On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 471

Chapter 471

"Ling Chuan, I haven't asked you before, do you want to go to the capital with me? This is not a small matter for you. If you stay in Jiang City, you will have a stable life, income, and social relationship. If you Going to the capital, everything has to start from scratch, I hope you will think carefully about it."

Ling Chuan quickly shook his head, "Don't think about it, daughter-in-law, I will be where you are. I have thought about what you said, and I will try to earn more money during this time. When I arrive in the capital, I will be near your school Open a small restaurant, so that you can come to the restaurant every day to eat the food you like, and I can earn money to support you."

It turned out that when she was planning their future, the other party had already secretly planned their future.

All along, Yunmo has maintained a clear and rational view of her future, but now, the expected future has added a kind of uncertainty, but it makes her feel hopeful and yearning.

Ling Chuan has never been a person who talks empty words.

From that day on, Yunmo could clearly feel that he was working harder than ever before.

When she got up in the morning, he had already gone out, and he often didn't come home until she lay down at night.

But even though she was so busy that she never touched the floor, she never stopped cooking for her. Delicious and nutritious meals were prepared on the dining table on time every day.

On the weekend after the one-time model ended, Xie Xia brought Xie Jinghuai to visit her home.

Although it was the weekend, the Ling brothers did not rest, and went to the commercial street to open a store early in the morning.

The owner of the shop that he rented before the Chinese New Year directly transferred the shop to Ling Chuan because of family problems.

After renting the store, Ling Chuan hired two salesmen.

Deng Cuihua usually watches over the store, while others go out to run business. On weekends, when the employees are rested, Ling Chuan goes to open the store by himself.

There are a lot of people shopping on weekends, and they can be sold in a day, ranging from twenty or thirty to forty or fifty.

Ling Jiang is the same as before, riding a bicycle to the stall, wherever there are many people, it is no problem to earn ten or eight yuan a day.

Xie Xia is a frequent visitor to the courtyard house, Dabai and Erbai are not surprised by her, and symbolically yelled at her twice as a greeting.

But towards Xie Jinghuai, a new face, Dabai Erbai held great "enthusiasm", stretched his neck and drove Xie Jinghuai around in the yard.

Xie Jinghuai's young master's temper was completely cured by Dabai Erbai, he followed Yunmo around like a little tail, behaved like a rabbit.

No way, Dabai and Erbai only listened to Yunmo's greeting, and as soon as they were out of Yunmo's sight, the two guys put on a posture ready to pounce.

Xie Xia brought Xie Jinghuai here not only as a guest, but also to apologize.

Ling Chunhua's trousers, which were soiled at Xie's house before, have been washed, dried, and ironed by Xie Jinghuai.

Being forced by Xie Xia's dominance (obscenity), Xie Jinghuai apologized to Ling Chunhua in a polite manner.

"Sorry, I won't bully you anymore, please forgive me."

"No, it's okay."

Although her face was flushed, Ling Chunhua still expressed her thoughts earnestly and clearly, her voice was soft but clear, completely without the shyness and timidity of the past.

Not to mention the rich and precious young masters like Xie Jinghuai, even ordinary boys are forced to wash the pants of the little girl, and apologize to the little girl with their heads held down, no matter what happened, they are enough to make them feel ashamed.

In order to ease Xie Jinghuai's embarrassment, Yun Mo proposed to teach him how to make a kite.

"I promised you before that I will make a kite for you. Let's make a kite together later. The wind is quite good today. How about we go to the mountains to fly a kite this afternoon?"

Sure enough, when he heard Yun Mo say that he would teach him how to make a kite, Xie Jinghuai's depression was swept away, and he even took the initiative to call Yun Mo Sister Momo.

Yunmo has never made a kite before, but she is not panicked at all.

She asked Xie's siblings to cut bamboo, and she took Ling Chunhua to buy mulberry paper for kite paste and oil paint for painting.

It's spring, and there are many kite stalls on the road.

Yunmo chose an old man's kite stand, bought two of the largest kites, and asked the other party for their experience and tips in making kites.

By the time Yun Mo returned home, Xie Xia and Xie Jinghuai had already brought back a big green and round bamboo.

Seeing the kite in her hands curiously, Yun Mo explained: "Time is limited, I guess I can only tie one kite today. There are so many of us, we can't just fly one kite, and there are some for sale on the road." I just bought two."

"Well, you are very thoughtful."

Facing Xie Xia's teasing smile, Yunmo felt guilty for no reason.

Yunmo has learned bamboo weaving from the Huang family, so it is not difficult for her to chop bamboo and cut bamboo strips, but this bamboo is very mature, and the bamboo wall is thick and hard, which took a lot of effort for Yunmo.

After processing the whole bamboo into thin bamboo strips that can be used to tie kites, Yunmo's forehead and back were covered with a thin layer of sweat.

Wiping off her sweat, she asked the siblings strangely, "Where did you cut this bamboo?"

"I didn't chop it, I asked the driver to buy it with chopsticks."

No wonder...

Old bamboo has compact fibers, high hardness, and toughness. It is a good raw material for making chopsticks.

Busy making kites, Yunmo didn't make lunch, so the four of them went directly to Uncle Luo's house next door for a meal.

After lunch and a break, Yunmo officially started kite-making.

First use thin cotton thread and bamboo strips to tie out the skeleton, then cut out the outline of the holy fighting arrow-Aiolia with mulberry paper, color it with oil paint, and finally glue the paper and the skeleton with paste, a holy fighting arrow- Aiolia's kite was made.

It looks decent from the outside, but I don't know if it can fly.

After Zeng Fang arrived, everyone brought snacks and fruits, and took Xie's car to the suburban hillside.

"Which kite will fly first?"

After setting up the tent, Zeng Fang couldn't wait to point to the three kites hanging on the treetops and asked.

"Let's put the butterflies first."

Seeing everyone looking at her, Yunmo calmly explained, "I think butterflies are pretty."

In fact, she has no confidence in the kite she made by herself, and she is afraid that if it fails to fly, it will spoil everyone's interest.

"Okay, let's put the butterflies first."

The wind on the top of the mountain was quite strong. Standing in the windward position, with a wave of hand, the kite flew towards the sky like a real butterfly, and soon turned into a black spot the size of a thumb.

After a while, the goldfish kite that Xie Xia and Ling Chunhua flew together also flew into the sky, looking at the butterfly kite from afar.

"Sister Momo, let's release Aiolia."

It may be that seeing Zeng Fang and Xie Xia successfully fly the kites, Xie Jinghuai also walked up to Yunmo with the Saint Arrow-Aiolia full of expectations.

"Okay, let's go."

Yunmo had a smile on her face, but she was really nervous in her heart.

In case the kite she made doesn't fly, it's a small matter of embarrassment, and it's not good to let the children down.

Finding the location, Yun Mo held the kite, Xie Jinghuai stepped back while setting the line.

"Sister Momo, you can let go!"

Hearing Xie Jinghuai's shout, Yunmo instinctively let go of her hand.

I saw the kite stumbling, ups and downs, and after a hard struggle, it fell to the ground.

Yunmo: "..."

If she says it's about the wind, is she bullying a child?