand zongzi boxes, each priced at 2 yuan 85 cents, the difference of 50 yuan is 20,000 yuan. Compared with 20,000 yuan, the 50 yuan I stuffed is nothing. "

Huang Yu nodded, but said nothing.

"Brother Xiaoyu, do you feel unconvinced? We have already paid the transportation fee, so why should the other party ask for the card?"

Huang Yu scratched the back of his head, "Momo, how do you know what I'm thinking?"

Yunmo sighed, "Brother Xiaoyu, you are good everywhere, but you lack the dim sum machine and city government. Doing business is different from working in a factory before. You have to learn to weigh the pros and cons and adapt to the current situation.

Those people rely on their status and position to make things difficult for us, but when they turn around, they will also be oppressed by people of a higher class. The law of social survival is like this, the weak eat the strong, the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps. "

Hearing this, Huang Yu couldn't help but look frustrated and depressed.

When I was working in a winery, I offended the leader and never got over it for the rest of my life. I thought that if I worked in my own factory, I would be able to feel proud, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. If I knew it, I might as well farm at home!

Yunmo was also very helpless.

Huang Yu's personality is indeed not suitable for doing business and dealing with people, but there is no way, Huang Yu is the boss, and the Huang family depends on him to support.

"Brother Xiaoyu, in the future, you should learn more from Big Brother Chen and observe how he talks to people and does things. If you read a hundred times, you will see its meaning and do things the same way. You will understand it naturally when you see it a lot."

"Well, I will."

On the Yun family's side, Yun Yao was not reconciled after being rejected.

She found Huang Zhao, and first accused Huang Zhiqiu of being unreasonable, and then told her grievances and last resort, and finally explained her intention and purpose of coming.

"Yuan Jia, who is she? Why don't you ask your aunt directly?"

Yun Yao wiped away the tears in the corners of her eyes, "My mother was bewitched by Yun Mo, she refused to accept my money, and I don't want her to be in a dilemma between me and Yun Mo.

Cousin, you must find a way to find out about Yuan Jia. This matter is very important to me. It is related to the development of the company. As long as you succeed, my dad will definitely not treat you badly. "

Hearing this, Huang Zhao couldn't help but feel excited.

"Xiaoyao, I don't want to work on the construction site anymore. There's no **** in there, and it's not interesting at all. Can you tell your dad to transfer me to the city?"

"No problem, when this matter is done, I will ask my dad to transfer you to the city as a supervisor, and your salary will be doubled."

Huang Zhaole blossomed, "OK!"

That afternoon, Huang Zhao took the gift prepared by Yunyao and went to the courtyard where Yunmo was located.

Yun Mo was in school, Ling Chuan and Ling Jiang went out to do business, and Huang Zhiqiu was alone at home.

Huang Zhiqiu didn't know that Huang Zhao had come to Jiangshi beforehand. When she saw Huang Zhaoren, she was stunned for four or five seconds.

"Auntie, what's wrong, you don't recognize me?"

Seeing that Huang Zhiqiu was silent for a long time, Huang Zhao said with a smile on his face.

Huang Zhiqiu came back to his senses, his expression could not hide his astonishment, "Xiao Zhao, why did you come to Jiangshi?"