On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Compared with Ling Jiang's longevity noodles cooked with vermicelli, Yunmo's longevity noodles are much finer.

The noodles are rolled by hand, and the noodle soup is beef soup bought from restaurants outside. In addition to eggs and vegetables, a few slices of thick stewed beef are added to the noodles, and chopped green onions are sprinkled on it.

When the noodles were on the table, even Ling Jiang couldn't help swallowing.

"Eat it, the noodles can't be bitten off, you have to finish it in one bite."

Ling Jiang was curious, "Sister and brother, what's the point?"

"It's nothing special. The older generation has passed it down. They think that biting off the longevity noodles is equivalent to cutting off life, which is unlucky."

"Oh, that Chuanzi, hurry up and eat it in one bite."

Ling Chuan looked at his wife, "Daughter-in-law, you are going to be late for school."

Yunmo looked at the clock, and it was only a few minutes before the morning self-study, even if it was too late to go out now, she simply didn't worry.

"You eat first, I'll call and ask for a leave."

Yunmo asked for a good day off, turned to see Ling Chuan concentrating on eating longevity noodles, then turned to discuss with Ling Jiang how to celebrate Ling Chuan's birthday.

"I have to go to class during the day, and I don't have enough time. Let's go in the evening. I'll come back early in the afternoon. Brother, do you think you should make it at home or go out to eat?"

Ling Jiang cheerfully said, "Anything is fine, brother and sister, you can make up your mind."

"Then let's go out to eat, go to the Grand Hyatt Hotel, call Uncle Zhi and the others, and I will call Fang Fang and Sister Xia and the others here, just to make a table."


After school at noon, Yang Huiying came over as usual and asked Yunmo and Xie Xia to have dinner together.

In the new semester, Yun Mo changed her deskmate and sat with Xie Xia.

Yunmo waved at the two of them, "Go and eat, I have something to go out."

Seeing the two people looking at her curiously, Yunmo could only explain in a low voice: "It's my husband's birthday, so I'll go and make him a cake."

Having talked about this point, Yunmo simply invited the two of them to have dinner together at Grand Hyatt at night.

The two readily agreed.

"Yunmo, I'll go out with you, and buy a birthday present by the way."

Yun Mo just wanted to say that there is no need to buy gifts, Xie Xia also said, "I will go too, it is not easy to come to the house empty-handed for birthday celebrations."

Forget it, just buy it.

Yunmo chose a famous pastry shop near the school.

Yunmo wanted to make a birthday cake by herself, but the owner of the pastry shop had concerns and refused to agree at first, until Yunmo expressed willingness to pay double the price, the boss reluctantly agreed, but she had to watch the whole process from the side, Yunmo didn't mind .

Yunmo made a birthday cake in the shape of an orange.

After getting along for more than half a year, she still has some tastes and preferences for Ling Chuan.

Ling Chuan loves to eat oranges, which she discovered by accident.

Last year she bought a few catties of oranges, but she didn't eat them because they were too sour, and put them there to make jam.

As a result, when she remembered, Ling Chuan had eaten all the oranges and there was only one left.

At first, she thought that Ling Chuan was worried that the oranges would go bad, but after making various jams, she found that Ling Chuan had a particular preference for orange-flavored jams.

In addition to the cake being shaped like an orange, Yunmo also spread two thick layers of orange-flavored jam on the middle layer of the cake.

When the cake was ready, even the owner of the pastry shop couldn't help giving Yunmo a thumbs up, praised her for her craftsmanship, and asked her if she was interested in being a chef in the shop.

Yun Mo declined the boss's invitation with a smile, and went to the Grand Hyatt Hotel without stopping, carrying the cake.

"Happy birthday!"

At night, Ling Chuan was stunned as soon as he stepped into the box door.

On the wall facing the door of the box, there are four big characters of "Happy Birthday" made of colored strips, and colorful balloons are scattered around the strips and around the box.

Ling Jiang, who came with him, burst into laughter immediately, "Oh, who decorated it so beautifully, it's like following a new house!"

Zeng Fang smiled and said: "Who else, of course it is Momo's handwriting."

"Siblings are interested."


While talking, Ling Chunhua's voice suddenly came from behind, and everyone turned their heads.

Yunmo approached everyone with a smile on her face, "You are all here, we are late, and the teacher dragged the auditorium for the last class."

Ling Jiang hurriedly said: "It's not too late, we just arrived."

"What are you doing standing at the door, come in and sit down, should the food be served when everyone is here?"

Zeng Fang's words made everyone laugh.

"Yes, yes, let the waiter serve first."

Among the audience, Deng Zhi had the oldest seniority, he took the main seat, Ling Chuan, the birthday star, sat on his left hand side, Yun Mo was next to Ling Chuan, and the others took their seats.

Because of the prior arrangement, the dishes were served very quickly.

12 dishes, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, crab and abalone are all available, delicious and high-end, everyone had a great time eating.

After eating and drinking enough, the waiter removed the leftover cups and plates and put on the birthday cake that Yunmo brought over at noon.

In these years, for ordinary people, birthday cake itself is a rare item, but the cake prepared by Yunmo is actually a big yellow orange, even the well-informed Zeng Fang was amazed.

"This birthday cake is too pretty, Momo, where did you buy it? I'm going to buy one next time I celebrate my birthday. I want to buy a strawberry one!"

Yang Huiying explained quickly: "I didn't buy it, it was made by Yunmo herself. Even the owner of the cake shop praised Yunmo's craftsmanship, so I want to invite her to work as a baker in the shop!"

Everyone praised Yunmo's ingenuity, but Ling Chuan silently covered the cake box.

"Chuanzi, what are you doing with the cake?"

"Everyone just had a full meal. I guess we won't be able to eat cakes. Let the waiter serve some tea and fruits to relieve the tiredness."

"I can eat as much as I can, I deliberately reserved my stomach to wait for the cake."

As soon as Ling Chuan finished speaking, Zeng Fang couldn't wait to speak.

After Zeng Fang finished speaking, Ling Jiang followed suit, "There are so many of us, each of us can get a small piece, and we can eat it."

Even Ling Chunhua, who has always been the most well-behaved and sensible, looked at Ling Chuan eagerly.

"Uncle, I want to eat my aunt's birthday cake."

Hearing what everyone said, Ling Chuan had no choice but to reopen the cake.

Light candles, sing birthday songs, make wishes, and cut the cake.

The sense of ritual was very full, everyone was very happy and satisfied, except Ling Chuan was depressed.

While everyone was not paying attention, Yunmo dragged him to the corridor.

She was thinking about her feet slightly, and rubbed the man's face with her hands, "What are you doing, pulling a face, who made you unhappy?"

They ate all the cake.

The tone was aggrieved, like a child who has been eaten up by someone.

Yunmo couldn't laugh or cry, "Eat it if you eat it, birthday cakes are meant to be eaten."

"You made the cake specially for me, I don't want to give it to them."

Yunmo didn't expect that a man still has the attribute of protecting food in his bones.

Today is the man's 25th birthday. She didn't want him to be unhappy, so she coaxed: "If you like it, I'll make you another one when I'm empty in two days?"